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<terrorpup> So I have a question, during setup I am offered three languages
<terrorpup> en = english
<terrorpup> es = spanish
<terrorpup> What is ey
<terrorpup> So I have a question, during setup I am offered three languages
<terrorpup> en = english
<terrorpup> es = spanish
<terrorpup> What is ey? Is that Yadish
<terrorpup> I can't find anything to tell me what it is
<terrorpup> Thanks @.richn that's very useful
<tenkawa42> Thats not a proper ISO code btw
<tenkawa42> neither ISO 639 nor 3166
<.richn> EY: Euroopan Yhteisöt (Finnish: European Communities)
<.richn> I dont see it either
<tenkawa42> I did MNLS (Multi National Language Support) coding for a living so I get a little picky about that
<.richn> gn
<terrorpup> So it weird for me because I live in the US, I get en/es but the ey was third choose was throwing me, I 3rd gen Norwegian, I don't speaking any Norwegian, my Grandfather got picked as a kid so he only spoke English to my mother.
<tenkawa42> let me try something
<terrorpup> anyway, thanks guys, I kept wondering what ey was
<tenkawa42> hmmm.. I don't even have that locale available
<tenkawa42> odd
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<terrorpup> When I was setup up a Renegade Board, I have a video online I can take a screen shot, I believe it show the three, that only shows up when you have internet up with Armbian, if no internet access it give you the whole list of locales.
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Wen armbian bookworm?
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Wek ago
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runin wel
Orange pi version too?
Opi5 to be specific.
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Supposedly it's still not stable.
So let me rephrase.
Wen armbian bookworm stable?
<gentooman> Anyone has any idea how much power should go through lepotato board ?
<gentooman> Or is there a standard in USB C ?
<gentooman> My adapter delivers 5V-1A DC
<.richn> it should be 5v 2 amp
<.richn> iys on their spec page
USB type C has a standard but it's... quite broad.
<gentooman> Their spec only says "MicroUSB Power in"
<gentooman> For the model i have
1 amp is almost certainly low.
<.richn> 5v 2amp 3amp max
<.richn> ots a low pawer chip
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