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<set_> I came across some old era tech. It takes one GPIO pin to open it but it has two DB25 ports and 110v plug for the power.
<set_> They went out of business in 2005. Blah. Cash registers! They are cool w/out the tech. but my BBB will shine!
<set_> Dip switches galore...
<set_> Tech. has changed some in my life. First, programming rectangles in some language and now BBB on older tech. for one GPIO. Ha.
<set_> Life. Ha.
<set_> Talk about some funny glitches. I could sell it and anger the purchaser w/ some fancy, hidden source that only runs every epoch - 1.
<set_> But nope. I would rather sell the goods w/ the BBB and have him/her understand the warranty of it all. You break it, you buy it.
<set_> Every time someone leaves w/out pressing "T", the cash drawer opens.
<set_> ha.
<set_> 5, 10, 15. Heh? I thought we were rich?
<set_> Okay. Enough of me. I am chatting to myself here.
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<dinuxbg> zmatt: The GNU simulator implementation followed the TI documentation for PRU. As stated in the E2E forum thread, that documentation is wrong :) I'll fix the simulator.
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<zmatt> dinuxbg: lesson learned: when making a test suite to test the simulator, also test the real hardware ;)
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