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<arnd> broonie: do you have a fix for "arch/arm64/kernel/fpsimd.c:158:12: error: unused function 'get_sve_default_vl' [-Werror,-Wunused-function]" in today's linux-next?
<broonie> arnd: A couple of them, Will stopped applying the series rather than just skipping the one patch he queried.
<arnd> ok, I'll just do a local revert for today then
<broonie> No guarantees if/when anything more will get applied.
<milkylainen> arnd: Ordered both the cavium tx and the imx8 variants from gateworks. I don't have much hope for the Cavium TX1 stripped variant, but I've ordered one anyway.
<arnd> milkylainen: let me know how far you get with that one anyway, sounds like a fun way to waste a work day
<milkylainen> Hah. :D
<milkylainen> Probably use it as a skipping stone come summer. :)
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<mwalle> broonie: there were some attempts to add a new_device property to the spi bus. but all seem to have been given up on. although there was not a hard "no" but it was only wrong how it was implemented. I'd like to give it another try. basically i'd do a echo "<modalias> <cs>" > /sys/bus/spi/devices/spi0/new_device
<broonie> I have no recollection of previous attempts or what the issues were.
<mwalle> but i fear that it won't be thaat useful in the end without having a max_freq (and maybe mode)
<broonie> Yes, I think loading a small DT overlay is probably more useful.
<mwalle> broonie: yes, but is that possible for example on x86?
<broonie> ACPI has an overlays equivalent.
<broonie> Ah, the issue with that one was that it was tied to spidev which is obviously not good.
<mwalle> broonie: yep, and there was just the modalias missing. i.e. echo "at25 0" > /sys/bus/spi/devices/spi0/new_device would bind an eeprom
* broonie really isn't sure he sees the use case here frankly.
<mwalle> broonie: i have an usb device which is an spi controller. but thats it. No devices are connetecd to it. Usually, its used as a flash programmer, but you can connect anything to it.
<geertu> mwalle: mcp2210, by any chance?
<mwalle> geertu: no ch341
<geertu> mwalle: You can run the DT tests on x86, right? So basic DT should work.
<mwalle> geertu: that mcp2210 looks nice, but I actually needed an usb-to-i2c, and that ch341 have both, i2c and spi
<geertu> THat also contains overlay tests, so overlays should work, too
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<broonie> There are entire x86 systems that use DT rather than ACPI, with more to come.
<geertu> mwalle: I think i2c or spi doesn't matter much, both can be solved in the same way
<mwalle> geertu: sure, with i2c theres already that new_device thingy (although it doesnt really work for me because I'd need additional properties)
<geertu> mwalle: Does it have an EEPROM to store user data, like mcp2210? Then you can store e.g. an SHA1 of your DT overlay blob, and load that through request_firmware()?
<geertu> mwalle: yes, adding a pure i2c device through sysfs is easy
<mwalle> geertu: no it doesn't. well you can have an external eeprom. but (1) most "programmers" you can buy doesn't have one and (2) i'm not sure if it just works with the UART mode
<mwalle> tbh. this chip isn't really good at spi nor at i2c. but its a chip which is readily available and has usb. I couldn't really find a usb-to-i2c bridge
<broonie> Why bother when you can bitbang GPIOs? :P
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<mwalle> broonie: you mean usb to gpio?
<bencoh> with some ftdi chip for instance
<broonie> yes
<bencoh> (that thing in most usb/serial adapters)
<mwalle> bencoh: i know the ftdi chips ;)
<mwalle> well is there an in-kernel driver for it? and then I don't think it's really fast (i actually want to drive an i2c display)
<mwalle> and actually that ch341 works really well with it
<bencoh> i2c is only used for control with displays, I highly doubt it wouldn't be fast enough
<mwalle> bencoh: depends on the display :) see ssd130x series
<bencoh> ah, that kind of display ... I see
<mwalle> yeah not like huge panels
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