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<ajb-linaro> does anyone know if the Pi4 is a BCM2838 or a BCM2711?
<ajb-linaro> j`ey_: thanks - I was confused by the backward step in model number
<j`ey_> it's counting down, BCM0 will be the perfect SoC!
<ajb-linaro> I'm sure this won't make the QEMU code confusing
<ajb-linaro> .name = TYPE_BCM2711,
<ajb-linaro> .class_init = bcm2711_class_init,
<ajb-linaro> .parent = TYPE_BCM283X,
* ajb-linaro hopes the board revision layout hasn't changed
<ajb-linaro> j`ey_: I don't suppose your knowledge extends to where went?
<j`ey_> nope sorry
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<m4t> i've been encountering this weird issue on both 4.14-rt and 4.19-rt on kirkwood where at what appears to be the SECOND jiffies over flow (or orion_event hitting 2^31 / CONFIG_HZ), system entropy estimates take an immediate nosedive. the estimated entropy goes to near 0 almost instantly after something like haveged adds it
<m4t> it happens consistently after almost precisely 2^31 / 1000 seconds uptime... is ftrace showing random:* vs /proc/uptime vs entropy_avail
<m4t> nothing in userland is debiting entropy
<m4t> btw, it's in that state now, if anyone has ideas of what i could check w/ftrace
<m4t> are some older munin graphs showing the same
<m4t> s/orion_event hitting 2^31 / CONFIG_HZ/orion_event hitting 2^31/
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