Xach: yes, I was. I use cl-store to serialize objects to disk. I was trying to see if you have any experience or have used your S3 CL lib to store similar in AWS S3.
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jeosol: no. but a cl-store file is just a bunch of octets. zs3 puts bunches of octets in s3.
Good morning everyone!
ah I see. I guess I can just copy the cl-store file to zs3 then. I'll need to retrieve them and deserialize them again, hence my question
beach: good morning
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Any clx people here? It's weird to me that xlib:grab-key only allows an uint8 for the keycode. I don't understand how I'm supposed to grab keys outside that range like KP_0 or others. Is that just an outdated definition, or?
Shinmera: the protocol says that the keycode must be in range min-keycode and max-keycode
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on my server it says that it is in range [8, 255]
I wonder how C xlib does it then? KP_0 for instance is defined as 0xffb0
you may try with :any (as a keycode)
perhaps they grab the keyboard instead?
and look up the keypress event
:any gives me an accesserror. I'm trying to grab keys on the root window.
I've also tried keycodes of lower keys like a/A, but then I just don't get any events at all. I'm very confused and have wasted hours on what I thought would be trivial.
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Guess I'll shelve this one.
perhaps these keycodes outside of that range are a result of applying modifiers to them
i.e shift+a is A
* jackdaniel
needs to go
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(asdf:system-source-file :cffi) points to the wrong file (an ancient version). How do I change that so it always listens to quicklisp for libraries
If failes to compile with " during macroexpansion of (LOOP FOR (KEY VALUE) ...). Use *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* to
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you miss do
(loop for (k v) on p by #'cddr DO (setq …))
engblom: How could you not make a new CONS cell if you want to add a new key/value pair?
that's why I say that you do DO when you DO DO DO :)
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engblom, what's wrong with acons? And why would you want to modify a cons? assoc and rassoc will give you the fist cons, so putting your new association at the head should usually do the right thing.
I think that he means aconsf, that is (setf list (acons key val list))
it's called push
so modify a binding, not a list
(push (cons key val) alist)
engblom, note that traversing and finding the corresponding cons may be more costly than simply, as pjb says, pushing a new one.
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jackdaniel: Thanks, yes I was missing do
pjb: Thanks, it makes sense to use push
Now it seems to work for me, and it is using push now instead of rewriting the whole list
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Kinda curious, is there a library out there to use m-exp instead of s-exp when writing code?
yes, it was called cl-infix or something like that
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I don't remember the exact name and a link, but there was a library doing exactly that
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Note that M-expressions are prefix, not infix
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jcowan: how comes?
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scymtym: 2 questions: "what does dpANS stand for?" and "how did you make those slides?"
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kagevf: draft preview American National Standard, re the first question
phoe: thank you
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I think its actually "proposed?"
kent pitman writes "draft proposed American National Standard"
kagevf: i made the slides with org-mode and org-reveal (and various programs for the figures)
scymtym: hmmm that sounds very familiar ... did you post a video about it recently? or maybe mention it in r/emacs?
kagevf: i didn't
scymtym: I see ... thank you for the info
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scymtym: the slides are very nice ... appreciated how they support hjkl navigation ... and they looked good too!
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kagevf: thanks. i guess that praise should go towards reveal.js. org-mode with org-reveal is a quick way to make something decent in a sane format (for certain kinds of presentations)
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I see ... good to know
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yitzi: maybe, thanks
* phoe
updates cache
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