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<set_> ! https://pastebin.com/P5aMPeFQ is a udev rule for the newer images.
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<set_> I have tried to change it, add particulars, and reboot.
<set_> No avail!
<set_> Is there a way to use the newer images w/out root permissions on every /dev/bone/* file?
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<set_> I used chmod and chown. chown works but will not allow me to use the i2c buses w/ smbus2.
<set_> Also, there is a quirk. ./My_File.py does not work.
<set_> I have to type python3 My_File.py.
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<set_> Would something like this idea work but for i2c-dev? https://pastebin.com/VHj1SDYY
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