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<zmatt> damnit I think my bbx15's eMMC died :/
<zmatt> or possibly the fs just got so badly corrupted it doesn't even boot anymore, I guess I'll have to diagnose when I have a moment
<zmatt> jkridner: btw I got an email saying my gitlab account has been deactivated and I need to sign in to reactivate it, except if I try to sign in it says I can't because my account is deactivated and tells me to "Please log back in to reactivate your account" :P
<zmatt> and that's what we call a polished user experience ;)
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<jkridner> :-(
<jkridner> did you add 2fa? probably need to do password recovery
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<zmatt> no 2fa, and I have the correct password. If I enter a different password it just says "Invalid login or password"
<zmatt> but they say "If a deactivated user signs in, they are automatically activated." ... which is consistent with the message I get, except it's not working
<zmatt> I guess I could try to see if password recovery happens to work (by exercising a different code path)
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<set_> @zmatt: I had an issue too. I had to sign in w/ the 2fa w/ a code scanner on my phone.
<set_> It took a while for the 2fa to show exactly for some reason...
<set_> I could not sign in, then the 2fa finally showed weeks later, and then finally I was able to use a scanner to sign in.
<zmatt> I'm quite sure I haven't enabled 2fa on my gitlab account
<zmatt> and this has nothing to do with 2fa anyway
<set_> I understand. But, w/ gitlab now, one has to use 2fa.
<set_> At least w/ the the, I had to sign up w/ 2fa.
<set_> and...
<set_> it took forever to stop givig me error. I would sign in and resign in. Finally, that ole 2fa auth. screen showed its face.
<zmatt> jkridner: are you running the free version of gitlab or the premium version that has per-user licensing, because that will apparently indeed block self-serve reactivation ( )
<zmatt> presumably not.... *shrug*
<jkridner> free, ce
<jkridner> i wonder if there is a way to do 1-time bulk reactivation to get people on with 2FA.
<zmatt> hmm?
<zmatt> 2fa seems overkill anyway?
<zmatt> or rather, enforcing it for all users... some may have reason to use it of course
<zmatt> but do you mean the reason for deactivation was lack of having 2fa setup? because gitlab does have a mechanism to force 2fa on users but it doesn't involve deactivation
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<jkridner> we added 2fa due to spammers and accounts abusing runners.
<zmatt> how would 2fa help against that?
<zmatt> it would be very easy to add OTP-based 2fa support to a bot
<jkridner> maybe, but it has slowed creation of same-user abuse accounts.
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