mzan: w.r.t day2b, (ecase cmd ('forward ...)) will so happen to work, because that is equivalent to (ecase cmd ((quote forward) ...)). The "cases" in each clause are written using a list of values, and none are evaluated.
There's also a few dangling parens which are distracting admittedly.
hayley: are you saying that the "(ecase cmd ('forward ..))" is an error?
It's not an error per se, but it is not doing what you expect.
e.g. (ecase cmd ((+ 2 2) (print "blah")) doesn't print "blah" if cmd is 4.
I were thinking to this: "(ecase cmd ('forward 10))" is equivalent to "(cond ((eq cmd 'forward) 10))"
BTW ``(ecase cmd ("forward" 10))`` is error-prone because only symbols are singletone values (i.e. correctly comparable by "eq"), while strings are distinct references. So "case" in CL is rather error-prone.
THe value semantic of Haskell is less tricky sometime.
mzan: are you quoting something re: case?
I don't think it's correct to say CASE is error-prone.
Also, CASE does not use EQ.
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I expanded "case" and yes it is doing something of completely unexpected to me
@Xach: yes you are right. "case" is not error-prone, because I will avoid to use it right-now :-)
as i saw upto now CASE uses EQL
and from what the other people said, that's why #. can sometimes be useful in a CASE expression when you want to match on parameters that are defined in the toplevel for example
Probably I also not understanding correctly the usage of ``'forward``. Probably I'm using quoting, but it is better using some other keyword-like symbol.
when you would use :forward that would match as expected
I thought that ":key" was only/mainly used for ":key value"
and not standalone
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keywords can be very useful and expressive on their own
And having "value" or "reference" semantics does not make the problem of defining equality much simpler.
if you are prone to making errors when using case, use cond, until you learn how to use case without making errors
To be fair, if I expanded my "ecase" usage, I would notice immediately the problem. So if I'm in doubt with some complex macro, I can double-check in CL.
hayley: ok but in CL I had to remember that numbers, symbols are values, while strings are references.
To be fair in CL the majority of things are references, so it is not difficult to remember.
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Not really. Symbols are also mutable objects.
To be fair, I don't know CL :-)
i thought you studied CLOS ^^
A little
And reference equality on strings can be useful, though the most common use is as a quick test before comparing characters.
i.e. (defun string= (x y) (or (eq x y) (and (= (length x) (length y)) (every #'char= x y)))) to a zeroth approximation.
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hayley, your string= also accepts other things: (string= (list #\a #\b) (list #\a #\b)) => T
Hence "to a zeroth approximation".
I don't know what a zeroth approximation means here.
I'm just illustrating using EQ to check before performing a slower structural test.
hayley: yes yes. THe choices of CL make sense. It is only fun that after programming too much in Haskell (a pure FP) one like me expect that a string is a value inside "case", while obviously in a programming language like CL (that is also a system-level PL), the best choice is a reference. And as said, the majority of things in CL are references.
at some point Simon Peyton-Jones called Haskell the most imperative programming language :D
the best imperative programming language in the world, IIRC :)
the most funny quote about Haskell is: the Haskell motto is "avoid success at all costs" but it is not clear if it is "avoid $ success at all costs" or "avoid success $ at all costs" :-)
georgy: höhö
mzan: the choices of whether to evaluate keys or not, or whether to compare using equal or eql are not wrong, and throughout Lisp history there have been many variations.. for example Lisp Machine Lisp had a SELECTQ operator that's like CASE (the q is for "quoting", i.e. not evaluating.. there was also a CASEQ alias), but also a SELECT operator that did evaluate the keys.. it also had a SELECTOR operator which allowed you to specify the
comparison function.. it also had a few other similar operators
mzan: so every Lisp makes some choices.. what's nice is that Lisp lets you come up with your own operators if you need something else
I meant "not wrong or right"
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_death: I'm not criticizing CL. It is a very old PL, and it is still relevant. But if you study Eiffel, during the design of the language, the creator tried to avoid error-prone features and concepts. If your life depends on some code written in CL or Eiffel, you would like the fact that the programmer can not confuse an (case (nil ...)) with (case ((nil) ...)).
Some CL features are more error-prone than in other languages.
But it is ok.
mzan: in my experience, you can make a mess with every language.. and you will, even NASA does
that's with contracts, i see those as a thing similar to dependent types
mzan: for example, you keep using the term "error-prone", but it means "in the habit of making errors".. so that's better applied to a person than to an operator
changes nothing. The sense remain the same.
to be fair I'm not a huge fan of "we have 4 equality functions, and we hope you can guess what we meant"
mzan: though Don Norman did elaborate on the concept of "affordance".. obviously some features are easier to misuse than others
five if you count =
mzan: but you are not really in a good position to judge whether something is misused or not, because you are a newbie
georgy: different types of equality :)
mzan: I remember some people did have an issue with (nil) and ().. and these people decided to always use a list to specify keys
mzan: but personally it's not an issue I see often in the wild
yes, I agree
But ...
there are modern PL were you can not overrides variables names in the lexical-scope. Doing this, they are less error-prone.
it's more common to see some code that has 'foo keys though.. but my guess is that it's a result of the person not understanding CASE, rather than a typo or a thinko
In case of "case", there is also a mine problem. I considered case a friendly instruction, similar to Haskell or "switch", but it was a false friend: in reality it has a different semantic.
It is a mine problem, and not of the instruction.
Now I know, and zero problem.
Ah: thanks for the hint!!!
case does not evaluate patterns in Haskell. You can't do "case 4 of 2 + 2 -> ..." or approximate (I forget the exact syntax of ML languages).
In Haskell I used case in an error-prone way to... :_)
hayley: something like ``let x = 5 in case y of x -> "I'm 5"``
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but "case .. of x" introduces a new variable "x" that overrides the "let x = 5" one.
In a PL where it was not possible to override variables, the problem will be signaled.
and switch-case is just ridicolous and bad design
case in haskell is used for matching constructors and deconstructing data. for things like 2 + 2 multiway if could be used. or guards
mzan: in CASE you can even use an OR expression as this is a macro and not a function
georgy: yes. But in my "stupid mind", ``case y of x -> ..." were equal to ``if y == x then ...``
Instead ``case y of x -> ...`` is equavalent to ``x match y`` so ``x become y``.
yeah, case y of x -> will match any y and assign it to x
I don't understand why you keep comparing CL to Haskell though.. this is a recipe for failure, because when you learn a language you should ditch such "friends" and learn it as it is.. it's a kind of "suspension of disbelief"
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and everything new should be for also widening the horizont :)
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_death: I also cited Eiffel.
unfortunately many people are stuck on one side of the static/dynamic divide and just can't reconcile with the other.. this creates a lot of noise
IN my case, I compared valued semantic of Haskell with reference semantic of CL. So the type system in my case was not cited. But your point remain valid.
And I cited other examples of constructs, that can be more or less error-prone. Obviously if you are a good programmer, you can avoid any problem.
mzan: but your argument is based on an abstract theory you have about "error-prone", not empirical evidence.. in practice Lisps have been (are) used by NASA, Boeing, etc.. so was (is) assembly.. so maybe it's more about process, less about language features.. and if you can't afford such a process, maybe you don't need such guarantees anyway.. besides, it's not the only measure
And I have personal problems with "case" in every language :-) When I read "case", I see "==" everywhere :-)
_death: yes sorry. "case" in CL is perfect!
mzan: of course it's perfect
even this "==" isn't very accurate, like "=" for assignment
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be it as it is
AdventOfCase :-)
mzan: personally, my life depends much more on CL than Eiffel btw ;)
i think not only yours
_death: I'm not interested to discuss about life-dependency of an user called _death :-)
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mzan, I'm on day 3 as well
once, sbcl even babysitted my kitten
but i have no time to complete the rest of aoc haha
day 7 is apparently easy
I read day4 and I have a plan
I implemented day4 but realised that i misread the problem :P
when bingo is called, you sum all the numbers that aren't marked. I thought you sum the winning row.
dre: you can always adopt my behaviour/attitude: you misread the problem because CL is error-prone! :-)
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that's what the powerful condition system is for
unwind the specification
I go to bed, but I want to add this observation (_death will kill me): ``case`` is error-prone in Lisp, because it is the only Lisp macro that accepts too few parens! :-)
and to correct the correctly diagnosed newbie root cause, this is not an issue with CASE, but with the NIL/() equivalence
the parentheses aren't even really there :P
fe[nl]ix: ^ (sorry it's a screenshot. I have a crazy setup needed to access that machine at the moment)
etimmons: can you run a few more commands ?
Also note that there are no libssl.* (or libcrypto.*) in /usr/lib
They live Somewhere Else now
yes, is is linked by some magic settings since system integrity support
echo 'int main(){}' > test.c ; cc -o test test.c -lssl ; otool -L test
ld: library not found for -lssl
seems Cook doesn't want us to use the openssl lib shipped with mac
same. Note I do not have homebrew (or fink or macports or ...) installed on here
neither I do
I was just about to ask that
how does Xcode link against openssl then ?
di you have Xcode installed ?
maybe that will install libssl.dylib
no, and I probably won't want to install that, because that's huge
ok, so I need somebody with Xcode now :D
this is reminding me of some libssl issue that appeared elsewhere in a common lisp software on later macs
I don't either. But I know from looking at this myself that libssl.dylib is there (in the linker cache). It's just a stub that crashes the process.
in short, big sur moves all libraries to a single dyld_shared_cache file, and the actual libraries in /usr/lib are simply stubs referencing points in the shared cache, and this causes some software to behave strangely
i forget where exactly the same libcrypto problem appeared; I think it was in Nyxt?
But I did read somewhere (can't find it at the moment) that binaries signed by Apple (such as the bundled python) can load libssl.dylib (unversioned) without crashing
so Apple doesn't want you to load libssl directly, but presumably only as a dependency of one of their frameworks ?
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You can load libssl directly, so long as it's libssl.X.dylib, where X is some integer
right, but when linking a C binary, how does one do that ?
fe[nl]ix: I *like* the :pkg-config option in the unix entry. is that new?
kakuhen: I know, that's the exact issue I'm trying to fix: endlessly hard-coding ever changing paths
ldb: that's what I suspected, the change to use stubs makes sense in light of that. Apple are trying to make openssl just an implementation detail
Good morning everyone!
etimmons: yes, it's basically the same syntax as cffi:define-foreign-library, except that this file is processed as an ASDF extension and the code tries to resolve the actual library pointed to by pkg-config
morning beach
mzan: Are you around?
fe[nl]ix: i think the only "easy" way out of this is to require a mac user to install openssl on their own, kind of like how iolib requires users to install libfixposix
I just checked Network.framework and there is no dylibs offered by it for you to link against, so I think the chances of avoiding hard-coding different paths depending on OS X version is very very low
kakuhen: perhaps, but I wouldn't declare defeat right away
ldb: are the Openssl symbols globally visible when loading Network.framework ?
if yes, the easy solution for cl+ssl would be to just load Network.framework instead
fe[nl]ix: I find libboringssl.tbd, which includes some of the symbols
_OPENSSL_cleanse, _OPENSSL_free, _OPENSSL_malloc, etc.
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fe[nl]ix: I don't know how much you've been following it/if this will affect you at all. But on Monterey, if you dlopen any nonexistent path that ends in lib{ssl,crypto}.dylib your process will be aborted
ldb: thanks. how did you obtain that output ?
etimmons: which is why the cl+ssl of probing libraries won't work
*cl+ssl approach
but I need to blog about it
Yep. It's unfortunate. Anton pushed a change that checks for the existence of non-system SSL dylibs before loading them. I think it works, but it just makes the macOS code even more nasty than it already was.
fe[nl]ix: I'm greping the MacOSX.sdk shipped with CommandLineTools
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib there are some symbol tables there.
interesting that the main init functionss, OPENSSL_init_ssl and OPENSSL_init_crypto, are missing
yea I find other crypto related libraries there.
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White_Flame: true. (I didn't thinked to these reason). In reality, my point were that too few parens in case are misleading. Case should avoid ``(case x (1 ...))`` from the beginning and accept only ``(case x ((1) ...))``. "case" can also avoid ``(case x (() ..)`` and ``(case x (nil ..))`` because it is never executed. But obviously, I'm only introducing noise. At this point is a semi-joke/trolling about "case". I understood the behaviour of case,
it is acceptable/right, and also I missinterpreted a quotation like 'forward instead of using a symbol like :forward.
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beach: hi
mzan: Never mind. I was going to point out some more style issues, but you have already been told them, and you didn't seem interested in fixing them.
beach: you miss-interpreted. I linked old code. If you read the end of the file, I adopted the new style you suggested. At least I hope.
I add code to the file at each exsercise.
But it would be a good exercise to fix the previous one too, and it would help people reading the code, because they don't know where the old starts and the new begins.
The file start with
; Study Common Lisp (CL) using AoC 2021 as exsercise.
; This code makes no justice of CL, because I'm a newbie.
BTW, I fixed the "ecase" error, because it was an error, and doing this I fixed also the style. But I didn't commit yet.
Because there is also temporary code for the day 4.
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mzan: I do not keep track of the details of your code, such as the day that it was written compared to the day you were given style advice, and I don't think I'm alone. But that's OK. Don't worry about it.
AoC are 25 exsercise. Many use it for learning a new PL. So the style and tricks used in last exsercise will be very different from the style used in first exsercise. It is like reading a diary.
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The spec says what numbers are included in the set denoted by this type, but not their "representation".
Implementation details are usually left to implementations. But I'm also curious about the answer to Xach's question.
I just wanted to know
sbcl does not encode numbers in the same way in every context
I bet the representation depends on the machine type SBCL (and C) are running on, but most of the time I'd expect the implementations to use "native" representations.
in a typed array on a 64 bit system they might be stored as untagged machine words. on a 32 bit system, two machine words. if the type is less clear, it could fall back to using bignums
_73: I don't think rely on it. It can depend on how it's compiled. If you need to be compatible with C, you can (cffi:convert-to-foreign x :int64) where x is declared an (signed-byte 64), and if you're lucky it might only take 1 instruction.
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if you compile with high SPEED optimization, it will give you many notes when it can't figure out how to avoid representing things optimally
"how to represent thigns optimally"
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spelling. hard.
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planet ape reference?
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_73: There's also cffi:with-pointer-to-vector-data which could be transparent, or even not require swizzling if everything goes well.
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Nilby: Thanks, I'll remember to use cffi if I need to be compatible with C, which could be possible for my project.
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_73: Implementations generally need complete freedom to do data encoding however they want, so you can have a CL interpreter or run on top of other languages (e.g. ABCL), unusual architectures, etc.
having a bijection from language types to machine representations would be far too limiting. even in C you have packed vs unpacked structures and stuff.
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I like to imagine one could constuct a purely mechanical hand-cranked but compliant CL.
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Nilby: indeed.
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is there a straightforward way to loop for i from* a to* be when one doesn't know which of a and b is greatest?
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luis: ping
utis: (loop for with step = (signum (- b a)) for a* = a then (+ a* step) until (= a* b) do ...)
hehe . . thanks
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(loop for i from (min a b) to (max a b) ...)?
Not quite conforming to the specification.
it's not?
That one might loop from b to a, but it was specified that the loop should be from a to b.
oh, like the specification of the problem. yeah, maybe i didn't understand it
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I guess you could always write a macro around it to test which is greater and stick a :to or :downto accordingly. this is usually when I reach for DO.
I don't see signum much in my normal course of lisping so it's always fun to use it.
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i use it so infrequently I keep forgetting about it. Then when I see it again, i think i should make more frequent use of it.
a function that used signum and revappend would be doubly blessed. ldiff too? trebly.
I'd love to so a practical example of those, especially ldiff. Never used either.
but then again, every time I use append something goes wrong.
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then surely everything will go right when you use revappend
rewords wish, a practical self contained example. :) seriously though, I'll look at that later I think I'll have to understand more of where it's used. busy writing a visualization right now. lol, though it basically requires picking colours .
it takes a lambda list with &optional in it, and gets a list of the elements before the &optional.
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this sounds useful to me. does it return it in the order written?
Yes. like, (a b c &optional d) => (a b c)
that sounds like something I can use. Hopefully I can remember it when the time comes.
the downside is it traverses the list twice, but at least it's ismple to write
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and usually very small lists
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uh oh, sbcl in safe code "Unhandled memory fault at #x5E8ECA8." :) but I'll need to test with a newer release
pretty rare such a thing, isn't it? like a shiny pokemon
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well, it seems that I have a recent release and it broke after the system built it, I'll try with local build and narrow the issue
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I really need to fix my recording functions. recording this https://youtu.be/zgXHWmBH00o has brought my laptop to a crawl. a single thread running an ffmpeg process shouldn't cause this should it? I wonder if sbcl is reading all the output? Shouldn't this slowdown go away after the thread is killed?
I'm going to have to reboot, it's still slow like half an hour after.
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