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<zmatt> samael: that's weird.. I know of the reverse issue: old kernel can't recognize new eMMC, but I can't imagine what could be causing a new kernel to not recognize an old eMMC
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<zmatt> samael: have you checked the kernel log to see what the kernel says about the eMMC ?
<zmatt> mattb0ne: in case you happen to read the chatlog: location(0x20000) is nonsensical
<zmatt> if you meant the other PRU core's memory, that's at 0x2000, not 0x20000, but also you can't use this kind of variable declaration for that
<zmatt> since this would make it an initialized variable that's initialized when this program is loaded, but that doesn't make sense since that piece of ram belongs to the other PRU core and is its responsibility
<zmatt> I mean, you could do it I guess if you change the linker script, but that would cause problems with how to correctly sequence the startup of the two pru cores
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<mattb0ne> hi zmatt
<mattb0ne> I saw your comment. How can I reference the other PRU without mapping? Or is the answer I need to put any variable passing in the shared location?
<mattb0ne> happy holidays btw
<mattb0ne> also whats up with the discord
<mattb0ne> I do not think it is a good idea to split the community but whatever
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