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<set_> Hey...
<set_> I mean, @zmatt, that the /usr/bin/MY_BINARY does not work because of /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/printrun/* needing specific permissions which seems I am not controlling without sudo or being root.
<set_> and...stop cussing. Sheesh.
<set_> Were you in a bar in Northern Ireland when you typed that cuss? Gosh darn abuse cussing too often.
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<set_> sorry. pub and not a bar.
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<set_> Blah. @zmatt, I do not know if you remember but...
<set_> I was harassing you about some driver a while back. The image I had/have only has two outputs.
<set_> So, the driver could not work b/c I have to have three outputs.
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