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<Death_Syn> I'll be trying bookworm on one of my opi5s today
<Death_Syn> at least on the other platforms I've used it on, it has been stable
<IgorPec> bookworm adds exactly zero stability
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<DC-IRC> <.richn> That page does not include the rockchip chipset in the docs.
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> @.richn if you are talking about the interactive governor section... there is no Rockchip "optimized".. there are way too many variations
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<DC-IRC> <_dal_> does anyone know where I might find the download for Banana Pi M2 Zero kernel 6.0.y (Armbian_22.11.0-trunk_Bananapim2zero_bullseye_edge_6.0.9.img.xz)?
<DC-IRC> <_dal_> It used to be on the main download on but has been replaced with non-working images of 6.1 and 6.2, it also doesn't appear in the archives...
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<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> @_dal_ that image came from not from Armbian
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> hmm.. they reference it to be armbian but its not...
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> Appears its been removed completely...
<DC-IRC> <_dal_> do images not automatically make it into the archive?
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> oh wait.. its there
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> there's google drive/baidu links still
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> The armbian archive ones periodly get cleared out for different reasons
<DC-IRC> <_dal_> so there is, never thought to see if Banana Pi still had some of the images 😛
<DC-IRC> <_dal_> it's been a long week, my bad
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> np.. I hear ya
<DC-IRC> <_dal_> I should add for future people, 6.2.y seems to work fine with the Banana Pi M2 Zero, but is still missing packages with it being the rolling release, I suspect this will be fixed pretty soon ... 6.1.y has broken USB and I think ethernet
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<DC-IRC> <.richn> usb and ethernet can be device tree or firmware.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> there is no diff between the 6.1 and 6.2 dts for that board in the source tree.
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<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> probs something else going on. in my testing the tinkerboard r2's wireless doesn't work on 6.3, but works fine on 6.1. I could find no diff in the dts there either.
<DC-IRC> <.richn> then that sounds like a firmware issue
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> could be, yeah.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius77> or the wireless driver.
<DC-IRC> <.richn> ok 2 things to get cellular antennas and a sim card with pay as you go
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<DC-IRC> <mostafa_geforce> If I got Any Cooler I Would Freeze to Death
<DC-IRC> <.richn> ok I have 2 small fixes I have put in needing pushed for desktops
<DC-IRC> <.richn> then I will commit 1 by 1 each desktop
<DC-IRC> <.richn> so youguys can follow the debian changes
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<DC-IRC> <the_madmanslayer> Is there a way to download armbian bullseye still? Need it for openmediavault which isn't on bookworm yet
<DC-IRC> <Infinity_Q> What is the Khadas MCU control driver? I'm trying to build the rk35xx-legacy config on the rockchip kernel
<DC-IRC> <Infinity_Q> and that seen to be failing
<DC-IRC> <Infinity_Q> *seems
<DC-IRC> <Infinity_Q> I guess I'll just disable it, I'll know if something doesn't work
<DC-IRC> <Infinity_Q> Well, I could've started by putting this in the correct channel xP
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<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> @Infinity_Q The mcu kernel driver is needed for various area like temp sensing/etc
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> I think pwm fan control as well
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<DC-IRC> <Infinity_Q> hrm. I wonder why it keeps failing
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<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> You need to modify the Makefile
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> which compile are you trying to run?
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> do you have the full line?
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> I'll take a look at it here
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<DC-IRC> <Infinity_Q> just regular make, I did'nt know there was a script for it
<DC-IRC> <MaaG^dA> a small qestion: Armbian Bookworm or Armbian Jammy ? i need minimal cli version..
<DC-IRC> <tenkawa42> Which source package though?
<DC-IRC> <Infinity_Q> main github source
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