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<JosefHolzmayrThe> yo dudX
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<mckoan> good morning
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<barath> morning
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<fbre> Hi! What is the name of the yocto package which includes the program tcpreplay in the yocto distro?
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<JosefHolzmayrThe> fbre: do you have a build that already has it and you want to find out where it comes from? or are you asking for the recipe because you want it?
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<fbre> JosefHolzmayrThe I want to add the magic word to IMAGE_INSTALL_append
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<fbre> JosefHolzmayrThe I'm not sure what keyword do read from that page
<fbre> *to
<fbre> IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " tcpreplay" ?
<fbre> right?
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<JosefHolzmayrThe> fbre: read: you need the meta-networking layer, and the recipe is called tcpreplay, which means you've got a 99% chance that the package is also called...(wait for it)... tcpreplay. (badum-tsh!)
<fbre> 2 days ago I needed "util-linux" for the program "taskset" X)
<JosefHolzmayrThe> fbre: well, always check the layerindex first. and what you are referring to is that some upstream provides a source package named util-linux, which happens to provide several tools. so if you need something that comes from a package with several tools, then the name obviously differs. but think about it, it makes sense. or would you expect busybox to provide each command in a seperate package, for example? or systemd?
<fbre> I don't have survey over every Linux tool. That's why a table program <--> package would be useful for looking it up
<JosefHolzmayrThe> fbre: and that again is why i asked about your objective. because if it were something you already have, then oe-pkgdata-util could do the lookup. if you have a file in an image and want to know where it comes from, then it can tell you.
<JosefHolzmayrThe> fbre: it doesn't work into the opposite direction though, because a recipe is not needed to list everything it pacakges. hence, one can de facto only search recipes that actually have been built already.
<fbre> that's cool (y) thanx for your help
<fbre> Now the error is "Nothing provides 'tcpreplay'
<JosefHolzmayrThe> i am pretty certain that the package is called tcpreplay. and that you have not read, but only skimmed what i explained.
<fbre> meta-networking is in meta-openembedded here
<JosefHolzmayrThe> and is the layer also enabled in bblayers.conf?
<fbre> oh, no, thanks. Now I've added it in bblayers.conf and that seems to help (y)
<JosefHolzmayrThe> QED. skimmed.
<fbre> no, I did not read your words inprecisely. It's just hard for a newbie to read your hints and understand I have to add something to bblayers
<JosefHolzmayrThe> i see. i agree that things are complicated, and that i sometimes am a bit impatient. but seriously - i guess you are doing this for a living - if you are constantly struggling with very introductory stuff, then it might a good idea for your $BOSS to get you some proper training.
<tnovotny> fbre: another useful tool (besides the already mentioned oe-pkgdata-util) is bitbake-layers (e.g. subcommands show-recipes and add-layer).
<JosefHolzmayrThe> tnovotny: and create-layer! one of the most underrated tools that we have!
<fbre> tnovotny I already had 1 week training by R. Berger payed by the boss and it was great! It still is complicated!
<fbre> (this should go out to Josef)
<JosefHolzmayrThe> agreed, thats a good start.
<JosefHolzmayrThe> anyways. lessons learned for today: always go for the layerindex if you need something :)
<fbre> yes, now I've learned the layer name mentioned on the layerindex page says something ;)
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<vladest> please help: live555 library not appeared in final image , nor sdk image. added live555 to IMAGE_INSTALL_append but no luck. its hardknott repo
<JosefHolzmayrThe> vladest: a) didi it successfully build? b) what would you expect to show up in theimage?
<vladest> yes, it did. I'd expect headers and library
<qschulz> vladest: usually headers and non-versioned libraries aren't needed at runtime
<RP> JosefHolzmayrThe: where does quantum electrodynamics come in? :)
<qschulz> so they are not added to the image, that is the expected, desired and default behavior
<JosefHolzmayrThe> RP: after coffee #3 and before beer #1
<vladest> yeah, but what about sdk?
<qschulz> if you need the headers at runtime, it's probably because you want to compile something on the target..though you have a build system that is able to do such a thing, so just create a recipe for the thing you want to compile on your target
<qschulz> sdk should have it, but I think it has a different include mechanism?
<qschulz> aaaaah, the SDK is just a toolchain
<qschulz> in abstract
<vladest> my main issue: sdk doesnt have it.
<qschulz> you should maybe have a look into the eSDK
<vladest> esdk? what is this?
<JosefHolzmayrThe> qschulz: hum no, the sdk that matches an image should actually bring the libs and headers.
<qschulz> JosefHolzmayrThe: sdk or esdk?
<JosefHolzmayrThe> qschulz: sdk
<qschulz> JosefHolzmayrThe: I'll let you handle this question, as I have never used nor intend to use an SDK in the near future :)
<vladest> jfyi: im creating sdk using "-c populate_sdk" option of bitbake
<RP> JosefHolzmayrThe: looking forward to that video :)
<JosefHolzmayrThe> qschulz: hehe. TBH i don't have the time to reproduce it here at the moment. but *in general*, a sdk (as created by -c populate_sdk) for a given image should include the libraries. if that works as intended for that particluar library, no idea.
<mckoan> JosefHolzmayrThe: totally agree
<vladest> JosefHolzmayrThe: i'd expect the same, and, basically, its the same for all the libraries i'm using except live555
<vladest> qschulz: thanks. will take a look
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<qschulz> vladest: assuming all the -c populate_sdk task do is to install the -dev packages, check where your headers are installed for the live555
* RP thinks it may be time to run the release build
<qschulz> oe-pkgdata-util list-pkg-files live555-dev
* qschulz grabs popcorns, put on tiny party hat :)
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<vladest> hmm:
<vladest> live555-dev:
<vladest> /usr/include/AC3AudioFileServerMediaSubsession.hh
<vladest> /usr/include/AC3AudioRTPSink.hh
<vladest> but actually I cant see the files nowhere in poky folders
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<vladest> when adding live555-dev to local.conf, I've got:
<vladest> ERROR: Unable to install packages.
<vladest> * Solver encountered 1 problem(s):
<vladest> * - conflicting requests
<vladest> * Problem 1/1:
<vladest> * - nothing provides live555 = 20210406-r0 needed by live555-dev-20210406-r0.cortexa72
<vladest> *
<vladest> * Solution 1:
<vladest> * - do not ask to install a package providing live555-dev
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<RP> vladest: that sounds like live555 may be an empty package
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<vladest> RP: its part of meta-openembedded
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<mckoan> vladest: please add in your local.conf IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " live555-mediaserver"
<mckoan> vladest: and/or live555-openrtsp live555-playsip live555-examples
<rburton> does sound like a broken recipe though, so a patch to fix the deps would be good
<vladest> mckoan: same as for -dev but its warning now
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<barath> so I see that icecc will not build with anything that has INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS set, and that includes for instance clang
<barath> is there a workaround?
<barath> is jenkins down?
<barath> sry that was the wrong channel :D
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<rburton> JPEW: with master-next i'm seeing this in the cooker log occasionally
<rburton> JPEW: task: <Task pending name='Task-4' coro=<AsyncServer.handle_client() done, defined at /home/ross/Yocto/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/asyncrpc/> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0xffff8a5ab910>()]>>
<rburton> Error talking to server: Connection closed
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<JPEW> rburton: Hmm, can you get the server log by chance?
<RP> JPEW: I merged those hashserv patches, thanks. Hope mine is ok! :)
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<JPEW> RP: Ya, looks good
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<RP> With threading in python, how careful do you need to be with writes to the same data structures from multiple threads?
<RP> i.e. is an issue?
<JPEW> RP: I would use a semaphore as you would in any other language instead of relying on the Global Interepreter Lock
<RP> JPEW: right, so the above patch is probably needed...
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<qschulz> RP: not sure how safe having two different with is though
<qschulz> since you're modifying the same structure in both
<qschulz> if the order in which .add and .remove should be run matters, it might be an issue?
<RP> qschulz: that shouldn't happen in that code
<RP> (tid should only ever get processed once)
<qschulz> RP: otherwise, don't use the context manager and do a Lock.acquire() and add a finally which has if Lock.locked() Lock.release() ?
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<JPEW> RP: If each tid only gets processed once, then its fine; the `if tid in missed` slightly implies that is not the case.
<JPEW> RP: Is there a specific bug you are trying to fix?
<RP> JPEW: there is an earlier loop over tid values outside the threaded code so it should be ok
<RP> JPEW: I'm trying to explain some weirdness we see periodically. Sadly the bug doesn't reproduce on demand
<JPEW> What's the weirdness?
<RP> JPEW: ross is seeing builds from sstate where sometimes things aren't reused when they should be
<RP> JPEW: it looks as if it doesn't think they're on the sstate mirror. Why, not sure
<RP> JPEW: I'm also seeing sstate issues but I think mine are network issues
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<RP> JPEW: there was also very weird build failures when testing patches to this code on the list
<RP> JPEW: those were thought to be a thread issue
<RP> I'm remembering that and wondering if ross' issue is connected
<rburton> ok latest run has a slew of non-urllib errors
<rburton> WARNING: checkstatus() urlopen failed: <urlopen error [Errno 16] Device or resource busy>
<rburton> WARNING: checkstatus() urlopen failed: <urlopen error [Errno 24] Too many open files>
<RP> rburton: this is your 256 thread thing isn't it? :)
<rburton> hell yeah
<rburton> its otherwise idle, so no idea why sometimes it works and sometimes fails
<RP> rburton: so you're running the system out of file descriptors? :)
<rburton> damnit urllib
<RP> we do raise those limits on the AB
<rburton> fs.file-nr is 65536
<RP> rburton: what is ulimit -n ?
<rburton> hm 1024
<RP> rburton: on the AB I think it is 131072
<RP> halstead: can we get this info added to please?
<RP> rburton: in theory if we lower this we should see more errors
<rburton> lets see!
<RP> rburton: the generic except: catcher in there is a guess pretty bad at hiding errors here :/
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<rburton> yeah
<RP> seemed like a good idea at the time :/
<rburton> cant drop it to 512 as bitake won't start
<RP> rburton: would fit with minimal working and not sato
<rburton> yeah
<RP> rburton: for fun I tried BB_NUMBER_THREAD = "512" and just doing the sstate queries. It's hung :/.
<rburton> would be nice if we could just use requests in bitbake's fetcher
<RP> rburton: ah, not hung, just going very slowly and showing unsuccessful fetch messages now
<RP> rburton: so I think I just replicated
<RP> hung batch of unsuccessful fetch tests for things which were working
<RP> huge
<rburton> i think the basic problem is that checkstatus's api is "success unless exception" which makes raising errors tricky
<RP> rburton: we could test which exception though - 404 vs anything else
<Suhler> Hey all, I'm trying to build Zeek (natively compiled, not yocto) on a Dunfell build. I've pulled in all the requirements via local.conf (bizon, flex, libpcap, etc....) but I'm getting a .configure issue where it " Could NOT find PCAP (missing: PCAP_INCLUDE_DIR)". I can confirm the is under /usr/lib/. Before I go down the 200 year rabbit
<Suhler> hole of libs, is there anything else I can attempt to pull in for libpcap (like headers, for example)?
<halstead> RP: I can add our ulimit setup to the wiki.
<RP> halstead: please, it is useful for people to be able to see that
<rburton> RP: oh it explicitly handles other errors like connection refused because soureforge hates humans
<rburton> dropped ulimit to 800: Sstate summary: Wanted 1193 Local 0 Network 695 Missed 498 Current 0 (58% match, 0% complete)
<rburton> and lots of WARNING: checkstatus() urlopen failed: <urlopen error [Errno 16] Device or resource busy>
<rburton> i wonder if something is holding files open longer than needed
<RP> rburton: I wondered that. My test did suddenly start working again suggesting things did get freed eventually
<rburton> going to randomly run a lsof and see if it says anything meaningful
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<rburton> huh vscode eats a load of handles
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<rburton> sorry what vscode's server has 3444 open files
<moto-timo> kanavin: just got phosh running on qemux86-64, including epiphany, puzzles, pcmanfm, l3afpad. Looks a bit wonky (screen resolution) and touch/mouse is not quite the experience you would expect. But all the apps launch ok.
<moto-timo> today I discovered PACKAGECONFIG:pn-qemu-system-native:append = " gtk+" was the source of my qemu-system-native "pthread check failed" woes. It needed to be PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-qemu-system-native = " gtk+". doh
<moto-timo> rburton: maybe vscode is trying to be unix... everything is a file
* moto-timo ducks
<rburton> vast numbers of pipes, guessing it uses those to talk to itself
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<kanavin> moto-timo, nice - screenshots?
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<override> its basically just this server if you need more context.. a recipe has a -native appeneded to its name, all that it pulls in would stay on the build machone and not get copied overt the target machine/imagE?
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<override> whatever a recipe with a -native in its names pulls stays on the build machine? nothing gets written to the target image / rootfs?
<override> whatever recipe with a -native in its name pulls stays on the build machine? nothing gets written to the target image / rootfs?* :rbutron
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