since the previous meeting the following changes were made: transpose was renamed back to forward due to more practical experience (and in particular working with multidimensional arrays; Interface is no longer empty as Interface.__init__ now has the logic for creating Interface instance attributes; Component now pulls annotations from the entire MRO (all base classes) and not just the very first class in the MRO;
Signature.flipped was removed
I believe that the RFC is now ready for approval. does anyone have any final comments?
Not me.
renamed back to forward?
RFC says flipped*
err, flipped, not forward
(The RFC also references forward at the end still)
I've started playing with the implementation, well, it just works
Otherwise, looks fine
flipped has grown on me, and there is parity with Signature.flip()
all right. in this case, please respond with your preferred disposition: merge or close
merge, and merge the PR while you're at it
galibert: the PR isn't complete; it misses reference and guide level documentation
Signature.flipped was removed bc it was redundant with isinstance(sig, FlippedSignature) ?
Ah yeah true
jfng: yes
My only question is: if two base classes define the same annotation, where can I learn about the MRO rules about which one takes priority?
"MRO" is "method resolution order"
so in the Python documentation for that
yes, that __mro__ magic attribute. I just didn't know the name
Catherine: is it "first one wins", "last one wins" or "assert on collision"?
there were also the multidimensional array index order changes, I think?
galibert: I don't know what's the first or last here
Might be complex rules, I just wanted a hint for future me if/when I need it.
Classes in the mro order
galibert: the idea is that annotations follow the same priority rules as methods or attributes
(there is actually an implementation bug related to this right now)
I'm wondering, is there a use case for priority in contrast to stopping on collision?
Shadowing wihout noticing could be annoying
Mixins maybe?
unless the colliding parts have identical signatures, but then the priority order doesn't really matter
there are five more RFCs on the agenda and we've spent 1/3 of our time already, so we should move on
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<whitequark[cis]> "all right. in this case, please..." <- merge from me as well
cr1901: can you use a mixin if some of the interface is shadowed by something with a different signature?
Catherine: Ok
also merge
jjsuperpower has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
okay, RFC #2: disposition is to merge 🎉
#18 is also a merge from me, looks like a simple and obvious improvement
I like this. only thought is how bad the load time hit of just having all the classes imported into vendor would be, vs the getattr stuff
merge from me. It's simpler, it's probably future-proof
but it's not really material to the rfc anyway I think, just an implementation detail
would you still have to rename the actual platform classes when vendors change name, or do we just stick with the name it had on release?
adamgreig: please read the reference-level explanatino
it specifically goes into how you would avoid imports
I did
I'm asking how bad the hit is from just doing the imports, which is simpler and less magical
the actual import goes into __getattr__
but I don't think that really matters from the rfc's point of view, whether you use the module getattr or just import seems like an implementation detail anyway
essentially yeah
I expect the vendor platform classes to get bigger and more complex as we add things like PLLs to them
would you keep Xilinx7SeriesPlatform and never rename it AMD7SeriesPlatform or whatever, then?
Is there much overhead for having aliases?
I like the smaller import statements, but I don't understand why you'd go from "from amaranth.vendor.siliconblue_ice40 import SiliconBlueIce40Platform" to "from amaranth.vendor.lattice_ice40 import SiliconBlueIce40Platform"
or in other words: if you keep the class name unchanged when the brand renames, can't you just also keep the module name the same?
You mean from amaranth.vendor import SiliconBlueIce40Platform ?
no, sorry, I mean in the current situation where we're renaming things but import from submodules inside vendor
historically we would go from vendor.machxo2 to machxo2_3l and I can see going to something like machxo2_3_3l which gets absurd
that's more about refining the available platforms than vendors changing names, right?
the vendor name changes are also something I'd like to handle
Xilinx doesn't exist anymore just like Altera doesn't, and we don't have an AlteraPlatform
should we be renaming eg LatticeECP5Platform to just ECP5Platform and so forth?
well what would you rename XilinxPlatform to?
it handles every Xilinx device
whitequark[cis]: i feel this kind of undermines the motivation behind RFC 18
I guess that's what I'm getting at. I don't understand the brand-name motivation in the RFC, since we're still keeping brand names in the classes
Why the lack of parity between Lattice (need a device family) and Xilinx (handles everything)? Is it historical baggage, or intentional?
but I do follow the second motivation around reorganising the modules, and additionally I like the shorter simpler imports
we'd still keep the old vendor names, or deprecate them towards their new name
@cr1901: Lattice bought other companies with their FPGA series, Xilinx did not
adamgreig: oh, it's easier to change a class name than a module name when refactoring
that's the only motivation re: brand names
cr1901: someone went ahead and unified all Xilinx devices into common code; that did not (yet) happen for Lattice MachXO* + ECP5
that + the fact that Lattice ICE40 is not really a Lattice FPGA like ECP5 and MachXO* are, and it shows in the technical details
but even with the unification you would have a XO+ECP5 and iCE40 split
jfng: I think we've never removed a vendor name yet, I don't see why we have to
Somebody has issues with me participating to this meeting
also the Xilinx stuff is an argument for the RFC, given that we already had a merge of three different platforms from three different modules into one
there used to be a Xilinx7SeriesPlatform and so on
oh yeah
there still is, right? it's just an alias now
no we removed the alias
anyway regardless of the motivation, the proposed change seems good to me
i meant that we'd rename XilinxPlatform to AMDPlatform anyway
but if this RFC makes it easier because module names no longer matter, then that's a win i guess
yes, it does make refactoring downstream code easier
module names can clash with variable names for example
so you can't do blind s/xilinx/amd/
this is likely to break some things unrelated to XilinxPlatform
adamgreig: ^ this is the part of the RFC related to brand names: the annoyance of refactoring module names including those
fair enough
please respond with your disposition on RFC #18: merge or close
I got to go -- I glanced through everything on the agenda and the rest also looks like easy merges for me
better than having to keep the original shapecastable around
the idea behind having ValueCastable.shape() as opposed to the already possible Value.cast(value_castable).shape() is that you get the high level shape-castable object
something like this is pretty much required for usability of RFC #15
Should Value.cast(value_castable).shape() return the ShapeCastable too?
FWFT and non-FWFT FIFOs have incompatible interfaces which is only indicated in their runtime properties
no one I'm aware of actually wants to use non-FWFT FIFOs in a design and they exist in first place as a weird historical accident related to Migen
Really? FWFT has a read_en signal?
Actually ignore that q
um, all of the FIFOs have the same set of signals
wasn't FWFT needed for bram inference on some platforms, i don't remember
merge from me, I've never needed non-fwft and can't really see why you'd want it either, and one could always copy the old non-fwft code out if you really did
If non-fwft suddenly becomes useful enough to be needed in the lib, it should come back with a different class name
jfng[m]: oh no, that's SyncFIFOBuffered
I follow consensus on this one.
whitequark[cis]: Yea I haven't really used the FIFOs in amaranth, only in Verilog (where the difference between FWFT and not-FWFT included "whether a read_en signal is present".
how would you use a FIFO without a read_en signal?
There's no need for me to have non-FWFT if read_en is present even on FWFT
You need a signal to either tell the fifo to do a read, or that a read has been done
it's useful if you want to peek at the read data without consuming it
I have to run but I'm +1 on #21 too
read_en presents the data, take consumes the data
It's really not important to point out the contradictions in my memory, the point is merge
okay, that distinction does not exist on Amaranth. read_en is always enabled for FWFT FIFOs effectively
(and for non-FWFT it would be enabled except on first word)
this is essentially designed to avoid another MarkupSafe fiasco and have some leeway for backporting tracing changes to older releases while also not committing to a full backport branch
Will minor releases be back-compat once major becomes > 0?
Otherwise merge
I have a feeling that 0.4 is major in the first place
0.4 is major
Change Amaranth versioning from major.minor <-- you bumped the minor part
cr1901: yes, and there will probably never be Amaranth 2
right, fair
then it should be 1.0 (or 4.0 even :-) ), no?
galibert: not how semver works
"Anything goes" before 1.0. Rust and Amaranth are more principled
incrementing x in x.y or 0.x allows for breaking changes
prediction: you'll still be at 0.x in five years
galibert: nah, the plan is to get to 1.0 in about two
Anyways, merge. Just wanted clarification.
trust me, I co-maintain a project that is at 0.257 iirc
and in five I would like to be doing something else entirely with my life
well I would not trust you to get to 1.0 in that case :p
jfng: there is an unresolved question here for you
Just go towards version "e"
LaTeX went towards version pi, it didn't help
(or maybe TeX itself, not sure anymore)
I vote merge, it seems like a minimum reasonable change
Also projects can always strip off a leading digit from the version like emacs did at some point
^Uhhh, what? ._.
emacs version were 1.1, 1.2 ... 1.12, 13, 14, ...
i'm okay for doing this in -soc, iff the backporting effort is moderate
It's not todays meeting, but I'd vote for -soc having a lot more releases
also, merge
galibert[m]: well, 1 would be infinitely more than 0, i guess !
thanks. disposition on RFC #21: merge
that's all! thank you everyone
Thanks, whitequark[cis]
Maybe one day someone will read my rfc ;-)
(yeah yeah yeah waiting for after the 0.4 release, makes a lot of sense too)
TY, but in 5 years I think you (@Catherine) will be BDFL and be paid by the Amaranth foundation... :)
I suspect she'll hate the 'D' aspect though
I am vocally opposed to ever being a BDFL of anything
And maybe, just maybe, the langauge will stay small and reach a steady state, with everything else being in libraries.
Catherine: sometimes you end up being the 800-pound gorilla without meaning to though. It can even been pleasing to being able to solve stupid blockages through the application of what ends up very minimal force
Just being that one means people take the time to think again rather than knee-jerk, and you can end up with a nice resolution
did you know that I've never wanted to design languages? I wanted to use them, but what I wanted to use did not exist
And then you went and designed what we also wanted to use :-)
A data.Struct derivative, when seen under gtkwave, loses the individual members (e.g. it records the global signal as one value) when using Simulator. Is that sanely fixable?
hmmm, that's in fact a general ValueCastable issue, right?
mhm, yes
you need some kind of entry point that's similar to a decoder but can output multiple named traces
that's the needs-rfc bit
that also could be a generalization of the decoder concept, you pass either a function that goes value -> representation, or a pair with a list of trace names and a function that goes value -> tuple (list?) of representations
I was thinking about replacing the function with a class, which could potentially also maintain state
that's another possible way. I was thinking of a case like fp32 with a decoder that does both 32'h and floating point representation on two independant traces, in a case where they're not struct-ed somehow
a lambda seemed sufficient, lighter than creating a derivative call of some Decoder interface
what happens if the return value changes
* if the structure of the return value, * value changes?
how do you emit the list of traces without having the init state ready yet?
how do you correlate names to traces without calling random code?
this still does not let you keep formatter state
lambda can keep state by calling into an object (say, your view for instance)
sure, you can build a rube goldberg machine out of bare python datatypes that does the same thing I want to do but worse and in a more confusing, harder to use, harder to document way. why?
ah, there's another consideration I should mention
ideally CXXRTL would not call back into Python for formatting
so aside from that lambda, there would need to be another one
ah yeah, and the generated verilog should probably be a packed struct
which is the exact same issue
there are no plans to alter the generated verilog
oh? I thought you'd have wanted that for debugging easyness
sorry, I should be more clear: it's not feasible until the new IR lands, so it won't be a part of addressing this issue
right now we don't have a lot of control over the generated Verilog at all
and the dream of using Yosys to make the problem easier has not really come true due to how bad write_verilog is in Yosys
oh ok
well, it seems to be an horribly hard problem in the first place
_IIRC_ (emphasis), wq offered a PR to make write_verilog's output better, but AFAIK Claire never merged it b/c of nontrivial potential to break subtly in difficult to find ways.
Also wq: do you have any medium term plans (next 6 months) to update boneless to be up to date w/ amaranth?
cr1901: I would not have merged it myself considering the issues brought up (this wasn't a conflict of opinions or anything like that; my PR was not technically good enough)
* cr1901
cr1901: yeah sure, it will go really well with the data structure library updates I think
Cool, I'd love to experiment w/ boneless again (and maybe even get the simulator up to date). There's some control-plane stuff I could do w/ it (serial port multiplexor, bespoke terminal emulator) where RISCV is too big, so I'd either use a 6502 soft-core or boneless
IIRC term emulator was a motivation for boneless too
Did you write a llvm backend for boneless in a fit of insanity?
Also, you should use a 8051 core just to make Foone drink
Ooh, it would be cool to see boneless revived
Also with interfaces and (hopefully soon) streams, it would be nice to see amaranth-stdio updated and expanded
boneless is not really a good fit for LLVM; neither is 8051
crzwdjk: yes, that is the idea with streams
8051 is not a good fit for anything not severely legacy :-)
Catherine: the 16-bits thing or other issues?
LLVM thinks the stack is basically free, for one
"Ten tricks your embedded system hates"
There's a globalisel pass that the 6502 LLVM backend (!!) that apparently makes the codegen not abysmal.
Ah, another reason LLVM in not the perfect solution for every compiler problem
cr1901: is there a 6502 core written in amaranth?
crzwdjk: I'm writing one right now to test rfc#2
I think galibert[m] is doing one. I might do a 65c02 one
or if galibert[m] adds the "c" insns, I'll use his
I'm doing to original for now, but I want the others too
Cool, I would love to see it when it's done. Might be useful for my terminal.
I need to buy a spare c02 and make a test harness, so I can run it in lockstep in simulation w/ my design
Thankfully modern ones run at 3.3V, so that's easy to interface
How big would a 6502 be, relative to an ice40 fpga? Or boneless for that matter?
no idea, honestly
don't have an exact breakdown but I managed to get the entire MiST NES core to fit in an ice40up5k a few years ago
I think it's less than 1k LUTs for the 6502 part
jjsuperpower has joined #amaranth-lang
Oh, that's pretty encouraging then, also cool that a whole NES can fit on a pretty small fpga.