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<Siegurd> why BBB hangs on boot when I changed pins from P9 to P8 in ad7771-mcasp0.dtsi
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<Siegurd> Is there a way to edit uEnv.txt in eMMC from uboot (uart) when boot hangs, and all 4 leds are on?
<hnv> Siegurd: Not sure.. but you could boot from a SD and then mount the eMMC to edit uEnv.txt
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<Siegurd> great idea! could you suggest how to mount it? I don't have much experience with this
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<hnv> `sudo mkdir /media/eMMC` then `sudo mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /media/eMMC`
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<Siegurd> ok it turns out that boot hangs if I solder mcasp wires to P8_37 P8_38 P8_36 P8_31 P8_34 P8_33 (mcasp is turned off by default)
<Siegurd> I desoldered wires and BBB board is booting properly
<Siegurd> (mcasp device AD7771 is turned off by default)
<Siegurd> hnv: thanks for tip with eMMC mount
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<Siegurd> zmatt: it turns out that boot hangs when I connect P8_31 pin to any DOUT of AD7771. All others wires are connected and BBB is booting OK. What is so special in P8_31 during boot process? maybe I should pullup or pulldown this pin with 10k resistor?
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<Siegurd> ah, P8_31 is SYS_BOOT14...
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<Siegurd> I tried pullup and pulldown this pin with 10K, no luck. how can I use it then?
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<hnv> The PRU to ARM interrupts of my driver now works, after updating the DT overlay
<hnv> "zmatt> hnv: btw, the name 'to_pruss' suggests to me your driver shouldn't be declaring it as an interrupt" I don't know how it was working in the beaglelogic module. They use irq 23 (DT, named "to_bl") and then trigger a ARM to PRU using `pruss_intc_trigger(bldev->to_bl_irq);` value set by `bldev->to_bl_irq = platform_get_irq_byname(pdev,
<hnv> "to_bl");`  I couldn't find any info of such trigger function.
<hnv> Siegurd: that pin have a pull up populated in the pcb. What about using that pin after the boot? maybe using a 3-state buffer
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<Siegurd> hnv: diode does the trick
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