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in croatoan, what's the char for ESC?
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Is it not just #\Esc?
i swear i tried that first -_-
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anyway, thank you Catie
Any time! Glad it worked out
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hehe i saw a video from Edi where he talks about the 2nd version for his popular math book and in the end "so also my book 'Common Lisp Recipes', more a reference for advanced users, the dumb title isn't by me, but the publisher" ^^
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Good morning everyone!
Доброе утро beach! :-)
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what's the semantics of the :default-initargs of defclass? i have added one for a baseclass, and when i inspect the instance of a subclass of it, i can see it in SBCL's internal slots on the class, but the slot-value on the instance is not what i have specified.
initargs are passed to initialize-instance, reinitialize-instance and shared-initialize
they may but don't have to be used to provide values for slots
(i.e you may specify an initarg is not not associated with any slot)
oh, the slot has a :initform, probably that's why it's completely ignored. thanks jackdaniel!
I think that you have an initform in the subclass that you create the instance of, and you have a default initarg in the superclass's form
but then even without the initform the superclass's initarg would not take effect
(because default initargs are supplemented to make-instance that is specialized on the class, not as an after method)
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* attila_lendvai
is dropping a short mail to asdf-devel about this
what are you working on lately in cl? (if that's not a secret of course:)
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Is anyone else struggling with sly not popping the marker stack correctly when using M-. and M-,?
I've noticed that slime shows an empty buffer if the slime debugger is popped from another thread, not sure if that's relevant
I can go to definition with M-., but won't go back with M-,. It just says 'at start of xref history'
jackdaniel: I don't think that is the issue here
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jackdaniel, nothing really, just holding off the bitrot from the hu.dwim universe. i'm mostly working on/with crypto stuff, https://www.ethswarm.org/ and Guix (i.e. scheme! :)
I gather from the name that it is a project that keeps the planet warm? ;)
* attila_lendvai
is reminded of all the slime gems getting bitrotten in his fork. should have submitted them again to the new maintainers...
jackdaniel, hopefully helps recovering from the ongoing mass psychosis by providing an uncensorable p2p storage infrastructure
I need to give another shot guix (but plug in there non-guix repository), I really like the idea
jackdaniel, it's a whole lot of fun! i've spent a few months on nixos, but their infrastructure for services was a pain to work with. then i moved on to guix, and i didn't regret it one bit. i've already implemented the swarm service for it.
jackdaniel, the scheme devenv for guix is nowhere near the slime/sbcl experience, but it's still a lisp nevertheless. on Guix even the init process is a scheme code (i.e. instead of systemd and whatnot).
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Hmm. I must be confused. Has never M-. and M-, worked with going back and forth between definition and usage? I get the same behavior in slime as well
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theothornhill: it works for me.
How strange. Do you need to do anything magical in your config? I run emacs -Q with (package-initialize), set the lisp-inferior-program, then quickload my project. Now I can jump to definition, but not jump back
same behavior with both slime and sly
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M-. is bound to slime-edit-definition and M-, to slime-pop-find-definition-stack
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but the same behavior is also implemented with M-. bound to xref-find-definitions and M-, to xref-pop-marker-stack eg. in emacs-lisp-mode (probably also C modes using TAGS files).
Yes, and it works proplerly in elisp and all other modes that implement this behavior
modulo slime/sly
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theothornhill: I had that start happening recently and I couldn't figure out why
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I think i found it
theothornhill: I don't know about sly; you will have to debug it.
mfiano: are you using emacs 29?
It looks like slime uses 'find-tag-marker-ring, which is obsolete since 25.1
I use Sly myself
It is the same in both packages
Best to raise an issue in both packages then if it is using an old API
Yeah, will do
slime-push-definition-stack should use (xref-push-marker-stack), but uses (ring-insert find-tag-marker-ring (point-marker))
Oh maybe you can even make a PR then!
Good luck, I am about to go to bed
Yeah. Sleep well
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mfiano: weren't you about to got to bet 2h ago? ,)
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jackdaniel: try having kids with a pre-existing condition of insomnia
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What is the value? (let* ((old (list 0)) (new (nsublis '((0 . zero)) old))) (eq old new))
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unixlisp: (let* ((old (list 0)) (new (nsublis '((0 . zero)) old))) (eq old new)) #| --> t |#
(let* ((old (list 0)) (new (nsublis '((0 . zero)) old))) (values (eq old new) old new)) #| --> t ; (zero) ; (zero) |#
(setf *print-circle* t) (let* ((old (list 0)) (new (nsublis '((0 . zero)) old))) (values (eq old new) old new)) #| --> t ; #1=(zero) ; #1# |#
unixlisp: ^
unixlisp: nsublis as its name indicates, can mutate the old list. It returns a new list, but this new list is not a fresh list, it's a list that can be built from the conses of the old list.
(list or tree).
I believe nsublis is not required to modify the existing tree.
"nsublis is permitted to modify tree..."
Yes, I said "can", not "must".
yeah, beach.
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That's true of about all the mutating functions. Very few are specified to exactly mutate. nconc is specified to mutate (using rplacd). nsubstitute is not.
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pjb: Fair enough. Just making sure.
(incf beach)
pjb: Your first answers suggested that the EQ always returns T, hence my remark.
pjb: yes. nsubst is also not certain to modify list.
unixlisp: So why did you ask if you already knew?
Yes, I assumed that unixlisp was surprised to get T on his system, and expected NIL.
I see.
pjb: but nstring-upcase?
So indeed, a better answer is that the value is not specified. It can be true or nil.
I was about to answer: probably a generalized boolean :)
For nstring-upcase, the wording suggest that they must mutate the string.
jackdaniel: which is why I wrote true, not T ;-)
generalized boolean may be the opposite of true too!
phoe: nooo, then you would see my bad code from some months ago and I know what to improve ... going from DEFUN to generic
ah okay. from the metaprogramming entry i learned some things
but on the site with calculating pi by arctans all other do some naive approach, i remembered an identity by Lehmer which my old math teacher told me about 10 years ago, to check if the identity holds
oh nondeterminism
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oh goodness there are *so* many things wrong with this code
* phoe
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oh hm
can be a curse seeing such things :)
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I've seen enough bad lisp to be cursed for the next five rebirths anyway
and even better if I can improve the rosetta code page
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i hope in my next rebirth I'll be sent back in time to wipe out some big decisions in newer human technology :D
phoe: you mean the rosettaboard all in all? :)
rotateq: Can you bring back Lisp Machines?
qwnavery wants that
rotateq: I only mean the Common Lisp code for AMB
oki :)
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the dynamic variable version involves a random number generator. that seems like a misunderstanding of amb
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Bike: seems like it uses the RNG because SHUFFLE uses it
yeah but like why shuffle
it should be able to work fine without shuffling, it'll just always return the same set of values every time.
well, to introduce "nondeterminism", I guess
like (amb '(1 2 3) #'= '(1 2 3)) will always return (1 1) without randomization
yeah that's what i mean, nondeterministic doesn't mean random
aaa, I just realized that I have a use case for &optional and &key in the same lambda list
* phoe
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(defun dafun (&optional very &key other optional keys &allow-other-optional-keys))
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I gotta run now, but that's a quickly hacked version that should be a tad better and a bit more "enterprise-grade"
as for the obvious question of why am I doing it - I want to make a calligraphy of AMB for the next ELS, and I need an implementation of it that I can trust (as opposed to the current rosetta code one)
as for test cases, i guess i'd just copy sicp exercises or something
oh, SICP has exercises for AMB? sure, that's a good pointer
i think it does
and yes, a little bit of pretty handwritten lisp stuff to raise money for the lisp world again