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<|{ame> I am using picosoc (awesome project!). I am using a ice40-HX8K. Passing the 12Mhz clk as clk works. I tried adding a PLL to increse the clock to 30Mhz. I verified the PLL clock is working by counting and showing the result on the LEDs. However, picosoc stops working. Is there something I could try?
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<tnt> |{ame: make sure that you have a proper reset. You need to leave all the logic in reset until the PLL locked and ideally synchronize the reset release with the clock.
<tnt> Then also obviously check the nextpnr timing report to make sure timing were met.
<tnt> And finally IIRC picosoc reads code from flash directly and it's possible that the IO timing are messed up, it uses a rather simple controller without a proper io register phy, so all io timing will be sort of random ... which might be fine for 10 MHz, but at 30 MHz you might start seeing weirdness.
<|{ame> tnt: thank you! keeping the reset low while lock is false did the trick
<|{ame> how do I set the frequency in the constraint files? I tried to grep for 12 but I did not find it anywhere
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<|{ame> (how do I set the timing constraints)
<tnt> 12 MHz is the default when nothing is specified.
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<tnt> in the pcf just use `set_frequency clk_pin 12` if you oscillator frequency is 12 MHz , nextpnr will trace that clock input through the PLL settings and properly adjust the frequency.
<|{ame> tnt: thank you, that worked! I now get (PASS at 30.02 MHz). I initially tried adding --freq 30, but your solution is way cleaner (and adapts to the pll if I change it)
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