bike: shouldn't it be possible to have the header in lisp and simply have the pointer to the data point to foreign memory? Or header and data are contiguous?
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usually they're contiguous
i mean, why wouldn't they be, right?
it would just b e adding an indirextion for no reason
well, normally. Except for this reason.
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hayley: thanks
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That is all running in a web browser, of course can run "native" by using electron / ceramic, or add the panels to any web page of any framework of any language by a simple include.
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Good morning everyone!
hello beach
good morning
Guest74: why wouldn't it work?
your readme says the mapping is read only.
and private. I think dumb buffers are shared.
like I said, these limitations are not inherent to the approach.. but looking at DRM dumb buffers, it indeed might not work, because you don't get to pick the buffer's offset
maybe you could create an alias mapping, not looked into it
ah, I just read the readme and haven't looked at the code yet. It might be useful for clx though. X allows you to provide the mmap.
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it's just something that would be interesting for the future. copying the array to foreign is sort of a poor mans double buffering.
the way it works is to have a page before the pages of interest where the last bytes are the array's header
that makes sense
that will probably work really nice for x if there's no problem pinning it.
I was just thinking of the shared memory extension, but sounds like it'd possibly work for the buffer as well.
it's foreign memory, so no need for pinning
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but this header creation etc. really belongs to the implementation.. so it should probably be a contrib or something
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I think I eventually need to run on something besides sbcl. Maybe once everything is working smoothly.
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Hi all. I'm trying to figure out how to iterate across the Nth item of a bunch of lists. I have a list of lists. I want to process the first element of each list, then the second item of each list. I feel like there should be a way to do this without setting a variable and looping index by index.
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abrahms`: apply mapcar or apply mapc, or it's unclear what you want, show a form&result snippet.
Then I would want to map over the result, so if it's combined with map, that's great.
I am smashing out this aoc :D
I mean it's not going to be neat but I'm getting better.
T_T I'm terrible at this right now. Spent 2.5hrs on it yesterday in what would have taken me ~20m in python.
I conceptually know what I want to have happen, and I'm fairly certain it's doable (and maybe even a good idea?) in lisp.. I just don't know the incantation for it.
like akater said, apply mapcar #'list if you want a list. Is this for AoC?
Guest74: Yes. Didn't occur to me that it may spoil things for others until you just asked. :-/
The test examples help to find stupid errors. I keep forgetting that and wasting time, finally got it after using the test data.
Is there a repl command for "give me the docs on this thing"?
describe or documentation
Documentation is gonna work across more implementations, but it's more unweildy
and of course if you're on emacs and it's setup C-c C-d h will take you to clhs.
I was hoping the docs were more clear than clhs :-/
abrahms`: btw If you have only two list elements, maybe just write a loop with 2 for clauses.
akater[m]: thx. I have many, but just trying to keep the example small.
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is there an easy way to turn a bit array into an integer? I have a horrible kludge.
Guest74: My understanding is that you just have to iterate over the whole bit vector
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that's what I'm doing and it looks horrible. even moreso with lsb
Catie: What made you think that generic functions were not used much?
beach: She was talking about their naming in class accessors if you read more.
Oh! Misunderstood! Thanks.
No worries! It definitely reads that way in context
Day one was mostly fine. I was struggling to figure out how to load in a test runner. Day two was spent figuring out how to correctly convert a string into a callable symbol. I had forgotten about funcall. :-/
radix 2, hm, I probably could have used that and just ldb.
oh shit
the test input is 5 binary digits, but the real input is like 10
Guest74: This is what I came up with, I don't think it looks that bad: http://ix.io/3GQq
I wouldn't necessarily call it efficient though
how do i convert my count-ones-per-position into a more generic function?
catie: reverse! why didn't i think of that. Summing also looks nicer, I was dpb'ing bits.
oh damn this really has me a bit stumped.
how did others do the "count for each position" ?
I just need to re-do that top count-ones-per-position function
something like nthcar for each index of the first element?
mapcar'ing over many lists in parallel processes their elements in order, similar to how you hard-coded first, second, etc
and just store the int/counts?
dre: You need to start paying more attention to your code layout. Sometimes LET is followed by 1 space, sometimes by 2, sometimes by 0. Sometimes COERCE is followed by a newline, sometimes not.
wait no, we could just mapcar, then sum
dre: You want to avoid distracting the person reading your code with small stuff like that.
yeah sorry about that, still battling edit
editor *
will improve. getting somewhere
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ok, so I can get to a '((0 1 0) (1 1 1) (0 0 1)) list, but how can I sum that into => (1 2 2) ?
(apply '+ list) doesn't work
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(apply #'mapcar #'+ list)
* dre
's mind blows *
Catie, thanks :)
Any time!
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Good morning, #commonlisp! Hope you all are having a great Friday! :)
I guess that (mapcar (alexandria:curry #'reduce #'+) '((0 1 0) ...)) would scale better than an apply
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how can I use the debugger effectively? trying to run my code, I come up to an error but if i use BACKTRACE -- I don't know how to parse the output
dre: assumedly, in the function save-lisp-and-die, there's a function defined with flet, perhaps WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS-BODY-14, and that frame corresponds to the activation of that local function.
I still get "unknown location" on an error and I have no idea where it is.
the packages are literally for writing small tests & logging (b/c I didn't know there was a print function)
oh right XD
I'm trying to do this without just writing a for loop. Think I might be in over my head for #2.
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I've sorta got it. part 2 is interesting when you get through the cruft of it
when you get the gamma binary value, you use that as a filter on the list, down to single values. so if the gamma is 10101, filter all the items that start with '1', have you got 1 left? no? then filter down all the items that have '0' in the second spot, have you got 1 left? no? then ....
going to not click it yet. Haven't given up hope, but the clock is against me b/c I'm tired.
Yeah same, I'm turning off.
good luck abrahms` ~~ fresh mind tomorrow.
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I'm hoping to get this mostly done tonight so I don't just think about this all day at work tomorrow.
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does anyone know where my error might be? so when I run the "aoc-process-part-2" - I get past the "princ binary-commons" bit, but somewhere in the filter-down-to-one I get an error.
abrahms`, tbh I was sad that I couldn't chew on yesterday's problem. I solved day-2 too fast.
and this one just seems to be fighting some compilation error :(
day 2 took me like 2.5 hours b/c I couldn't figure out how to turn a string into a callable symbol.
* dre
still doesn't know how to do that
coerce-function or something? xD
actually I think that's in one of my books. I think land of lisp does it
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suprised how many people are doing advent of code -- didn't know it was such a huge thing
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I've got a DEFPACKAGE that does (:IMPORT-FROM ...); during compilation of that package.lisp file I get an error that these symbols do not exist (yet), because I don't want to export them.
Can I only import symbols that are exported within one package file?
well, just doing (:import-from <package> <package>::symbol...) works of course, because then they're defined when DEFPACKAGE runs
abrahms`: Please try to lay out your code according to conventions. A closing parenthesis should not be preceded by whitespace.
abrahms`: And there is no reason for a blank line inside a top-level expression.
abrahms`: Nor for two consecutive blank lines.
beach: is there a handy linter you recommend?
I am unaware of one.
Also, your use of (caddr acc) as a Boolean value is a violation of the rules stated on page 13 of the LUV slides by Norvig and Pitman.
Ah. I tend to be a bit of a pain in that I gave up arguing about code style and now I just insist that there's either a tool or no one cares enough for it to matter to me.
tbh, I'm 20% sure you're trolling me right now.
And your PROGN is unnecessary if it has a single form in its body.
How do you prefer to do nil checks if not using their presence as a boolean?
abrahms`: well, the indentation rules are built into the "important" editors emacs (and vim), so it takes work to get it wrong... therefore there's no linter
abrahms`: Not at all. When you submit code for others to read, it is important to follow conventions, or you are going to waste the time of people reading your code, simply because they are going to be distracted by all those cases where conventions are not followed.
flip214: I wrote all of that code w/ emacs, so.. ?
beach: the thing that threw me off was the quoting of the rules. :) Sounds very serious business.
abrahms`: If it is a true Boolean, then in an IF it is fine. But if it is NIL as a default value, then (NULL <that value>) is preferable.
The code alternates between there being a function there and there being a nil. That denotes whether we're waiting on an incoming command or an incoming integer.
That doesn't alter what Norvig and Pitman describe.
abrahms`: Note that I am not talking about language semantics here. It is about the message that you send to the person reading your code.
abrahms`: And since you are submitting your code for others to read, I am giving you the feedback as one such person.
beach: Cool. I appreciate the feedback. I'm not clear on how my use of if to check if something is nil or a function violates the "be as specific as your data abstractions warrant" from slide 13. http://www.norvig.com/luv-slides.pdf
oops sry
abrahms`: You could try (defun function-exists-p (acc) (caddr acc)) or something like that. Although I would put it as a local function if its not meant to be used elsewhere
Just looking at the code, I would have no idea what (caddr acc) means (i'm not even sure if its function-exists-p, but I'm guess based on this chat), and in a few months you might also forget ;)
At least from my personal experience, I found it better to write very clear code vs. having to spend hours later trying to figure out WTF i did
It's a good callout. I haven't gone back and edited it, but after showing this to someone, they told me about destructuring bind which simplifies some of the shenanigans in there.
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Yeah, destructuring-bind is useful for these situations
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Although I personally have been avoiding its use to some degree, I think it might cause interface & implementation to overlap
Since you are assuming a list structure. If later you wanted to use a structure or class to represent the data object, then you will have to go back and rewrite all parts of your code that rely on it being alist
abrahms`: What lisp123 says. If your value can be a function or NIL, then you can use FUNCTIONP or NULL to test one way or the other. If it is a Boolean, i.e., it is either true or false, using it directly in the TEST of an IF is fine.
I haven't played much w/ the non-list data types in a long while. I did PCL ~5+ years ago and I don't use common lisp regularly. Just picked it up for advent of code.
And, yes, CADDR is not a great abstraction.
abrahms`: Hopefully you are enjoying it and will use it much more :)
lisp123: It's mind-bending and difficult currently. I'm dramatically faster in my primary languages.. with time & effort I'm sure it'll improve.
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abrahms`: Yeah, I think we have all felt that to a degree. For me certainly, but I've learnt a lot and glad I stumbled upon it. And even if you don't program in lisp too much in the future, you can re-use some of its concepts in other languages
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Recursion, higher-order functions and the CLOS approach to OO programming were the main things I picked up
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Totally. I've got a solid grasp on recursion & higher order functions.. I haven't played with CLOS at all though. Anyhow.. I'm off to bed. g'night.
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I keep being puzzled by this phenomenon. Even some professional programmers seem to be unaware of the existence of coding conventions. Is it that the existence of such conventions is not taught? Or is it that these professional programmers have not had any training? I am not talking specific coding conventions for specific languages, but even the very existence of conventions seems to be questioned here from time to time.
If you observe this phenomenon in younger programmers, it totally makes sense. I don't say this with the intention of being disrespectful. It's just the reality today. A lot of people who get into programming these days, get into it with motives different than what we had when we were younger. For example, for many programming might just be a way to earn money and they do not care about it beyond their
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Can't reproduce that here, sorry.
That, I understand. What I don't understand is how these people managed to get hired to become professional programmers.
For some people, perhaps, but they're older than me (but then, say 25 is "older" for me, and not for you two).
Because hiring at many company these days focuses on solving leetcode type problems and some system design round. None of these really evaluates exposure to "programming culture".
I remember, 15 years ago, when I was conducting an interview, I used to ask the candidates if they have developed any side projects using their technology of interest. I wanted to know what kind of passion they have for programming. I considered asking such questions completely fine back then.
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I guess. I've thought to myself that those people would be better off growing vegetables (or literally participating in any other profession), since otherwise they seem to think very negatively of programming.
*participating in literally any other profession; word scheduling is important there.
But today I think such questions may be considered controversial. In fact, I myself find it controversial. One might argue, what side projects they do is none of my business. One might argue, that I must focus on what they do on job only.
Eh, this all sounds elitism to be honest. There's no right way and most of these subpar programmers are producing useful code, however inefficient it may be written
Well, short of some uninteresting very short jobs I had in high school, the résumé I wrote but never used only has side projects arguably.
I can understand why one can aspire to a profession without being passionate about it, but it is truly shocking to me that there is no filtering process.
lisp123: It's unrelated to being a subpar programmer or not, though the people I am thinking of seem to actively encourage rubbish programming style.
lisp123: I see your point and it can indeed sound like elitism and that's why I don't share this often with others. But in my heart, I know I feel disappointed to see the craftmanship in this field gradually eroding.
lisp123: I am frequently accused of being elitist, but when I see the bugs in devices like the TV decoder or the microwave oven, I think there is a huge problem in the industry.
lisp123: By the way, are you ab....22 on HN?
hayley: In 'theory' there is definitely a clear divide between good code vs. bad code, good programming style vs. bad programming style. But often it might be because they were optimising for something else (less time to study / learn, spending more time on getting a proof of concept)
My motives involve using the computer as a means of self-expression, and as a device to slack off all day. The latter part incidentally requires that I don't write bad code, else I would be stuck spending more time maintaining it.
don't know about craftsmanship, but it's silly to expect professional programmers, i.e. people who already do this all day, to have side projects.
I've worked with many programmers in industry and academia, and my observation is following coding conventions is highly correlated with some ineffable personality traits, but not practical skill or education. Even when it's attempted to be enforced, it can fail.
(So I agree with all of your comments, but (not related at this group), often its not because said programmers or professionals were doing a 'bad' job, but they were focusing on different things)
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beach: But your code quality is very high, can't expect that from everyone IMO.
Nilby: I have enforced coding conventions in my teams and it has worked. At least 3 of those engineers have told me after a year that while they hated it initially, they love it now and they see the benefits of following coding conventions.
lisp123: I think those targets for optimisation are subjective too. With regards on getting a proof of concept: I have heard some people to write buggy code to illustrate a point. Some other people, like Leslie Lamport, argue that having a mathematical model suffices as a proof of concept, and if such a model can be checked, it is probably not buggy too.
lisp123: You misunderstood my opinion. I expect no such thing. I merely expect people to recognize that there is such a thing as coding conventions, separate from the concept of semantics.
* rotateq
experienced some filtering: "Oh, you can't do Java or some of our other mainstream web/app technologies and just understand things well we don't know? Then we cannot use you."
It may be that if someone is trying to learn a new language by themselves, they do not prioritize learning conventions early on, even if they know such a thing exists. It only becomes a problem when they go on irc and try to show their code.
what kind of code conventions? Formatting stuff, review process, design things...?
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What are we talking about again?
pve: But the phenomenon I describe is that people don't even recognize that there is such a thing, or at least not the importance of conventions.
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Things like the former two should be done/enforced by tools. Configure your code formatter, add it to vcs and forget about the topic.
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cranium: Code layout is the most basic stuff. But then there is naming conventions, organizing the code into modules, simplifying maintenance by making the code easier to read, etc.
cranium: The "Boolean vs. default value" issue can hardly be automated.
Once I went and looked at some automated code "quality" tool (which did not support Common Lisp, of course), and looked at the warnings it produced. The warnings consisted of stuff like "There is a line with nothing but spaces on it." Who actually cares about that?
So things like those Norvig covers in his style guide.
susam: No idea on that
beach: I understand. Though, I could see someone considering Lisp so alien in the beginning, that the notion of "conventions" flies out the window.
lisp123: No idea about? Sorry, I couldn't figure which message you are replying to.
hayley: Sure, I think the argument goes both ways. "My code was bad because I was focusing on "business"", when it was just bad
lisp123: Your business is damned if you do nitpick your code, and damned if you don't.
The best solution is like "go fmt". You code is formatted automatically by a tool.
Haha! That's quite true, hayley! I love it and I am going to steal your line and use it in future.
beach: Sorry, I was probably slightly confused. I think that following good coding conventions is positively correlated to good code quality, so one should expect poor adherence to coding conventions in the same way one should expect poor code quality (because it does and will keep happening)
Hi, I'm stuck on this https://dpaste.com/9G6666P3K The function using "series" is not compiled to an efficient loop.
I'm using CL for AoC 2021, and I'm trying to use "series" whenever possible.
I'm not too familiar with Series, so what does COLLECT-LAST do?
The code is working, but I'm not happy knowing that if the input file is too big, it will crash, because it should be compiled to an efficient loop working on streams.
hayley: collect-last take the last element of a series
So it should be a loop on all elements of the series (i.e. random numbers), discard them, and then return the last element.
Why even produce N random integers then?
Because I tried to isolate the problem.
I have the same problem on real code, but with a lot more complex series.
I like series because I used Haskell a lot in the past, and so they seems rather natural for me. It seems also a way to create more useable code respect an explicit loop.
s/useable/reusable (or composable)
beach: Thinking about it more. I think perhaps the blame should lie on all the teachers (online blogs / videos / fellow coders / (perhaps universities, but I wouldn't know since I didn't do a CS degree)) --> Had there been a stronger teaching of the importance of various concepts, some of these bad practices wouldn't propagate as much
I doubt any CS degree has ever taught what I call the "hacker culture". It is something we used to pick up by working with other developers and seeing how well established open source projects are executed. For example, when I sent my first patches to an Apache project some 15 years ago, there were multiple rounds of reviews and I learnt a lot about the culture. Other sources were just browsing online
and searching and reading about things.
susam: Isn't that the issue though? It should have taught these things properly vs. you finding them own as you were passionate / intelligent / hard working. Because we can't expect all to be the same
susam: in fact some folks suggests to follow the pull-request workflow of goo OSS projects. Studying the code is useful, but reading the pull-requests can give many hints about the standards they are following.
I programmed as a side hobby during school and later on, but I only learnt about interface vs. implementation from #CLSCHOOL and studying lisp --> Is that a failing of myself or of the system
lisp123: I agree that there is an issue but I am not sure where the solution lies. For example, I don't have a CS degree, so even if they did teach these things as part of a degree, most people like me wouldn't learn it.
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I just don't think computer science courses ever make anything seem fun. Say, one assignment might be about a made-up Mr. Robert who had an idiot intern mess up his database which seems awfully poorly constructed just so that you get to practise one particular aspect of your programming language. If it's supposed to give industrial experience, it comes off an awful like an old fable, where the entire world is constructed to teach one stupid
lesson to the audience.
Speaking of, the two "hackathons" I participated in were devoid of any hacking, and they were solely to come up with ideas to impress someone from a big tech company, who might even hire you to let them steal your idea if you're lucky.
I just think it is a dilution and erosion of craftmanship which is natural when a field grows so much that it attracts everyone (the passionate and the dispassionate). Say, playing piano was as hot a field as computing is today. Say, anyone who can write a 30 second jingle with some basic notes gets a job and earns money. I am willing to bet that we would see the same erosion of craftmanship in that
field too.
hayley: I dropped out of my IT degree aeons ago because it was so removed from actual programming :( I blame myself but I know what you mean
A month ago or so I watched some videos of the late Seymour Papert teaching programming. His audience was much younger children, but I still felt robbed of any actually engaging materials.
pjb: Thanks for the link, it looks very cool
hayley: Was he teaching Logo?
I got the same feeling from reports on early use of Smalltalk, which Adele Goldberg and Alan Kay taught to children. In "Personal dynamic media" <http://www.newmediareader.com/book_samples/nmr-26-kay.pdf> there are quite a few brilliant programs...written by children. It's really insulting when I was 18 upon entering university, and spent a whole semester writing programs which would read and write crap into a hash table, more or less.
semz: Right, yes.
I believe someone wrote something similar about teaching mathematics...
lisp123: Yes, indeed. Imagine the joy of a childhood kid getting excited drawing those stuff on an otherwise boring monochrome CRT display. The video link shared by Hayley is pretty cool too. I indeed used to spend a lot of time drawing those random raft patterns showed at 10:40 of the video.
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lisp123: Sure, but you can't be an expert from day 1, so it takes time to learn about the conventions. But you can't learn if you don't even acknowledge the existence of such conventions.
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That's true
I mean it's impossible to not acknowledge their existence.
cranium: As I started by saying, that is very close to the attitude that I sometimes see.
There's another impossible thing I've done today.
*to not acknowledge their existence when pointed out.
You would be surprised.
yeah I was thinking of people acting in good faith.
Oh, I think they seriously think they are right.
On the topic of conventions, I have observed for a long time that (1) hayley always enclosed the URLs with angle brackets (<>). (2) beach always uses double spaces after full stop. :)
susam: Old Emacs habit.
Some combinations of IRC clients and/or terminals decide to include punctuation in URLs if you don't use angle brackets.
Anyway, time to go fix lunch for my (admittedly small) family and my favorite coauthor.
bon appétit beach
hayley: Yes, I agree. I like the <> convention and I used to use it in emails for a long time.
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Reminds me of the worst part of my CS education: the final exam required one to justify the use of Hungarian notation. I recall writing that beach wrote that it was mean to Hungarian people.
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Something similar with a record-based database (cause this is the 60s and we still have tapes, and not SQL or graph databases or whatever else). They wanted the exam taker to describe why one should use binary search to find a user record by ID. I didn't, and I wrote that, if IDs were made contiguous, you could do the equivalent of id * sizeof(user_t) in C to find a user, more or less.
* hayley
got a better mark on the maths test, of course.
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<susam> I just think it is a dilution and erosion of craftmanship which is natural when a field grows so much that it attracts everyone << I think this is right on the money, and exacerbated by how bad programming seems to increase demand, which lowers standards further, driving even more demand.
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how many programming jobs boil down to cleaning up after the programmer who came before?
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semz: essentially all, but 90% of cases is the case when the "new guy" underestimates the problem complexity
so often "cleaning" leads to code in even worse shape, with less features and more bugs
I admit to being the "new guy" once.
I advocated rewriting some old CL code in <superior language>.
And now look where I am :)
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semz: when the programmer's population double every 5 years, the average experience of programmers is 5 years. That said, the rate of growth of the programmer population has reduced, we're in the top of the sigmoid, at about doubling every 40 years.
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pjb: we're doubling every 40 years? I'm eating a lot, but not *that much*
(No need to reply, I know what you mean)
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@jackdaniel: the cleanup I like to do is supportive: is the code adequately tested? If not, are there bugs revealed by new tests? Too much software is still in the "good enough, ship it" state and could use firming up.
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mzan: 1. Are you sure defun* knows anything about declare optimizable-series-function? series has its own defun to treat it. 2. sometimes series won't optimize poorly written code, by design.
pdietz: I'm not saying that all cleanups are futile, only that often people mistake necessary complexity with mess
akater[m]: Thanks. I will check. BTW I made the first exsercise of AoC with series, the second with loop and with the third I'm using "iterate". Up to date I like very much "iterate", but probably some "series" based code is more reusable/composable.
At the end of the AoC exsercise, I will check.
What's the best way to generate / extract a unique id for a lisp object?
the object itself is an unique id
I am thinking GENSYM. But also considering whether its possible to get the number e.g. in #<TEST2 {1009F8F2F3}>
That's a memory address so is subject to change? Or is it relatively constant
That number can change at any time
Thought so. I guess gensym it is
THat isn't anymore of a unique ID than the object itself.
for an external process (outside of Lisp) it would be
Not really. There's sxhash
How likely are collisons?
Perhaps I should just send an equivalent of the form itself (e.g. specify each attribute) if that's a big issue
That depends on the implementation.
Will the external process outlive the lisp image, or is it possible that it could?
No they would run together
and end together
Which external process?
a simple counter will do?
_death: Very good idea!! Much better than gensym
Yes, a timestamp/serial number/simple counter is a good choice.
I have a related question, what is the best way to round-trip a CL object over CFFI? specifically, when a C library excepts a function pointer and a data pointer to use as a callback, how do you pass a closure over the data pointer to the CFFI callback which gets passed as the function pointer?
mfiano: Yes, timestamp is also very good. I think I will do that
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lisp123: I didn't mean timestamp literally. That is a term given to an increasing number, also sometimes called a counter or serial number.
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But that will also do.
literal timestamp has a limitation that you have to wait i.e 1s to create a next one
otherwise you have duplicates
random-nick: not my area of expertise, but could you pass #'funcall as the function pointer and the closure as the data
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jackdaniel: True. The LOCAL-TIME library seems to support millisecond / microsecond, but I'm not sure how stable that is
Will have a think, thanks all! :)
use a counter
and all your problems are gone
Ok :)
Except perhaps the ABA problem :)
aba problem?
If you ever need to reclaim identifiers representing since deleted objects, you could run into a scenario where the new data looks like the old data.
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rotateq: I remembered wrong, it was actually a Perl script that was to be rewritten, I advocated doing it in <superior language>, while CL was kind of the default choice since a lot of other code there was written in CL.
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rotateq: I ended up writing it in CL on the job, and because it was a fairly small script, and I was curious, in the other language in my own time.
rotateq: I remember being blown away when the CL version (written by me, a newbie) outperformed the version written in the other language.
Bike: the trouble with that is that the closure might also get moved
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you'd have to pin it, i guess
on ECL you don't have to do anything since the GC isn't moving, on SBCL you can pin it...
but isn't that a problem any time you pass a lisp object to C
but I can't find anything in CFFI which wraps that functionality
yes, but you usually pass C objects to C
a simple counter will do?
Typically i store the CL data in a hashtable with an integer id. Pass the id as the data, and then the callback knows to look up the true data in the hash table
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_death, etimmons: that's what I was thinking, and overflowing even a 32-bit pointer probably isn't going to happen much, right?
do you use a 32-bit machine?
in that case, you can't have 2^32 objects anyway ;)
well, you can over time I guess.. then you need some recycling
you don't need 2^32 objects alive at once
but yes it's still unlikely to overflow
pve: good to hear
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mfiano: thanks
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beach: I think part of the problem lies in the fact that very few Lisp learning materials mention any conventions at all. I recall one talking about formatting and the gist was, use emacs. The other part of the problem seems to be in other languages you just run your code through a linter.
there's also a style guide by Google
So what's the json parser de jour? Looking for something simple to just parse responses from weather apis.
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Guest74: Again, I am not surprised that specific conventions for specific languages, including Common Lisp, are not known by relative newbies. And that is not a problem either, because those conventions can be learned. My surprise is that some people don't acknowledge that there is such a thing as conventions in software development, so they don't understand the importance of such conventions.
do we take convention as something that is the most commonly used or something that would be considered "more correct" under /some/ criteria?
i.e using #+nil to disable code seems to represent the former and using #+(or) the latter
seems to also depend which decade of code you're looking at.
thanks yitzi:
that last link doesn't look so good.
Oh, what do you mean?
lots of dark blue.
It only shows differences. Tests are compliant are not shown. There is like 300 tests as a I recall.
Or maybe 1000. It is a lot.
There is another library which aims for compliance in addition to the one I wrote (shasht) ... looking for the link
is that the new one? I see the tests on first link are for 2016.
mfiano: Thanks
yitzi: https://github.com/Zulu-Inuoe/jzon was written about the same time as I wrote shasht. I think we were unaware of each others efforts.
No idea if there have been updates to the first link
huh, jzon isn't on ql.
Zulu does not like submitting his work to Quicklisp.
Something about more responsibility than he has time for.
And blue doesn't mean bad. Yellow and orange are the really bad indicators.
well, I consider failed parsing bad.
Not all JSON is valid. Plus JSON is very ill defined.
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I just need something simple, for decoding only, that can preferably read from byte arrays. Which jzon does, but no ql is probably a problem.
ah, seems I can get drakma to return it as a string.
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Krystof: Yesterday you told me that SBCL provided a way to collect the source file for an entity, but that left it as an exercise to the reader to do something with that information (store it, make it retrievable) -- do I understand you correctly?
That's my understanding
NotThatRPG: Is there something you want to do in particular?
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lisp123: I have added source file recording for FiveAM tests, suites, and fixtures, which works on CCL and Allegro. I would like to make it work on SBCL, as well.
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I was looking into what SLY does to find source locations on SBCL to try to identify how this stuff is looked up.
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You want to find the files in which a given function or symbol is defined?
lisp123: Well sort of -- the FiveAM entities have symbols for names, and I would like to look them up akin to the way I do on Allegro (CCL is similar): (excl:source-file 'add-2 :fiveam-test)
On Allegro and CCL there's a protocol to invoke source file recording, e.g., when doing macroexpansion of a defining form.
sb-introspect:find-definition-source and equivalent functions will help. Look at the sb-introspect.lisp (I think that's what its called) package to figure out which ones you need to use
lisp123: Thanks, will do!
Yeah looks like that is what you are after, play around with it and then use it as you want...since a symbol can refer to variables / functions / etc., SBCL will return a list of source locations, so you need to parse that list to get what you are after
lisp123: Ugh. It's written so that the set of types it can track is not extensible (they are hard-coded into a big CASE expression)
Would be a lot nicer if that were a generic function with EQL dispatch or something.
Be the change you want to see ;) Send me the generic function if you do write it, so I can use it :)
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If you look at the code I sent earlier (I do it for generic functions / macros / functions, but not other types of symbols), there's another function called find-definition-source that is more helpful, but expects you give it a lisp object and not a name
Looks like line 406
(at least in my copy)
yes, that's the one
Also hard-coded. This time typecase.
Turning those into generic functions seems like a reasonable move, but potentially a total waste of time if the maintainers were not interested in seeing such a change.
TBH I think that function is pretty good already
you need to ultimately supply a lisp object right
yes, but it has to be one of a known set of classes.
The protocol offered by CCL and ACL seems significantly preferable
I think it covers nearly all cases no?
This is the magic line (find-definition-source (class-of object))
By all means, if there is a way to improve it, please do let them know as it would be very useful for a lot of us. I assumed it worked well
lisp123: Give me a minute, and I will make a pastebin for you to see the comparison
I think my thought is that the consumer of the definition sources is not generic
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so having a generic function in the middle isn't particularly helpful
I'd like to see the comparison with the CCL/ACL protocol but it should also cover retrieving and using the source location
NotThatRPG: is this protocol documented somewhere?
Krystof, lisp123, @Bike : Here's a pastebin that shows use of the protocol -- TL;DR: it works like the protocol for CL:DOCUMENTATION https://pastebin.com/NVkGiJFy
I couldn't find anything comparable for CCL (but I might easily have overlooked something). It was pretty easy to adapt the ACL method, except that it required an additional step of registering a new definition type.
(this is shown in the paste)
ok, but my point stands: there's no actual advantage to a generic excl:source-file if you never call it with a variable second argument
Krystof: You mean like (excl:source-file 'add-2 :fiveam-test) ? I'm not sure I follow the question.
it is excl:record-source-file name :type type) <--
clearly a keyword, you don't specialize on keyword parameters
I mean like (defun find-add-2-definitions (x) (excl:source-file 'add-2 x))
i think what Krystof means it that if a consumer (slime, say) doesn't know :fiveam-test is valid, it will never do it, so what's the point
nvm me :)
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If the set of all possible types is exposed somewhere, which it might be, I can imagine a totally-generic "definition source navigator" providing an interface to that, so this is not a complete "no"
ACL's "source-file" function has an optional type argument, like jackdaniel said, and if it's T it returns an alist of all info regardless of type
which seems like exactly what you'd want for something like slime
but I bet in those circumstances you would want something to convert :fiveam-test into "FiveAM test"
I already use this a lot for Domain Specific Languages to look up program constructs generated by various macros and parsers
Bike: I think it's some of what you'd want for something like slime / a clim "definition inspector", but in practice I think you'd want more
It's simple and elegant, and ... I don't see how I would do anything like it with SB-INTROSPECT.
NotThatRPG: Thanks for the links, I will think about it later. It's an interesting thought for sure (and as a side, Franz has great documentation)
Maybe it's possible, but the source isn't enough to tell me how to do it.
yeah, you'd probably want to print it more nicely, true, but having the info at all seems likea necessary starting point
Although I'm still missing what SB-INTROSPECT cant' do
It looks up the lisp object, which should be unique
lisp123: 'foo may represent a function, a class etc
jackdaniel: Yeah, so one has to pass in the right object
and NotThatRPG wants it to be able to introspect also a 'foo test suite (that is not defined in cl standard)
(defmacro record-source-file (name type) #+sbcl (setf (getf name type) (source-location))) (flet ((source-file (obj type) (source-location-file (getf name type)))) ...)
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Is that a class? If so, it should work
lisp123: What if the lisp object is a symbol that names an object? I don't ever touch the internals of FiveAM structures.
sprinkle appropriate ` into the macro
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lisp123: One never touches the objects internal to FiveAM
There's some complex lookup process which I don't know at all, and should not have to.
I don't think sb-introspect is relevant, for what it's worth
NotThatRPG: But that lookup process is the very essence of Lisp, a symbol can name different things
NotThatRPG: I will read those things, never mind me :) TBC when I do
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lisp123: But my not having to get anywhere near an object is the very essence of data abstraction! ;-)
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put data on symbol-plists, if you have names, and/or in hash tables keyed by the object, if you have (find-thing <name>) or just the objects themselves; you don't need the internals of anything
lisp123: this is to allow questions like: tell me where I can find the source code of a test named 'clever-test (and that test is not a class)
(excl:source-file name type) is just a lookup of a piece of data associated with a name; store that however you like
Krystof: Yes, I agree, the PLIST is the way to go. But then I have something that won't work with SLIME, right? Because it uses the SB-INTROSPECT API which seems (as far as I can tell) not to be extensible
If I knew how to use function wrappers in SBCL, then I would be able to do this, I suppose.
so, yes, the support for this in slime is not generic
(sbcl's swank, that is; it might be elsewhere)
Still seems like making SB-INTROSPECT hookable would be handy
jackdaniel: Thanks, that helped
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great :)
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with a set of standardized definition types, downstream code can make UIs to those types that are suitably adapted. Example: if for nothing else, being able to map a symbol to a user-acceptable name, but possibly other things.
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with arbitrary user-specifiable symbol-names for types of definition, you gain a bit of genericity but lose the ability (without having additional mechanisms) to have anything else
Krystof: If one is building something with a domain specific language, having an extensible set of definition types seems critical. I'd rather have just a symbol naming the type, instead of being shackled to a fixed set of definition types.
without a protocol, how can slime know how to display a heading for your fiveam definition locations (other than :fiveam-fixture)
it doesn't seem like a loss, since without the hook you have nothing and slime knows nothing
nowhere to go but up
if you're building a domain-specific language, I would venture to suggest that you don't want all the definition sources displayed, you probably want only your domain-specific definitions displayed
Krystof: Since FiveAM fixtures, tests, and test suites can share names in a lisp-2 ish way, even just having the symbol to distinguish between different types of definition in a cross-reference list would be helpful
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Yes, and you can have that. What you can't currently have, and what I'm questioning, is whether you want your user-defined definition types shown in the same place as standard definition types, with no ability to do any intercession
why don't you have a "show-fiveam-definitions" operation?
Because then I couldn't use SLIME or SLY to jump to the source location (which I can with ACL or CCL), without additional programming (if I'm still following you)
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It just seems to me that DOCUMENTATION is a good guide to what one might want to do here.
Well, I think that documentation is poorly-specified and painful to use in practice
with the addition of some mechanism to get all possible metadata about an object regardless of type, the protocol seems roughly fine
its contents are not well-specified enough (you get a string! Woot. Good luck using it) and you specifically can't find out about all the different kinds of entities supported
Yes, but that is because of a number of other issues (like how documentation is to be displayed), the fact that SLY and SLIME have crummy interfaces to DOCUMENTATION, etc. The lisp machines had great documentation
the lisp machines did not define their documentation based on the DOCUMENTATION generic function
so, why are you suggesting that the DOCUMENTATION generic function is a good guide? I think it's a terrible guide
This is something Python (at least Numpy-style) does a lot better.
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Krystof: I don't think the extensibility is what is bad about DOCUMENTATION
hey, weird question, but how do i remove dotted pair notation from the cl reader?
documentation can be made useful with substantial additional protocol (agreements on what should look like a hyperlink, ability to introspect, ...)
clhelp: not possible
if you define a new documentation type, how can a third-party find out about it?
i'm writing a shell macro and it's messing with it...
Bike oh, that's unfortunate
let me double check, though
I tried to write a reader macro to override it, but it doesn't look like it's defined via SET-MACRO-CHARACTER
Krystof: I don't think that the terribleness of DOCUMENTATION is because it allows new types of documentation. It's because we don't have any conventions
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(side question: what is the point of dotted pairs? that is, they don't seem more useful than a prefix representation, but i could be wrong)
what do you mean by "a prefix representation"
like '(. 3 3)
instead of '(3 . 3)
how would you write (4 5 . 3)?
oh, hm
(. 4 5 3) perhaps
i guess you'd have '.' make a list out of all of its arguments, yeah
and (. 4 5 3 nil) would be the same as (list 4 5 3)
okay, yeah, i double checked, i don't think there's any way to customize the dot. that's kind of interesting
what you could do is completely replace the ( reader macro so that it doesn't understand the consing dot
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(or a bunch of car cells, actually)
clhelp: "okay, yeah, i double checked, i don't think there's any way to customize the dot. that's kind of itneresting. what you could do is completely replace the ( reader macro so that it doesn't understand the consing dot."
oh, i wasn't aware that ( was a reader macro! yeah, i guess i can try that. thanks!
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NotThatRPG: what's the problem exactly ? that you can't M-. a Fiveam test ?
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clhelp: I would avoid ... ehhh too late already left
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clhelp: I would avoid playing around with reader macros too much tbh
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(ack, my network is spotty...)
well, thanks for the help-- seeya!
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you can use list*
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anybody know what format puri takes for :query?
nevermind, seems it has no facility to build queries. quri it is. Would have been nice to use quri as drakma accepts that.
semz: parenscript is a sub-set of CL that produces javascript
any reasons to prefer drakma over dexador?
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it has a cooler name
on top of that it has a good documentation and (most likely) its source code is more readable / hackable (knowing both authors style)
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I actually don't see anything wrong with the dexador documentation.
source seems fine.
Anyways, if anybody knows any real issues I'll read the logs. Seems easier to use with easier query construction with quri.
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I'd leave a memo for Guest74, but alas, who knows what nick he/she/it will have when they return.
I think that they'll read the log, so if you know any real issues then go ahead ,)
Guest74 is probably the Skynet precursor for all we know.
Guest74: If you use Dexador, be aware that the built in connection pool can break things. If you ever get weird behavior, that's the first thing to disable.
jackdaniel: I know, I just think that occasional prods to use a registrered nick if you're going to be hanging around are good :)
Or at the very least an unregistered nick that isn't autoassigned by the web gateway
I share that view, that's why I have a registered nick
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how did I come up with "(car (nthcdr idx list))" before I found (nth idx list)
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is there any better place for live-investigating a CCL image that crashed to LDB?
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* adlai
notes that #ccl in this network does have several regulars, although the channel back in freenode was quite a ghost town, and this one has no /topic set
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since it is less on-topic here, I'll take my notes to there, unless someone finds that this is specifically a desirable topic for the general channel.
Well I find this /generally/ desirable
for this specific channel :)
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I agree that it does have relevance, because I'm hoping to identify which abstraction is problematic. my code uses lots of unstandardized things (networking, multiprocessing)
arguably FFI should be included separately in that list, since cl+ssl is an FFI binding, and 'networking' alone could be done without writing FFI bindings beyond what the implementation already provides.
minion: memo for Guest74: if you are parsing JSON that represents objects with structures known in advance, i.e. pretty much anything more specific than arbitrary prototype soup, you may find CL-JSON's hooking mechanisms useful
Remembered. I'll tell Guest74 when he/she/it next speaks.
* adlai
did some bits of premature-optimisation where in certain parsing invocations, the numerical parser is replaced with more specific ones, to save the troubles of coercing parsed floats
What do you know, you didn't write it or anything. /s
Okay, the latter is not the sequel.
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etimmons: good to know. Just using it for accessing web apis right now.
Guest74, memo from adlai: if you are parsing JSON that represents objects with structures known in advance, i.e. pretty much anything more specific than arbitrary prototype soup, you may find CL-JSON's hooking mechanisms useful
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adlai: I'll take a closer look then. I had decided on jsown just because of speed, amount of consing, and ease of destructuring to make structures. But if i can parse directly into the objects that might be more useful.
cl-json has a rather coarse granularity for the hooks, although then again, JSON itself doesn't have that many types to begin with
I've just been using destructuring bind and then making structs. Which is actually quite simple.
sure, and generational GCs will make the temporary consing irrelevant
there are cases where parsing is the bottleneck, and the hooks are useful; or if you have some strange numerical imposition, e.g. you want all numbers returned by the parser to already be complexes
numbers is the only problem I see with jsown right now. I don't understand why it returns rationals.
I should probably look at the documentation.
why is that a problem?
just extra work and wondering why it's different than all the others.
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so I've noticed i can do (destructuring-bind (_ _ _ fourth fifth)'(1 2 3 4 5) (do-something)) and it doesn't complain about multiple occurences of _, but it does if you do it in a defun. Where is this difference discussed in clhs?
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iirc, the JSON specification does not define much about numbers, beyond that they can be integers, or have a decimal point. so CL:RATIONAL actually is the sane choice, in the absence of extra information making the choice subtype a sane one.
I think some of the possible macroexpansions would not require warnings.
e.g., a naive implementation that walks the tree of names to bind, collecting accessors, and then builds a bunch of nested LET statements, one per binding.
ah, i read that wrong earlier. I thought it said the lambda lists were not like macro lambda lists.
destructuring-bind isn't one of the defining operators, so I'd not expect it to be a strict, either
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Is it bad style to do something like that for ignoring things. I find it more legible.
it's considered rude to do this to a single-character token without also publishing an emacs face customization mode that adjusts alpha
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I'm assuming that's some sort of emacs joke? Should have just waited till Beach: was awake :)
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yes, there's an emacs mode that I find myself missing already in my new setup, called paren-face, that let you mess around with shading and transparency of the various parentheses.
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for a while in my early days I experimented with simply making them all, almost invisible; this was not a good idea.
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I've thought about getting rid of them altogether. With each new parens making a new coloured block. I haven't implemented it yet to see how annoying or unusable it would be.
I recall my favorite setup being that they were all more similar to the background, although there was some grading that depended on nesting level, and in some circumstances, highlighting of a matching delimeter.
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however, it's dangerous to leave something like that enabled by default e.g. in the repl mode, because you might crash emacs, or just search for an indefinite matching delimiter
oh, not thinking about emacs. Just the graphical representation of sexps. Want to eventually get rid of emacs.
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it's a more general problem, emacs is simply the usual suspect for this kind of issue.
these are just representations, the underlying data always remains the same.
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Guest74: I've had problems using cl-json with boolean "false" ... not a deal-breaker (for me) but something to be aware of
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I think most have problems with that no? Probably not a big deal for getting the weather.
oh, IDK ... I've only used cl-json so far