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I think I recall ultralisp used it..
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How do you think, when accessing a CLOS object fields from multiple threads, is it necessary to synchronize on the object?
I mean, the application logic does not require synchronization.
But can a CLOS object be broken somehow if a field is set from one thread and another field is set from another thread
I don't believe so, but like most tricky parts of concurrency, don't count on it.
To my knowledge, Bike's draft for concurrency in WSCL specifies that you can have data races on slots, but the only action that can completely "break" an object is CHANGE-CLASS.
what is WSCL?
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Well Specified Common Lisp. I wonder if the bot knows about it...
minion: tell antonv about WSCL
antonv: WSCL: Well-Specified Common Lisp. Pronounce it as "whistle". A project to revise the Common Lisp standard in a non-controversial way. See
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Good morning everyone!
I should mention that no implementation of Common Lisp actually implements that concurrency specification, but I think that "NN.1.2 Conflicts and Data Races" describes what you can do without racing.
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Does anybody have a list of all the namespaces and their associated functions (e.g. (fdefinition symbol)) for symbols? E.g. classes have names, slots have names, macros have names, the list goes on
I don't have a complete list, but if you are collecting one, I can give you more entries. Also, there are namespaces without any accessors, like for types.
And FDEFINITION is not for symbols, its for global functions. They can also have names like (SETF <symbol>).
A namespace that has an accessor only in the MOP is the one for method combinations.
Slots don't have a namespace like that. They just have a name associated with each instance.
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Thanks Beach
I will collate something and share back with some notes against them, like what you have above
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There is one for compiler macros, and the accessor is COMPILER-MACRO-FUNCTION.
I suppose there is one for condition types that doesn't have an accessor unless the implementation uses classes for condition types. But perhaps every implementation does use classes.
I see - thanks
I thought there was a namespace diagram, but I guess I was thinking of this: ttps://
ok, i will do that then, but perhaps next week
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beach: With Eclector, is there a way to get the top-level form number of a definition (e.g. the third form in the file was the defintion for ordinary function MY-FN)? I am assuming not
No, that's not the purpose of Eclector. It just reads. You need to do the rest yourself.
That's what I thought. Thanks
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lisp123w: I use the source tracking of Eclector with a custom client to do that in common-lisp-jupyter. If understand your request.
yitzi: Yes, I do that as well (using SBCL). Wanted to make it more portable
SBCL returns the top-level form number when you introspect the symbol
I dont use SBCL internals, just Eclector since I need it to work for CMUCL inspection also.
Oh nice. Could I re-use your code :)? Do you just read each line and determine whether its a function definition, macro definition etc.?
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contrapunctus: Got it. I'll let Josh_2 know as soon as possible.
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Guest7426: are you asking for a function that would give #(1 3 6) in return for #(0 1 0 1 0 0 1)?
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sure, doesn't need to return an array though.
though for this use case I think I should probably just write something that short circuits as soon as it finds more than one element, since for this case I only need to know when there's 1 or less elements.
and then probably just use position.
though I'm not even sure if any implementation has given any love to performance for bit arrays.
You can do this with the April library: (april-c "{⎕IO←0 ⋄ ⍸⍵}" #(0 1 0 1 0 0 1)) → #(1 3 6)
like i said, that's all gobbledygook to me with characters I can't type.
Oh, you're the guy from yesterday, well that code snippet you can just paste in, it returns the indices of elements equal to 1
Guest7426: sbcl bit arrays are pretty good
BUT you should declare types
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shka: that's the plan once this basic refactoring is done. Be interesting to see what the difference will be.
you can check assembly code to make sure it does what you want
phantomics: I'm not going to add another dependency for something that just requires looping over an array and collecting indices.
Then you could just do (let ((indices)) (loop :for i :across #(0 1 0 1 0 0 1) :for ix :from 0 :when (= 1 i) :do (push ix indices)) (reverse indices))
bike: that's interesting. Should be better than integers since I'll be going past most-positive-fixnum
phantomics: i think guest just wants a count, not the positions. i'm sure that's even shorter in apl, of course
He said that (reduce #'+ ...) wouldn't work,he wanted to know which were set
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shka: that depends on the speed of your implementation/ machine :-)
oh. hm. well, which do you want, guest? a list of positions is going to more expensive since it involves consing.
jackdaniel: oh, this is a fast computer i would say
rather beefy CPU
if there was a built in function I'd use it and remember for next time. For this use case I just need to know if there is 1 or less.
So if just one is set, you want to know its position, otherwise return nil?
well, there is FIND
which both would do the trick in this case
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which will both work if there is more than one bit set.
This will return the position of the only 1 value or nil if there are more than 1
i do not need you to write code for me.
shka: then the overhead of these few instructions may be very close to
well, that's great
Not sure what you're asking for then, there's no inbuilt function I know of to get the first 1 index iff there's only one of them
well, there is position which will sort of do that, but without checking if there is one or more
Guest7426 said he wants to shortcircut some logic, and i think that simply calling POSITION or FIND is exactly what he wants in this case
those should both be computable efficiently on the machine. the position through count leading zeroes and the count through logcount. i would just do count and then position.
phantomics: since you're inside loop, juse do WHEN blah COLLECT IX, instead of push
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(esp for the first example)
Right, the second is kind of hackneyed with that approach, have to assign the result anyway to apply the rest of the logic
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A question: my project has some tests that depend on float handling that happens differently in different CL implementations. In ABCL and Lispworks I might get 1.999999 from something that gives 2.0 in SBCL and CCL
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Does it make sense to mark a few tests that will run only in SBCL and other CLs whose floats work the same?
Otherwise I don't know if it'll be possible to get full test coverage in every impl, unless I try rebuilding the float operation primitives and that's a whole other can of worms
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phantomics: it makes more sense to use epsilon IMHO
but i am not sure about this one
thing is, it is possible to swich reader to read in double-floats by default
Like check if it's within the range of X+/- epsilon?
yup, that's my gut feeling
Most of the differences are greater than the epsilon, unfortunately
but I am not 100% sure if this is the right choice
ok, then
All my tests are done in double floats already
wanted to ask about that
you get different results? really? i can only think they just read/print floats differently
yeah, actually good point
i would expect double-floats to be the same
good night all
Night shka
i mean there's very little chance they're not using ieee float64 for doubles
binary64, rather
but converting to and from decimal can gget weird
For instance: #(0.9999999999999998D0 -1.4999999999999998D0) is expected to be #(1.0 -1.5)
In SBCL, (expt 8.0d0 1/3) gives 2.0d0
In LW, it gives 1.9999999999999998D0
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In these cases, it is within the epsilon, but there was another case of a function inverter that went into an endless loop even with a comparison tolerance much higher than the epsilon
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what about the actual bits? like, if you do integer-decode-float on the result in both implementations, do you get different results?
Let's see
or use one of the libraries that gets the bits more directly, of course
Yes, different
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In SBCL: 4503599627370496 -51 1
In LW: 9007199254740991 -52 1
i guess for expt they could be using different algorithms. I wanna say sbcl uses libc cbrt, but don't quote me on that
Just checked ECL, CCL and ABCL, they're the same as SBCL
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oh, or i suppose if the 8.0d0 was read in differently... that seems unlikely, though, it's not a weird fraction
no chance, 8 is exactly representable as a float
1/3 isn't though, that might be it
(integer-decode-float (expt 8.0d0 0.333333333333333d0)) is the same in all
* Alfr
throws ternary floats at semz.
* semz
takes the crucifix in hand
Coercing things to floats doesn't work, (integer-decode-float (expt 8.0d0 (coerce 1/3 'double-float))) has the same discrepancy between LW and others
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So if I use rationals for accuracy, I end up losing accuracy in this particular case
semz, no need for that. I haven't run across an implementation utilizing those--yet.
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I wonder why logical operators for integers dont have a - like bit and boole.
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"a -"?
logand bit-and
Xach: i'll take a look tmr
hm maybe as "log" is the abbreviation for "logical" and not the whole word
Guest7426: as is often the case with names, historical.. log* are much older
I wonder the reason. I guess because of high level stuff if they're older.
logand for example exists in LISP 1.5 (1958)
it also had logxor and logor (later changed to logior)
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and who likes it another way can go ahead and rename it :)
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you can develop your own language, and to make things confusing, use say "bit-and" instead of "logand"
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try and use that with apply
i did
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is a function tail recursive if the final expression is an if statement where both brances make a recursive call? For example is the local function `f` in this code tail recursive?
_73, yes. But you're in #CL, so the implementation of your choice may or may not overflow the stack running your code.
ugh these nested arefs are driving me crazy. I'm trying to push to a list inside a vector of lists inside a vector and it pushes to all the lists.
Alfr: What about SBCL?
_73, in at least one implementation it may also depend on whether the defun is compiled and the optimization qualities chosen. ;)
Guest7426: and if you need such patterns more often use symbol-macros
Guest7426: (let ((a (make-array '(3 3)))) (aref a 1 2) #|no more nested aref!|#) #| --> 0 |#
lotuseater: obviously the same problem occurs with symbol macros when you do something stupid like i did.
pjb: that takes more time when I'm iterating over each indice of the inner array.
okay i think it's a process of trying :)
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Guest7426: maybe it depends on how you're iterating.. I think e.g. sbcl uses an underlying vector so that all the elements (which may be pointers or immediate objects) are contiguous memory, while an array of arrays is unlikely to be so local
sometimes i like arr[p] for (aref arr p) especially when SETFing so you can do (setq arr[p] foo)