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opalvaults2: I have a draft of cl spec exported to Info, and I do use it. There's a conversion tool, forked multiple times https://gitlab.com/akater/dpans2texi If you happen to use Gentoo, you can easily build and install info files using a package from my ebuild repository. Otherwise, conversion is not so straightforward.
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GCL (Gnu Common Lisp) has an info version of dpans3 in their sources.
you don't need to use GCL, you only need to grab the info files :-)
and no more C compiling than say ecl or clisp…
hihi, i was curious and let it install now
yes i would have bet so
The all contain about 50% C code and 50% lisp code anyways.
AFAIK GCL never was fully finished, it was developed to have a CL implementation good enough to run Maxima (Computer Algebra System) on Winows.
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What is the syntax in the (:use) part of defpackage?
I see some people do :use :cl, :common-lisp, #:common-lisp, "COMMON-LISP" and many more
are those all the same?
Any string designator will do
The name is the only important part
clhs string designator
are :cl and :common-lisp the same?
:cl is the global nickname of the :common-lisp package
also these use definitions will never download from the net right? I am just worried bc I don't want to type the name wrong and download from a typo squatter
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i would need to use quickload to have code from the net from my understanding, just checking
packages have nothing to do with code
only symbols
so requring this package later on still wont download anything?
You are conflating packages and systems
oh i see, yeah I am still very new to common lisp and lisp in general
packages are not packages in other languages. they are just containers of symbol objects (namespaces)
It is unlikely you'd get typo-squatted, as Xach manually clears systems on Quicklisp (to my knowledge).
that is actually really nice to know hayley
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I think that 'clears" only involves making sure it builds.
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well :use shouldn't download anything anyways in any circumstance from what I gather so it should not matter
i can always run my stuff in a bwrap namespace with network cut off to make sure but that gets annoying to do sometimes.
I have another question, can we not create functions with the same name in a package unrelated to a package that has the same named function?
I have a function named replace for example, and I get an error trying to build the project
that's because you have already imported a function named replace in that package.
That's because you have (:use :cl) and you didn't :shadow :replace
You cannot import a function
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you can import a symbol, which in this case names a function replace.
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it could have been worded better.
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how can I use concatenate to join a list of chars into a string? I tried using apply without any luck
(coerce <the list> 'string) might work better.
how would the concatenate version work anyways? it is possible right?
i just want to see what im doing wrong
I suspect there's a way to do it with CONCATENATE, but there'd be no point.
I like to be explicit, rather than using #'coerce, and sometimes I don't process the elements identically like this.
Good morning everyone!
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what's the best way to get a decent development environment going for a vim person on macos?
i currently have portacle installed. wondering if I should try to set it up to use vim keybindings or if i should look for a comparable environment built on top of vim
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I always thought that the person who created `vi' did a great disservice to the community, since Emacs already existed. But in fact, `vi' was created before Emacs according to the dates that I found.
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It is strange, though. The point of Emacs is not the key bindings, but the fact that it is largely written in Lisp, thereby allowing lots of interesting subsystems. So why is there not (or is there?) a subsystem for Emacs that gives it the look-and-feel of vim? And if there is, why not use it instead to get the best of both worlds?
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beach: there are at least a couple of packages that emulate vim to some degree of success
but most vim users start it afresh on each file
and some complain about the startup time of Emacs
there's also the fact that vim plugins don't work in Emacs
so a lot of code that enhances the Vim experience won't work
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Many great Common Lisp hackers use vim.
Steve Losh (sjl) is one of them.
beach: the problem with alternate keybindings and control schemes for either Vim or Emacs is that it's a huge uphill battle to get people to switch to them, even if they're much better than the originals
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It was known when Emacs was first implemented that the b f n p direction system was really clunky, but it was done to ease adoption for the 10(!) users who were accustomed to the system in use at MIT previously
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My work in keyboard interface design for Lisp systems has involved moving toward a concept based on navigational metaphors for different actions
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fe[nl]ix: I see.
For example, in the standard mode, hjkl move the cursor as in Vim. You can go into a copy/paste mode where → copies selected content to the clipboard/kill ring, ← pastes from the clipboard to the cursor point, and ↑↓ change the selected item in the clipboard
phantomics: What is the "b f n p direction system"?
C-f goes forward, C-b goes back etc.
Why is it more "clunky" than any other direction system?
phantomics: hjkl seems to depend on a particular keyboard layout.
The keys are far apart, you can't easily press them in succession compared to hjkl or arrow keys
And the arrow keys are far away from the home position.
In an alternate layout, you could remap the directions to use the same key positions in Dvorak, Colemak etc.
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ori: Are you still there?
For MacOS, best set up I found was emacsformacosx.com, together with your lisp implementation of choice
phantomics: What source do you have for the information that it was "known ... that the b f n p direction system was really clunky"?
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I think I recall reading something from RMS about it
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Then Evil Mode + Paredit + some bindings. Use paredit in insert mode, and use VI(M) bindings in normal mode
That way you have the extensibility of Emacs, with the more useful keybindings of VI(M)
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beach: The eye opener moment for me was thinking of touch typing -> Since most of VIM keys are single keystroke, it becomes similar to touch typing fast, whereas with Emacs, having to press control a lot slows things down considerably
For very minor movements, Emacs is better since you dont need to switch between Insert & Normal modes, so the best solution is to use both
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lisp123w: cool, thanks — i'll check it out
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phantomics: One of my first complaints when I observe my students using Emacs, is that they overuse commands to move by character an line. They are slow and/or "error prone" (missing the target), not because they are "clunky" to invoke, but by the unit of motion.
Most often, it is better to use one of the commands for words (M-f, M-b, M-t in Emacs) or expression (C-M-f, C-M-b, C-M-t, C-M-a, C-m-e, etc.) or even a simple one like M-m. So perhaps the people who desire commands for simple consecutive motions by character don't have access to, or they under-use more appropriate commands?
lisp123w: Yes, I see.
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beach: I often do that as well, but those commands also have the problem of b, f etc. not being ergonomic. If it was M-h, M-l etc. to move from word to word that would be easier to remember
And when I built a Web keyboard interface I took advantage of the keyboard abstraction providing keyup and keydown events to use letter keys as modifiers, so that way you can have many more modifiers than Ctrl, Meta, Super etc.
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How can I splice a list into a macro call? For example I have a macro `(defmacro foo (&rest args) ...)` which works fine when called like `(foo "bar" "baz")` by I would like to be able to call it with a predefined list like `(foo (list "bar" "baz"))`.
(eval `(foo ,@your-list)) if you really must, but macros should be expanded i.e from other macros
because the list you have is not known at compile time
_73: You maybe do not want the ARGS to be &REST args.
If the list is a single parameter.
yes the list is a single parameter. I now see that my idea is flawed.
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oh of course the list is not known at compile. I understand now.
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jackdaniel what if you have the list stored in a symbol known at compile time? Macro within a macro?
when the list is know at compile time then you could do (macrolet ((guest-74 () `(foo ,@your-list)) (guest-74))
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(list "bar" "baz") is a list of 3 elements when the macro sees it. You could handle this at macro expansion time.
hm, and I guess I use quote, that'll probably be a problem on some implementations. guess i'll figure it out when I actually figure out what I want the macro call to look like.
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_73: if the list is not known at compilation time, then you don't want a macro, but a function.
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I have a series of functions that are defsetf functions - I want to be able to use funcall to to select which one to use from a string such as - (setf (funcall "color" control) "yellow") this doesn't work is there a syntax that would?
If I'm not mistaken you can (funcall #'(setf thing) new-value place)
Or rather (funcall #'(setf place) new-value thing), I think my original terminology is different from what I'm trying to express
Okay how about (funcall #'(setf car) 3 (list 'a 'b 'c)) works the way I want it to. That's a good and concrete sentence
I would have a table of strings to functions, which would avoid the SETF machinery.
not an option here
or maybe map it to defmethods
There's also setf methods e.g. (defmethod (setf foo) (...) which can even be used (eql x) specialization.
these are methods
dbotton: (funcall (fdefinition (list 'setf (get-symbol control "color"))) "yellow")
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get-symbol is undefined
although if you really mean defsetf, it won't work because defsetf only defines a setf expander
I used defsetf
dbotton: it's up to you to implement get-symbol, say by using cond or a hash-table or find-symbol, depending on where the string comes from and what it may be
dbotton: so work with the update functions you pass to it.. the expander is useful at expansion time not runtime (you can of course eval, but...)
it's also possible that you don't actually need defsetf and can just defun a setf function.. then the funcall form I gave will work
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I'm fairly new to CFFI (and C for that matter). Could anyone share some best practices for working with multiple shared libraries in the same project/package?
I read the manual but it doesn't say very much in this regard. Like can I "use-foreign-library" with multiple libraries? Should I always use the :library flag to defcfun, etc...