because it's possible to define custom methods on an interface, which FlippedInterface has to proxy
Assuming interface object foo has member "bar", it's very weird to me that foo.members["bar"].signature and "foo.bar.signature" return FlippedSignature and Signature respectively
adamgreig[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 172800s]
I'm trying to adjust my MCVE, hold on
you mean foo.signature.members["bar"] vs foo.bar.signature?
hmm, I'd expect those to return the same orientation
* you mean foo.signature.members["bar"].signature vs foo.bar.signature?
I looked through the code and as far as I see they should both be flipped if necessary
Oh this one is updated
I get a random UUID each time so each paste is different lol
Comment out the first two print statements; the first two of the remaining print statements return Signatures; the last two print statements return FlippedSignature
zyp[m]: I also personally think they should all be flipped, and before a90bc7b they _we're_ all flipped.
ah, I see what's happening
self.fwd.periph is a FlippedInterface, but __getattr__ doesn't propagate the flipped attribute to subinterfaces
my question is... should it propagate? (And according to the custom methods argument, the answer is "no")
it should, the custom methods gets the FlippedInterface proxy as self so they can account for it
Oooooh, yea that makes sense. I think this is a bug then