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<ukleinek> mwalle_: nitpick: Put your S-o-b always as last item in the commit log
<mwalle_> ukleinek: judging by looking at the kernel commits, thats almost never the case, i was just collecting the reviewed-by tags, which i guess would have been in the same order if broonie just picked em up himself, no?
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<ukleinek> mwalle_: yeah, it's a nitpick and there are many offenders.
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<arnd> mwalle_: the way I handle it is to leave the existing tags in place, then put the tags I add, and then my own S-o-b last. I think that's what most maintainers do
<arnd> do if you resend a patch with an added Reviewed-by, that comes before your S-o-b, but if someone else picks it up, your S-o-b comes before the R-b
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<mwalle_> arnd: ukleinek: noted for next time :)
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<geertu> arnd: technically the Ab and Rb tags are applied after you signed off on your own patch
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<mwalle_> arnd: and Cc: tags? like cc: stable
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<geertu> mwalle_: I don't use them
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<mwalle_> geertu: a reviewer put a cc: stable, so i can hardly just skip it ;) anyway, i was under the impression that a Fixes: is enough
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<geertu> wsYeah, if you have a Fixes tag, the stable machinery will usually be triggered, too
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<arnd> broonie: I was browsing through some legacy platform_data code and looked at sound/soc/codecs/cs42l56.c, where I noticed that a) nothing defines the platform_data and b) the DT parsing is broken because the pdata gets zeroed in the end using "cs42l56->pdata = *pdata;"
<arnd> it's been like this since the driver got merged in 2014. Do you prefer to fix or remove such drivers?
<javierm> geertu: I thought that was the case but just today gregkh pointed me that a Fixes: tag is not enough and you need an Cc: <stable...>
<javierm> and for tags I usually put in the order that happened. So if I have Reported-by: followed by my S-o-B and then get a Reviewed-by and Acked-by, I put them after my S-o-B in the order that happened
<javierm> always thought that was the convention
<broonie> arnd: Seems better to fix the driver, no?
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<broonie> It's not doing any harm.
<arnd> broonie: ok, will do. it just seems unlikely that after seven years of being broken in mainline anyone will miss it
<broonie> arnd: Well, we didn't force all 32 bit platforms to use device tree.
<arnd> broonie: I'd like to remove the platform_data probing side from some the drivers that have no remaining board files though, would you take those patches for asoc codecs?
<broonie> I'm not really enthusiastic about doing that sort of thing just for the sake of it TBH.
<broonie> If it's getting in someone's way then sure but why bother otherwise?
<arnd> this is part of looking at the legacy gpio interface users. The problem with leaving the platform data in place is that any possible out-of-tree users are still broken if we change them
<broonie> Converting to gpiod and invalidating the platform data would be an example of having the platform data getting in the way though.
<broonie> It's just the patches that delete the platform data with nothing else going on that I'm talking about
<arnd> Right. I was trying to partition the work a bit by starting with the removal, but I'll stop that for the codecs then and send you just the trivial fix for the broken DT probe
<arnd> the only other patch I have so far is for the omap2 framebuffer driver, but at least in that case we are sure that nobody is able to use the pdata based probe any more
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