azonenberg changed the topic of ##openfpga to: Open source tools for FPGAs, CPLDs, etc. Silicon RE, bitfile RE, synthesis, place-and-route, and JTAG are all on topic. Channel logs:
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it would be nice to just have a (* global *) attribute
Forty-Bot: what do yo mean when the generating module uses that signal ? I usually have a "crg" module that generates all the clocking and reset and those details are isolated in there.
sometimes the reset is programmatic
but maybe that is the way to go...
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apparently tinytapeout3 was announced recently 3 weeks to submission, does this mean turnaround is kind of fast now? I dont immediately see the manufacturing timeline
ah, deeper in the faq TT03 - will be submitted to ChipIgnite 2304C - wafers September 2023, deliver should be around a month after.
ok so not that fast
6 months is kind of a lot. oh well, too bad I guess. I don't have time to get up and running in 3 weeks.
(I hope I will be able to use a higher HDL but that of course just means I need to learn that _and_ the lower HDLs they compile to)
"higher hdls" usually lead to more, not fewer problems :P
there's a strong opinion current against verilog and c (in hdl and software "circles", respectively). very eloquent and articulate "activist" types loudly proclaiming they're garbage :)
I don't have the debate-club skills to argue against that current, but IMHO keeping it simple has its definite advantages :D
somlo: thats true
are verilog and vhdl simple though:
doesnt one of them have the problem that noone ever knows which subsets of the language synthesize and which simulate
either way you end up shooting yourself in the foot one way or another?
verilog (the synthesizable portion, at least) is the "c" of HDLs (I don't know vhdl, so I have no useful opinion there)
pie_: -- to paraphrase, "it's twice as hard to debug code than it is to write it; so, if you write code as cleverly as you can, you're by definition too dumb to debug it" :)
even if you debate skills arent great you seem to have a quote for everything ;p
vhdl and verilog are fine; id stay away from any form of high level synthesis for now (or forever :p)
verilog kinda needs a good linter since its not forcing you to be precise like vhdl
on the other hand that makes verilog way easier to deal with for mixed signal designs
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vhdl is the ada of HDLs...
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