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<arnd> milkylainen: I've never seen one of those in the wild, I agree you should stay away from them.
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<arnd> Marvell doesn't even mention them on their website any more, despite listing the older MIPS based CN7xxx and the newer but even weirder CN92xx
<Xogium> marvell makes strange chips
<Xogium> and they also lock most of their stuff behind NDA even though there's still a GIANT lack of doc
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<arnd> As far as I can tell, TX2-CN92xx is the cut-down version of the original ThunderX2 that they cancelled when they bought Broadcom's Vulcan and rebranded that into the ThunderX2 that is now also discontinued
<Xogium> granted… the only experience I had with one of their chips was on the globalscale espressobin platform which was, to put it mildly, one hell of a disaster
<Xogium> but it doesn't exactly motivate me to try the marvell chips again
<arnd> The one that milkylainen night want to look at for EDK2 support is the TX2-CN91xx, which is unrelated to both the Broadcom and Cavium TX2 but is instead a refresh of Armada 7xxx/8xxx
<arnd> This also has its problems but at least it is supported in the kernel
<Xogium> I'll also grant that part of the bad experience was due to the truly awefullway globalscale handled the board manufacturing process, but even so, having bug after bug after bug with things because of the chip itself and the fact noone seems to know half of the pcie registers or what they stand for and why they are around did not help
<Xogium> ah yes, this one was armada3720
<Xogium> but then again, maybe I am, what's the word ? When you can seem to only swear by one platform because it works exactly how you want it to, and you can't seem to care much for others these days?
<Xogium> I'm all over st since you talked about them a while back, arnd ;) I absolutely love that platform
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<arnd> Xogium: that is definitely a very different experience, both ST and Microchip tend to just work out of the box, but those are unfortunately in a completely different market from the big networking SoCs you get from Marvell/NXP/Broadcom/...
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<Xogium> yeah, don't I know it
<Xogium> maybe st will try to make some mpu for network, one of these days
<Xogium> I mean, they already have some mcu that are network-oriented
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<milkylainen> arnd: Ok. I agree that the CN80xx series was ... uncommon. Didn't know it was that bad.
<milkylainen> arnd: They have a similarly styled i.mx8m though.
<arnd> that would be a much better platform
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<Xogium> only 1 gbe ? Shame
<HdkR> Are there even any ARM SBCs shipping > 1gbe?
<arnd> you can order it with 4GB
<Xogium> I meant the ethernet port
<Xogium> having 3 or 4 would have been cool
<arnd> HdkR: Solidrun has CN9132 and LX2160 boards with multiple 10gbit/25gbit/100gbit ports
<HdkR> Ah, more ports versus faster ports
<HdkR> arnd: Is that still considered SBC? :D
<HdkR> I guess so
<arnd> HdkR: you want soldered-down ram?
<milkylainen> Xogium: 3-4 in that formfactor? I have no issues with multiple ports but this thing is pretty small.
<HdkR> arnd: never and sometimes
<Xogium> milkylainen: true, I hadn't see the 35mm
<milkylainen> Only 35x100mm..?
<arnd> milkylainen: MOCHAbin then? it's not out yet, but they have started the Kickstarter campaign, and it's cheaper and smaller than the Solidrun version
<Xogium> tbh, since it comes from globalscale… I'd honestly, stay as far away as possible, but that is just me
<milkylainen> I'd like to fit a PCIe SDR, much like a
<arnd> also just a single 10gbit ethernet, and a couple of 1gbit
<milkylainen> arnd: I need smaller things. Intend to fly with it.
<abelloni> Xogium: microchip is going to related network oriented socs
<HdkR> I'm probably the exact demographic for the Honeycomb LX2K's 4 10gbe SFP ports and I'm not even using them
<Xogium> globalscale is truly an awefull company, they don't answer to refund request / board replacement if your board arrived DOA, they didn't bother putting the correct info on their wifi for the espressobin, nor maintaining it, they flashed the wrong u-boot on boards before shipping them so that they u-boot that was flashed didn't even have support for the correct spi flash, which… seems to show they don't
<Xogium> even bother testing properly to make sure things work as they should
<geertu> milkylainen: you're gonna need a long cable ;-)
<abelloni> The chip is not announced, it is already upstream
<milkylainen> arnd: On the x86 side I have this:
<milkylainen> approx 50x80, ~1A @ 12V.
<Xogium> abelloni: that is certainly interesting
<milkylainen> geertu: meaning? I can spare an amp or so @12V in the current drone platform without much issue. :)
<geertu> milkylainen: I meant to fly with 10 GbE
<milkylainen> geertu: heh. :D
<arnd> milkylainen: there are tons of tiny Arm SBCs with all kinds of hardware options, but porting EDK-2 to those is going to be hard
<milkylainen> arnd: mkay. :\
<arnd> milkylainen: there are a couple of recent rk356x based boards that fit the constraints of "small" and "with an m.2 slot", e.g.
<arnd> if you need a PCIe mini port instead of m.2, you need to look at wireless router systems, I think there are some mt7622 boards that might work
<milkylainen> Btw. SDRs are getting rather easy access stuff that can be ... interesting? Food for the paranoid.
<Xogium> scary
<Xogium> I'm glad I don't need a monitor
* Xogium hides
<milkylainen> arnd: Hmm. Nice board. Slightly larger than the Pi formfactor. Maybe I can live with that... How is the Rockchip support in general?
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<arnd> milkylainen: Rockchip overall is fairly good, but this is a rather new chip, so it will take a bit to catch up, they don't upstream hardware support before products are on the market
<milkylainen> Ok.
<arnd> milkylainen: what are your minimum hardware requirements for RAM and CPU?
<geertu> milkylainen: The heatsink on looks a bit heavy to put in a drone
<milkylainen> arnd: I can deal with rather small amounts of RAM. Need number crunching and good IO. Mostly radio bound applications.
<milkylainen> geertu: There is a smaller one.
<arnd> milkylainen: I assume you have considered a Raspberry Pi CM4 with a custom baseboard? That would at least be small and reasonably fast but limited to a single PCIe lane
<arnd> (there is even an EDK-2 for it, though it wouldn't help you, as it's only a second-stage boot loader rather than a real firmware ;-))
<milkylainen> arnd: Yes. Trying to do without a custom baseboard. Also. I am unsure about the RPi foundation firmware. How much I can strip, live without etc. The RPi ecosystem is a bit... forced?
<ukleinek> milkylainen: there are efforts for a free firmware
<geertu> milkylainen: nice!
<milkylainen> 30mm height, 50mm width, 80mm length.
<milkylainen> length/depth
<milkylainen> ukleinek: So I've heard, but not looked into it. Where to look?
<milkylainen> j`ey: thanks.
<ukleinek> 1634111582< clever> here is an example of the 2d accel and 3d accel being demo'd, while linux is booting in parallel!
<ukleinek> 1634111618< clever> the bouncing raspberry logo, is in the 2d acceleration, all i'm doing is changing the xy coord, the image doesnt have to be copied
<ukleinek> 1634111635< clever> the spinning triangle is a 3d render with full double-buffering
<ukleinek> 1634111647< clever> and the bottom half of the screen is /dev/fb0 from linux, as it goes its own thing
<milkylainen> geertu: The x86 board wasn't mounted at the time of the photo. But we've test fitted everything and measured cooling. Cooling is ok without forced airflow. And with airflow on a drone there is more than enough air mass hitting it, even stationary.
<milkylainen> ukleinek: Interesting.
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<ajb-linaro> arnd: I found a reference in the forums that seem to indicate my SD card issue might be down to DTB entries:
<ajb-linaro> the comment:
<ajb-linaro> * The firmware will find whether the emmc2bus alias is defined, and if
<ajb-linaro> * so, it'll edit the dma-ranges property below accordingly.
<ajb-linaro> which might be something uboot is not doing?
<ajb-linaro> arnd: ^ without understanding exactly what's going on my blind patch worked and now I've booted
<arnd> ajb-linaro: ok, makes sense. I see that nsaenz added a comment in the DT saying that the firmware needs to override it depending on the SoC revision, see
<arnd> so if your firmware doesn't know about the override, it won't change it from the default
<arnd> and "firmware" could be anything that runs before the kernel, including the rpi-firmware, u-boot, xen or edk2
<nsaenz> ajb-linaro, the situation with RPi's DTs is very confusing and error prone. For ex. depending on your setup rpi-firmware might update the devicetree, pass it to the next boot stage, who'll then reload it from persistent storage instead of picking it up from memory (I believe that's what happens with fedora, opensuse does the 'right' thing).
<nsaenz> ajb-linaro, feel free to CC me on any RPi related issues you might encounter (
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<ajb-linaro> nsaenz: I was unable to make the appropriate changes to my FDT for Xen from the version passed to u-boot so instead went with the stock dtb from the kernel and patched it
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<abelloni> arnd: I'm fine with and I don't think it has the issues of the previous series
<abelloni> do you want to take it or should I ?
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<arnd> abelloni: I don't see much benefit in that patch, but I don't mind it either. Normally this would go through krzk's tree though, have you asked him about it?
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<abelloni> les code for me to maintain, this is always good ;)
<abelloni> less
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