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<set_> @zmatt: I think I may have found some source from years ago that you may have typed up.
<set_> Anyway, I am trying to control a 3A Stepper and the driver seems to be exiciting the motor but w/out movement.
<set_> ...
<set_> Will you look over the source to review it?
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<zmatt> set_: I have no clue what you're saying in that post or how you managed to fuck things up so badly that you'd need chmod in the first place
<zmatt> as a general rule, if you need to chmod or chown anything in /usr/bin or /usr/lib you probably already messed things up badly
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<set_> okay
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<Guest56> I'm new to this chat site. I'm looking for a source of .h files and example files for the Beagle Bone Black similar to what TI provides for the piccolo processor. Is there a source for c/c++ example files for BBB?
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<zmatt> Guest56: the piccolo is a microcontroller, the beaglebone a linux-based system.... you can't directly compare those
<zmatt> what kind of examples are you looking for specifically?
<docpil> zmatt: ADC, GPIO, I2C, UART usage
<zmatt> for the most part those are generic for linux and not really beaglebone-specific apart from doing pin config
<zmatt> and there's often multiple approaches depending on needs, e.g. simplicity vs performance
<zmatt> jkridner: is there actually a repository with basic examples for doing these things in C/C++ (or better yet various languages) ? it does seem like it would be useful
<zmatt> (even if only some small details are hw-specific)
<docpil> zmatt: Ahh that would be useful, thanks for the forward.
<zmatt> docpil: I'm pretty sure there are examples included
<docpil> zmatt: Included in what?
<zmatt> presumably included in recent IoT images
<zmatt> looks like there's a cookbook ( ) with examples included in various languages
<docpil> zmatt: Hey, thanks. Took a look at first link. I am looking at the second.
<docpil> zmatt: The second link was greatly helpful. Thanks again.
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