btw, I have a premirror where the required git objects are present in the tarball, but the bitbake tries to sync the objects after premirror step as well
NiksDev: update your ca-certificates package
and refresh the cache, thats also important :)
(and if you need to update ca-certs, i suggest doing a full update, as you've not updated for ages)
to be clear we mean on the host system, nothing in yocto
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I have a ubuntu VM spawned in a server and that;'s the host. I run apt-get upgrade before every build, so all packages are latest of that ubuntu version
what release of ubuntu, and what's the version of ca-certificates
and presumably you do apt-get update first
just like i said, updating alone doesn't do the trick, you also need the update-ca thing.
surely the postinst does that bit for you
base docs.yoctoproject.org is also broken so server issues I guess
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add current/ after yoctoproject.org/ and that should fix it for now
halstead: ^ FYI, docs.yoctoproject.org displays a file browser instead of the usual HTML page
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Hello there! I'm trying to split a package in two components: package-client and package-daemon. I'm installing them in ${bindir}/package and ${bindir}/packaged. I have a PACKAGES += "${PN}-client ${PN}-daemon" and subsequent FILES_${PN}-daemon = "${bindir}/packaged" and FILES_${PN}-client = "${bindir}/package".
dnf complains abount not finding package-client
What am I doing wrong?
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o/, did anyone test yocto 3.1.x LTS on debian 11 ? (just in case...)
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there seems to be a problem with docs.yoctoproject.org
I suspect this is just an error as the 3.4 release is prepped.
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yates: I've put it back to normal. The docs builds aren't working correctly.
halstead: thank you
qschulz: Something is wrong with the docs builds not putting files at the root.
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Hi, I have a bbappend that applies patches to the linux kernel. When I do devtool modify virtual/kernel, those patches aren't applied/copied over. Is there a way to apply the patches when modifyign the recipe via devtool?
rperier: dunfell 3.1.12 will support debian 11 (and fedora 34)
scheduled to be out 26 Nov
sakoman: what about fedora35? :)
abelloni: I'll get right on that :P
halstead: yeah I figured, is there any error printed in some log to help with that?
hi all -- bb.data.inherits_class() checks is the given class is currently inherited in a recipe, right?
or if it simply exists?
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vd: if the datastore you pass inherits the class
rburton: what does a datastore refers to in this context, a recipe being build or the whole bitbake instance?
the recipe's datastore, you'll encounter is as 'd'
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sakoman: super, thanks for the feeback
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rburton: ho ok so it is safe to use bb.data.inherits_class() to check if the current recipe has a specific class inherited or not
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hmm time for my first swat triage, swatbot seems handy
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is there a way to inherit a class programmatically via python or does one need to do d.setVar('FOO', 'class') then inherit ${FOO}?
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vd: you can do inherit ${@} or whatever the correct syntax is (inline python)
I'm wondering if it's a good or bad idea to have a "smart" class to INHERIT which inherit subclasses conditionally, or if it's better to let users explicitly inherit the correct classes
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one convenient scenario is to have core-image-minimal to work "out of the box" since it needs to inherit some classes to work with my layer, stuffs like that.
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vd: It's a tough balance, ease of use vs too much implicit / magic behavior
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vd: convenience classes serve purpose but are bad if overused
oh hey kergoth
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online FOSDEM in 2022. :(
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kergoth: khem: I agree with you, too much explicit makes it harder to maintain et evolve. A good documentation suggesting to add INHERIT in your local.conf would be better.
* zeddii
curses gmail for hiding email that I'm directly copied on
an image feature can cause a class to be inherited, correct?
like a common image class doing inherit ${@bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_FEATURES', 'foo', 'some-foo-class', '', d)}
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same topic, can a feature set IMAGE_FSTYPES?
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vd: that's likely possible, whether it's a good idea or not is hard to say. IMO you really want to avoid using IMAGE_FEATURES outside of image recipes
smurray: that'd be from inside a recipe. In other words, IMAGE_FEATURES += "foo" would implicitly make the image recipe inherit some-foo-class
vd: I'd have to think on that a bit more, but it doesn't seem unreasonable. Generally IMAGE_FEATURES is just pulling in packages via FEATURE_PACKAGES definitions, but there's no hard rules that I know of
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as a concrete example, I would like to factorize code for systemd-based initramfs recipes, which involves: setting IMAGE_FSTYPES = "${INITRAMFS_FSTYPES}", adding the systemd-initramfs package and adding a ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND function to link /etc/initrd-release. This could be a systemd-initramfs.bbclass, or an systemd-initramfs image feature
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FYI, the crops containers have been updated and pushed. Catch them all!
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JPEW: I think we needed the task dependency chains for something
RP: but I really want my images in sstate! :)
JPEW: you're trying to enable the sstate bypass code?
JPEW: I know people complain whenever I remove image tasks :/
JPEW: Not convinced about images from sstate (hence that code)
RP: Ya, that's fair; I'm trying to see if I can optimize our CI builds to restore everything (images included) from sstate when nothing changes
Basically, trade sstate size for trivial rebuild speed
I get a lot of complaints from people about images from sstate-cache.. they thought it would rebuild the image..
equally I've gotten complaints about NOT reusing it from sstate-cache..
so I'm not sure we can in.. :P
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we probably can't. I know a lot of people aren't happy about the UI task numbers :/
RP, fray: Ya, fair enough. It would be nice if users could enable it by overriding SSTATE_SKIP_CREATION. Anyway, my more egregious problem is that we have an image that depends on an SDK being built (... ya... it's *great*
so we *really* need that SDK in sstate or it takes forever. Fortunately, that fix seems easy
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We agree that PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-dummy" cannot be set in an image recipe, right?
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vd: yes
vd: there's perhaps a chance it'd work if nothing else DEPENDed on virtual/kernel, but that's not true in practice
that's really inconvenient, it would be sooo simpler to set the linux-dummy from the image rather than forcing us to use a multiconfig or something
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PROVIDES affects build dependencies, so it has to be in global scope
I can maybe imagine rigging up an image that gets no kernel bits with NO_RECOMMENDATIONS and overriding a bunch of variables
smurray do you mean it's possible ?
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vd: what's your usecase? In theory, you can tweak a bunch of things to prune IMAGE_INSTALL, but if you need to use core-image as a base with a bunch of DISTRO_FEATURES, it might be not straightforward
Global as in distro.conf, site.conf, auto.conf, local.conf etc
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smurray my use case is that I'm creating rootfs images which include container images that I had in ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/var/lib/machines with a ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND
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and in theory, it shouldn't require to use a multiconfig to acheive this if your using the same distro/libc
it's just a rootfs image without kernel or machine specific artifacts
vd: that's essentially how I install system containers in one of the types of AGL images, but we do use a multiconfig with linux-dummy for the guest image builds
vd: w/o linux-dummy you run into fun things like systemd RRECOMMENDing kernel modules, it's been a topic of recent discussion in AGL
vd: if you're doing app containers, I can imagine trying what you say, but it might take a bunch of tinkering
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vd: system containers might get fun since NO_RECOMMENDATIONS might turn off a bunch of stuff you do want, so then you need to work through that for every image
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smurray: I'm ok with a multiconfig but the problem is that then, you need to specify your container image with mc: and mcdepends, it fucks all your recipes
I wish bitbake was smart enough to accept mc:foo:recipe:task from do_task[depends] directory
I just wrote a class for images that are going to pull in the guest containers so the mcdepends is really only in that one place
it's still early days for it in AGL, we'll probably evolve it some
and it's for a specific usecase that the instrument cluster expert group have come up with
note there's a bug in there wrt handling multiple guest images (need to add a space when appending to mcdepends), I was only testing with one when I cooked that up
vd: wrt to making depends handle mc dependencies, probably need RP to weigh in on why that's difficult
smurray: you can write all your code with mcdepends and use mc:::recipe:task to use BB_CURRENT_MC, but again you have to adapt your code.
vd: if it's specifically for pulling one image into another I've not really found that to be a problem, tbh
yep, I'll convert all my code to use this mcdepends syntax, but you have to add some smartness to prefix the image if it doesn't start with mc:: etc. Not really handy
I meant, there's a bit of work to do here.
in my uses of multiconfig so far I've only ended up with one or two mcdepends required in the host, so I guess your usecase is a lot more involved
vd: if you ask again on Monday, some of the other folks that use mc like JPEW or somone from Xlilinx might have more ideas
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I'm wondering if [mcdepends] = mc:::recipe:task is the same as [depends] = recipe:task, performance wise. If it is, it'd be nice to patch depends to add this fallback before ultimately having just one dependency declaration mechanism