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<ukleinek> broonie: can you point me to the problem that is mentioned in spi_add_device(), i.e. "We need to make sure there's no other device with this chipselect **BEFORE** we call setup(), else we'll trash its configuration."?
<broonie> That predates me but it seems obvious that we'd have issues if we reconfigured an existing device to have a different setup by mistake?
<ukleinek> broonie: I wonder if the explicit check (bus_for_each_dev(&spi_bus_type, NULL, spi, spi_dev_check)) can be dropped because a second device for the same bus+chipselect fails when /sys/bus/spi/devices/spiX.Y is to be created.
<broonie> Yes, I was just wondering that myself.
<broonie> OTOH is it causing issues?
<ukleinek> broonie: yes, there is a problem with spi-mux, because the device_add in spi_add_device() is called under &spi_add_lock and might trigger another spi_add_device() and so a deadlock
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<broonie> Ah. Then yeah, I've not really heard of that check going off a lot and it seems in the general basket of people shooting themselves in the foot off the top of my head.
<ukleinek> So the only problem in reverting ddf75be47ca748f8b12d28ac64d624354fddf189 is: Can a controller really disappear (if yes, a device_get() should be good enough) and that config trashing mentioned in that comment.
<broonie> Hotplug is a thing.
* ukleinek wonders why spi_add_device is exported, there are no callers apart from drivers/spi/spi.c
<ukleinek> broonie: agreed, hotplug is a thing, but the callers of spi_add_device seem to hold a reference on the controller, so at least the struct device doesn't go away?!
<broonie> If the driver isn't there then cleaning up the client we just added is going to get messy.
<ukleinek> (spi_alloc_device -> spi_controller_get takes a reference)
* ukleinek doesn't understand which driver broonie is talking about
<broonie> The controller driver.
* ukleinek considers what happens if spi_add_device() is called for a device on a bus without driver
* broonie is in the middle of stuff and not fully working through all the cases here, but some care is going to be needed.
<ukleinek> broonie: ok, I will think some more about this tomorrow and then hopefully present a fix by mail.
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