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Once the RFC 2 implementation lands, I assume that some standard library things will be rewritten to use Signatures? For example, stuff like FIFOs but also maybe the read/write ports of Memory?
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so nice to see the features of the language debated like this before they are implemented
a lot easier now than receiving issues and pull requests "what about changing the language this way" after features are out and people rely on it
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<zyp[m]> "Catherine: by the way, what..." <- I would like to prohibit that so that future stdlib extensions can have stream payload be a signature without potential compatibility concerns
<crzwdjk> "Once the RFC 2 implementation..." <- there is no rewrite necessary
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Memory is core language, interfaces isn’t (yet?), so Memory is not allowed to depend on interfaces
I'm thinking it would go the other way around
memory would become lib.memory or something
there are multiple reasons to do that, interfaces being just one of those
Maybe 0.7 will put interfaces in core because it will be obvious then. Or not. It will be interesting to see the evolution
the only thing the core language really needs to have is syntax to netlist transformation
and the interoperability classes that lets you combine components with each other, like ShapeCastable and ValueCastable
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huh, that's an interesting direction
Memory would do a lot better as a library class; it ended up being in the core language solely because of Yosys and it's not a very good fit
kinda exposes the Verilog-formed biases
where memory is something fundamental because it's syntax
... or yosys-formed, yes, same thing
Or the rtlil ones. I'm not sure things can generate Instance-ish rtlil yet
they do all the time
I mean outside core
there is nothing stopping you from doing it
does the I/O stuff count as outside core? does vendor support and lib.cdc count?
which is kind of sketch but who cares honestly
because those already do it
interestingly, CDC (but not lib.cdc) should be in the core language
CDC or ability to annotate primitives with domain information?
isn't the i/o stuff generating an Instance-equivalent? I'm not sure what an instance looks like at the rtlil level
the thing you're looking for in RTLIL (cell) is pretty much directly equivalent to amaranth Instance
if you instantiate a yosys internal cell instead of a vendor cell, it'll work, and in fact the IO stuff does that with a $tribuf cell
whether that's a good thing is a different matter
the sole exception is memory stuff, because that is special-cased in RTLIL itself
Is that a mistake-in-hindsight of rtlil or are there good reasons?
Wanda[cis]: the latter
(though given that RTLIL now supports a monolith $mem cell in addition to per-port cells, even that could be changed)
galibert[m]: the memory stuff? load-bearing liability.
love the expression
it caused no end of problems I spent a ton of effort trying to exorcise
Ah, it's the memory/ports split that makes things complicated?
it was worse than that tbh, yosys had both a monolith cell to represent memory and a cell-per-port representation
worst of both worlds
still has (I couldn't remove either due to compatibility requirements), but now there's a wrapper used everywhere that allows you to work with both equivalently on the C++ level
Thanks for all the hard work on RFC 2, whitequark[cis] and everyone else, it's looking really good.
have you been using it already?
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Yeah, I have been rewriting some of my stuff using it this week. I actually meant to rewrite some of my code anyway now that I understand HDL a bit more and figured I'd take the opportunity to upgrade to the new way of doing things.
And I think the latest update to RFC 2 addresses all my issues
very happy to hear that
I'm in the process of writing the reference documentation
I definitely wasted a lot of time debugging typos wiring up the connections in my old design, so connect() is very, very helpful
ooooh, this is really a curious project, and relevant to my interests
Oh, cool. Btw, there's a bunch more old code I need to clean up and port to the new framework, so hopefully there will be more updates soon.
Among other things, I have a (Q)SPI flash reader component and a PS/2 keyboard controller. Well and the UART I copied out of amaranth-stdio
out of curiosity why not go with yowasp? the benefit is mainly so that you can put the toolchain version into a lockfile
I might just switch to that, mostly I didn't want to figure out how it worked. Possibly also some concerns about performance on my development machine which is a pinebook pro.
is that arm64?
But I tried out the template-fpga project today and that worked fine, so maybe I will just switch.
this makes it clear that it's computed and lets you have a smaller and neater constructor
Ah okay, I will update that at some point. Didn't know about that particular detail of Python.
so this definitely goes into docs
The docs, where present, are quite good btw.
thanks! I do my best. and I write docs for all new functionality that goes in
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Hey, silly question. If comments were done as like, quotes, or a amaranth.Comment(""") operator, would it be possible to carry comments all the way into the generated verilog files?
in principle it would be feasible to carry normal comments down to Verilog files
this is solely a question of investment of effort into Yosys