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<set_> finally...darn ISP. Sheesh.
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<rbmarliere> tried to order a beagleV fire from mouser, couldnt pass the export review process :( rekt
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<hnv> No luck with `pru_rproc_get`
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<dinuxbg> hnv: I think you need to provide a handle to the PRU node, not your I2C driver node. Try this:
<dinuxbg> hnv: struct device_node *pruss_ph = of_parse_phandle(node, "prus", 0);
<dinuxbg> hnv: responder->pru0 = pru_rproc_get(pruss_ph, PRUSS_PRU0, NULL);
<dinuxbg> hnv: As a side note, personally I found it easier to work with RPMSG instead of directly with remoteproc. I loaded firmware from userspace through sysfs, and never bothered to get auto firmware loading working. See my modest driver source here:
<dinuxbg> hnv: This article might interest you:
<hnv> thanks dinuxbg
<hnv> based on the gdb session `pru_rproc_get` is trying to match `ti,prus`, but I don't have such string in this DT (checked with `/sys/firmware/devicetree/base` )
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<kveremitz> this is a pretty long shot .. but are any retailers likely to do black friday deals on any tasty beagle hardware?! :)
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