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<Guest67> Hi there, i am facing problem related to memory card. After few days of 24*7 usage, the memory card is getting corrupted. it needs to reflash the debian to use again. Let me know if there is generic issue or else i can explain full application
<zmatt> Guest67: any power cycling involved?
<zmatt> the most likely cause of sd card corruption is power interruption during writes
<zmatt> (or removing the card without cleanly unmounting)
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<zmatt> otherwise, try using a different sd card... sd cards will get flaky over time as a result of wear-out from writes. I have a microSD card that's basically a random number generator, some sectors return different data each time you read them
<Guest67> thanks zmatt, I am using Poketbeagle, My application involved continues read and write DDR. I was suspecting the issue in coding we have done. is most propable reasone is power cycling issue. we have designed custom board.
<zmatt> ehh what you're saying is full of contradictions
<zmatt> are you using a pocketbeagle or a custom board? what does DDR have to do with anything? coding errors can't cause filesystem corruption (assuming you're not doing extremely bad things like directly writing to /dev/mmcblk0)
<zmatt> have you tried to examine a "corrupted" card to determine what has happened to it? does the system fail to boot entirely on such a card?
<zmatt> what are you observing exactly?
<Guest67> we have design custom board to accommodate signal conditioning circuits, which will then connected with Pocketbeagle.
<zmatt> okay, that doesn't sound like it's likely to be relevant
<Guest67> i am not able to access the corrupted card.
<Guest67> yes the PB can boot up but we can not connect the PB using USB.
<zmatt> are you able to mount the card on another linux system?
<Guest67> not sure about that
<Guest67> Will try that.
<Guest67> if i am able to mount on other system, what points should i look for?
<Guest67> to debug find the issue?
<zmatt> any chance you're just filling up the card and there's no more free space left on it? that can potentially cause boot failure
<zmatt> and of course whether the filesystem is corrupted to the point of being unmountable
<Guest67> i dont think if there is free space issue
<zmatt> are you power cycling the pocketbeagle? (without cleanly shutting down by software command or using the power button)
<Guest67> that is possibility because we use this device in industry, power cycle can happen.
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<zmatt> are you using a consumer sd card or an industrial-quality sd card?
<Guest67> i think it is consumer SD card 'Sandisk Ultra'
<Guest67> can you recommend otherwise?
<zmatt> consumer sd cards are especially prone to corruption when a power failure happens during a write, and may also corrupt data other than what's being written to (e.g. critical filesystem structures)
<Guest67> Okay..
<zmatt> industrial SLC/pSLC cards should be more resistant to that
<Guest67> Thanks for suggestion.
<zmatt> I don't have any experience with them, we don't use sd cards at all
<zmatt> but the first google hit I got ( explicitly mentions they're pSLC and have "Power failure protection"
<Guest67> Thanks zmatt.
<Guest67> one more thing i want to ask, it is related to csv file generation in beagleone
<zmatt> otherwise, see if there's a way to prevent power interruptions... I know 5V UPSes exist
<Guest67> on writing data from DDR to csv, some time the csv file is getting random corrupted date for a moment(~100mS). can it be same issue?
<zmatt> ?
<zmatt> that sounds more like a bug in your software
<zmatt> but depends on what you mean by it
<zmatt> data corruption as a result of power interruption will almost always involve large blocks of data being corrupted
<Guest67>  Okay..
<Guest67> i am not getting Software related help for csv file generation
<Guest67> i tried to find but unable to get content on csv generation issue in c language.
<zmatt> not getting help is most commonly due to asking questions poorly (i.e. phrased in a way that makes it difficult to offer help, e.g. by not including enough information) or in the wrong place (e.g. generating CSV files is not hardware-specific so this isn't really the best place to ask)
<zmatt> anyway, I need to get back to work... good luck
<Guest67> Thanks very much, zmatt
<zmatt> also, the link I gave earlier was a normal sd card, you'd obviously want the microsd version:
<Guest67> yes microsd
<zmatt> and just to emphasize again I have no experience with this card, it was just the first google hit I got an an example
<zmatt> there's a variety of manufacturers of "industrial" sd cards... of course what that label means in practice may vary
<Guest67> Okay sure
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