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<HdkR> robclark: I finally got around to testing what happens when when a partially faulted write occurs. Returns EFAULT as expected.
<HdkR> Fun thing though, Since I've upgraded to 5.15, partial faulting reads now work on AArch64
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<j`ey> anyone know how to run make DT_CHECKER_FLAGS=-m dt_binding_check only on one file?
<geertu> j`ey: DT_SCHEMA_FILES="Documentation/devicetree/bindings/<file>.yaml
<geertu> (drop the bogus double quote, or add a second one at the end ;-)
<j`ey> geertu: thanks!
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<j`ey> that seems to help for the 'DTEX' step, but the 'LINT' step seems to run over everything still
<geertu> I have a newer version, but didn't get to submitting it yet
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<geertu> msg j`ey ?
<j`ey> uh?
<j`ey> anyway, I will try that patch, ty!
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<j`ey> geertu: that patch is even better on slower computers, 2m55 vs 7s
<geertu> j`ey: Good to know!
<geertu> In the mean time, lots of new *yaml bindings have appeared, though
<geertu> so it makes even more sense now than when I wrote it
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<gpiccoli> Does anybody know a trick to reboot/restart an ARM64 processor with a single (or few) assembly instructions?
<gpiccoli> I'm taking a look in machine_restart(), but seems in arm64 it relies on efi_reboot()
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<maz> gpiccoli: rebooting is a system-wide thing. we usually rely on firmware for that.
<gpiccoli> thanks maz, let me give you context - I hope there's a way to do what I want heheh
<gpiccoli> I have a bug that is really early in kernel, so I'm not sure even if kernel is booted, or if bootloader fails to jump into kernel code
<gpiccoli> So, my hacky idea is to insert some code in early kernel entry point to reboot!
<gpiccoli> So, if the FW jumps into kernel, it'll reboot, and I know the problem is at kernel code level
<milkylainen_> debugger?
<gpiccoli> Conversely, if it's stuck, I'd know that bootloader is stuck
<maz> if you're firmware supports PSCI, you can issue a PSCI reset SMC.
<gpiccoli> milkylainen_ which one?
<gpiccoli> yes, it supports maz!
<gpiccoli> I'll check that then, thanks a lot! do you know if we have a code example in kernel for that maz ?
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<maz> gpiccoli: the kernel has multiple layers of acstraction to get to that. but that's only loading the PSCI_RESET constant into x0, followed by SMC #0.
<gpiccoli> that's very very helpful maz, thanks a lot!
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<maz> gpiccoli: "ldr x0, =0x84000009 " + "SMC #0" is what you need.
<gpiccoli> wow maz, much appreciated! Thanks a bunch
<gpiccoli> will try that and let you know how it goes heheh
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<bencoh> gpiccoli: you do have earlycon enabled already, by the way?
<bencoh> I can speedup early kernel debugging
<gpiccoli> sure bencoh , I do have it enabled and no output at all
<gpiccoli> and no odd messages from bootloader as well, so it's hard to know what's going on
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<milkylainen_> gpiccoli: what kind of image and what mechanism are you booting through?
<gpiccoli> I'm booting a zImage though "lk", a qcom board milkylainen_ - I'm not really sure it's a pure lk, but at least it does print lk messages
<gpiccoli> the board is based on db820c
<milkylainen_> zImage?
<gpiccoli> the bootloader is booting a zImage, I create a blob with mkbootimage and use fastboot to transfer that to ufs storage in the board
<gpiccoli> I guess bootloader isolate the zImage and the initrd based on the adresses, and jumps to the kernel start adrr
<milkylainen_> umm. arm64 are usually Image, not zImage
<gpiccoli> I'm not experienced in arm64, so please let me know if I'm talking bullshit heheh
<gpiccoli> yes, it's Image
<gpiccoli> my bad
<gpiccoli> i'm use to talk in x86/ppc world
<gpiccoli> arch/arm64/boot/Image is the kernel image file
<milkylainen_> ok. :)
<gpiccoli> so, I'm not sure how to plug a debugger there unless it's something HW related
<milkylainen_> db820c. snapdragon 820 eg? Don't they have their own snapdragon debuggers?
<gpiccoli> milkylainen_, it's an Inforce board, based on snapdragon - but I'm not sure about the debuggers. Might have, but for now I don't have access to anything like that, would need to buy it heheh
<milkylainen_> Ok.
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<gpiccoli> maz, thanks a lot! It worked like a charm
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<arnd> this looks like an incompatible binding change, is that intentional?
<mmind00> arnd: I think you might want Matthias Brugger (+Rob) for Mediatek stuff instead ;-) ... though I don't see him on irc right now
<arnd> sorry mmind00, you are right, I confused your irc nick
<arnd> I'll reply by email then
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<robher> arnd: Mediatek PCI is a mess. IIRC, they didn't care about compatibility and the change looks like a significant improvement.
<robher> Though there is also the mt7621 PCI driver in staging that looks to be similar, but different enough to be 'hard'.
<arnd> robher: indeed, there is a good chance it's exactly the same hardware and the differences are all about the way MIPS does PCI differently from ARM, like the I/O space thing that should now be worked out
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<Pali> arnd: about that mentioned patch... I think it is the right change but not backward compatible because old definition was wrong
<Pali> very similar issue is with pci mvebu driver
<Pali> in both cases (mediatek and mvebu) DT nodes seems to be defined that there is one pcie controller with multiple pcie root ports
<Pali> but in reality HW is something like multi-root-complex controller where each root complex has single pcie root port
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<Pali> I think the main issue here is missing some "guide" how to correctly write DTS files for PCIe controllers
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