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<zmatt> samael: its presence sounds like a mistake? given that it seems mender requires dual rootfs and is incompatible with using "apt upgrade"
<zmatt> and there's no mention of it on the forum
<zmatt> ah never mind apparently mender can also be used for application updates
<zmatt> it still seems highly inappropriate to have preinstalled though
<zmatt> what image btw? I don't see it present on the current am335x bullseye IoT package
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<samael> zmatt: am335x-debian-12.2-minimal-armhf-2023-10-07-2gb.img.xz
<samael> i probably made a mistake though. i tried to remove it along with some other packages, and apt wanted to remove some bb-* or* (don't rememer exactly and can't find in the backlog). tried again now and seems i can purge it without killing other dependencies
<samael> i guess i can safely remove it, but asked out of curiosity
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