RP: The only changes I made were to lines 29, 100, 102, and 110.
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And the more I ponder it, the more I like your idea. It more or less causes bitbake behave like Git.
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Hello, I have a question. I'm using Yocto Dunfell and I'm trying to remove qemu-edk2 support. How I can remove the edk2 support from qemu?
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Guest32: remove from where and whats the reasoning?
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I have a low memory system that is booting from RAM and I don't need the UEFI support
Guest32: but how does that relate to qemu?
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bash-5.0# ls -lah /usr/share/qemu/ | grep edk
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 64M Mar 9 2018 edk2-aarch64-code.fd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 64M Mar 9 2018 edk2-arm-code.fd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 64M Mar 9 2018 edk2-arm-vars.fd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.5M Mar 9 2018 edk2-i386-code.fd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.5M Mar 9 2018 edk2-i386-secure-code.fd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 528K Mar 9 2018 edk2-i386-vars.fd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 42K Mar 9 2018 edk2-licenses.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.5M Mar 9 2018 edk2-x86_64-code.fd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.5M Mar 9 2018 edk2-x86_64-secure-code.fd
edk2 seems to be part of qemu ...
Guest32: i'd rather guess that something in your image/distro/machine pulls it in, and if you don't need it, then remove it there.
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do you have an example? I want qemu without edk2 ...
Guest32: but you do want qemu?
Yes, I want qemu ...
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Guest32: according to this list http://cgit.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/tree/meta/recipes-devtools/qemu/qemu.inc#n148 i cannot easily spot a switch that would affect uefi or edk2. so I'd say thats your starting point: find out what build parameter makes qemu build and install all that stuff, then turn it off. one sidenode: before you dig too deep, make sure that you're actually looking at the right thing. oe-pkgdata-util will help
you map the file to a recipe/package
Guest32: and trimming down supported architectures might be helpful too.
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does bitbake provide cmake? 🤔
there is an oe-core recipe for cmake
bitbake doesn't provide anything
rburton, I mean for the build process in the docker instance where I'm running bitbake
right. oe-core has a recipe for cmake.
like it has a recipe for autoconf or gcc.
rburton, so actually cmake has to be built before built c packages with it? 🤔
bitbake is a python tool which reads recipe files, and executes them. nothing else.
well, yes, of course
inherit cmake in the recipe that uses cmake and that will add a dependency on cmake-native for you
rburton, what do you mean with "cmake-native"?
that's teh recipe that provides a cmake you can run during the build
rburton, I wrote a recipe to build a c program with cmake, but I'm having these errors https://bpa.st/QSIA
and I think they could be because some cmake extension is missing 🤔
does your recipe inherit pkgconfig?
because your cmake is calling pkgconfig
i think the standard sdk includes qemu, and i thought it also would include the kernel+image that it was built for, but has that changed?
rburton, no, it doesn't, I'll try inheriting pkgconfig also
can I do it like `inherit cmake pkgconfig`?
well, currently is inheriting also pkgconfig but the error is still the same
maybe I need to set DEPENDS 🤔
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I'm reorganizinig my metalayers. I'd md5sum the whole generated rootfs before and after my change to assert my change is functionally neutral. Is there any smarter way of doing that?
manuel1985: having a proper automated testing strategy.
manuel1985: from guessing i'd expect md5sum to trip over timestamps and such
probably the cache of metadata parsing might be enough?
one thing that i've learnt in the last year is: "if you're afraid to touch or refactor it, then it means that your testing strategy needs improving"
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rburton, is `check` also inheritable?
wyre: only bbclass files are inheritable
so if there's a check.bbclass, yes you *can* inherit it.
wyre: make sure that the flags passed by Yocto are used in your cmake and not overridden in your cmakelists.txt or whatever
qschulz, what flags are passed by yocto?
cflags, cxxflags, ldflags, cmake specific flags etc
I've got an empty EXTRA_OECMAKE
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best practice is to default variables if not defined, and if you want a particular flag being used, you add to the variable and not replace it
apparently is cmake which is missing `check`
I've read that this is required when tests are enabled, not sure you need that? Might want to try disabling it from EXTRA_OECMAKE or similar/ I don't know anything about cmake so can't help more than that
otherwise I assume DEPENDS += "libcheck-native" might help
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qschulz, what's the difference between libcheck-native and just libcheck?
rburton, I can't see the flags set when I use EXTRA_OECMAKE in the bitbake output
they'll be passed to cmake in do_configure
so I guess I should read the do_configure log to see them?
and how can I found it? 🤔 has bitbake some command to check logs per recipe?
if you install the extra 'bb' utility, yes. otherwise, tmp/work/*/RECIPE/VERSION/temp/log.do_configure
i've installed bb so `bb log RECIPE TASK` shows that file
moto-timo: Are you giving a talk on phosh of the Yocto summit?
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JPEW: working on the proposal this morning. I ‘ve been fighting the gnome stack (for a packagegroup-gnome-apps install vs a sato lookalike).
more recipes in meta-gnome need inherit pkgconfig
moto-timo: Ya, I found one yesterday (`colord-native`)
And gjs is currently unbuildable because it depends on an older mozjs
upstream is working on mozjs-91 compatibility
I've been testing with master-next of meta-or
I have an upgrade to gjs in the works, but current release requires mozjs-78
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Ah, is gjs needed by the extra packages you're installing (I'm only building older `phosh` and `phoc` and it seems to build OK)
gnome-weather is a recipe I’m trying to add
gnome-screenshot seems ok, but I haven’t built a full image yet while figuring out other landmines
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gnome-photos needs gfbgraph, which is currently failing because it checks for rest-0.7 and we have rest-0.8.1 (which is from 2019... so hrmm)
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moto-timo, gjs has an open pull request for mozjs 91
kanavin: I saw the branch and a recent merge to "prepare for mozjs-91"
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moto-timo: yea! +1 (YPS proposal)
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gentle reminder to everyone that the CFP for the next YPS closes tomorrow :-)
when I run `bitbake <my_recipe>` where are the compiled binaries stored?
wyre, tmp/deploy/
kanavin_, but for that shouldn't I do something like `bitbake -c deploy <my_recipe>`?
I cannot see it in tmp/deploy
except if my_recipe is an image recipe, yes
what are you looking for exactly?
qschulz, I'd like to build just my recipe to get the binaries
in tmp/deploy you have your packages, which do contain the binaries you compiled, and also some deployed artifacts, among which your image, the result of bitbaking your image recipe
then tmp/work/<arch>/<my-recipe>/<some-vers>/
and cannot I get the generated package for my specific recipe (which is not an image recipe)
ideally your binary should be in tmp/work/<arch>/<my-recipe>/<some-vers>/image (which is $D) if you did the install task correctly
wyre, taking things out of tmp/work is not recommended - tmp/deploy exists specifically as a place for 'deliverables'
wyre: the package is in tmp/deploy as I said earlier
note that this is clearly only for development/hacks
qschulz, I can see images, licenses and rpm folders inside tmp/deploy
wyre: rpm is a package format
I guess it should be an rpm package inside rpm folder
but I cannot see it
wyre: then I'm pretty sure you didn't do your install task properly
as empty packages are not created and put in tmp/deploy/<pkg-fromat>
wyre, I think you need to run bitbake -c deploy recipename for the rpm to show up in tmp/deploy
I guess all packages are rpm because I've got `PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= 'package_rpm'`, right?
kanavin_: I think this is done in do_package_write_<format> which is run before do_build, so any time bitbake <recipe> is called
wyre: yes
does that also mean that final image will handle packages through rpm?
wyre, yes, image creation is basically a gigantic package installation transaction
yocto does not compose root filesystem directly, but outsources the job to package managers
dnf for rpm, apt for deb or opkg for ipk
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kanavin_, have I also to write a do_deploy task? 🤔
wyre, give me a sec
wyre: no
you write a deploy task if you want artifacts to go into tmp/deploy/images/<image>/
when the image is created
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wyre, I just checked: simply run bitbake recipename, and packages will show up in tmp/deploy/rpm
there are some subdirs in there but you will find it
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hi everyone
i'm using a recipe from meta-intel for sbsigntool
I’ll probably refactor core-image-phosh to have the knobs core-image-sato has (or similar)
manuel1985: phosh is a possible wayland compositor for gtk+3 apps, but it is currently decidedly phone form factor (lock screen by default with numeric only PIN and portrait layout)
Well, phosh is the shell, phoc is the compositor to be precise
moto-timo: Thanks :)
moto-timo: FYI The readme says one shall execute ./kas/kas-container but .kas/ doesn't contain that file
Guess I'll just use plain kas, don't like that kas-container script anyway.
manuel1985: that's just how I run it and that branch is still WIP. I had permissions issues with straight kas
manual1985: you can also run it just normal command line, but look at the kas files for hints about what to put into local.conf (especially a default PIN/password, otherwise you will never get past the lockscreen in the GUI, even though passwordless root will still work in a console)
and I can't spell
moto-timo: Got you, thanks
manuel1985: also, for qemu it is a bit wonky because the canvas extends beyond the display and I haven't figured out why yet. Most of my success has been on rpi4
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how can I set a variable from the output of a shell command?
JPEW: gentle nudge to upstream your mutter-gsettings sub-package
Oh, right!
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halstead, stdio: WARNING: libusb1-1.0.24-r0 do_package: Error contacting Hash Equivalence Server typhoon.yocto.io:8686: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
halstead, it could be something in my patchset, I'm not sure :-/
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kanavin_: Not happening now. Perhaps this is related to the network issues RP was having and the connection to github failing.
kanavin_: Have we seen these succeed before?
halstead, in general, yes, but not with this patchset, as it's the first time I'm running it
kanavin_: I'm curious if the connect string is formatted correctly. Could it be as simple as that?
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halstead, I need to check where that warning is coming from first, and whether anything from my patchset is involved in that
I'm not a hashequiv specialst, JPEW is
kanavin_: Ya, hashequiv needs to handle a missing upstream better
JPEW, does hashequiv use anything from -native builds?
There is a patch on the ML to check if the upstream exists when bitbake starts (not from me), but the server itself needs to handle it better also; a missing upstream really isn't fatal, just perhaps non-optimal
JPEW, I have a massive version update set, and wondering if something in it broke hashequiv with those warnings
kanavin_: It does not use any -native recipes; pure host python
JPEW, phew :)
how can I set a variable from the output of a shell command like this: d.setVar('FOO', 'output is: %s' % <call to a shell command>)
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vd: bb.process.run()
thank you
kanavin_: but I can see why you might be nervous. lol
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kergoth: is there a better way to call python from python instead of doing this: d.setVar('FOO', '>>> %s <<<' % bb.process.run(python -c 'import crypt; print(crypt.crypt("somesecret", "salt"))'))
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kergoth: also is bb.process.run() called at parse time or at run time?
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what does this mean?
No currently running tasks (56 of 56/445 of 446)
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i'm not too concerned about the "no currently running tasks" part, it's the rest that has me wondering
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I think the 56 of 56 is native tools and the 445 of 446 is the image/target task queue
New behavior. It used to run the 56 of 56 first and then the 445 of 446 after that
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I think those are setscene/full
right, because setscene and regular tasks are intermixed now
yeah, it's setscene/normal
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ah okay. thanks :-)
yes, this feels new
TIL what TIL means
it landed about a week ago, so yes its new :)
JPEW: lol
JPEW: frequent Twitter thing
Ya, I've heard it spoken out a lot, but I never put it together
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And I'm not on the Twitters much
Safer that way
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you don't want to know what I use twitter for
it's surprisingly good for that purpose
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* tlwoerner
looks for kanavin_'s twitter handle, but doesn't find anything obvious
What is twitter? :)
kanavin_, halstead: That looks very like the "something wrong with networking" thing which we keep seeing intermittently :(
there is no way the autobuilder shouldn't know and be able to resolve that address
we should track which hosts this is happening on and when
halstead: interesting. I'd probably have just gone for noting on a wiki page or a google doc or something!
RP: That might be a bit harder to analyze but if you think it would be easier.
For users that is. ;)
halstead: probably
abelloni: ^^^ - thoughts?
halstead: I don't have a strong opinion, just that we need to work out the pattern. I wondered if some service was restarting at that time. Is that distro using systemd and anything in the logs at that time when the error happened?
why not
I can also extract what I have from the swat stats but I'm not sure all of the network issues we've had are related
The data I have is bug#,worker,completion timestamp
abelloni: I suspect there is some subset which are
I guess we can get the 9356 seconds interval
halstead: the warnings are in the full build log so you can also look at the position of them in the log relative to the build
halstead: if you login to the system and look at the build if it is still there that would narrow down further as I suspect some are in individual task logs and would be at the start of tasks
halstead: warning is at the end of the log and one of the last things to run so the log timestamp should match with the rough time it happened
(Oct 18 17:11)
I wonder what the cost benefit ratio is for adding timestamps to log output? I bet there have been other times it would have been useful.
halstead: It is harder than you'd think as should the stamp be added at source or at the time it is printed to the user/UI :/
In this case anything would be helpful but I know a soon as we do it, the accuracy would then come into question and people would want it at source
I'm sure I have patches somewhere but it got ugly :(
Ehmm.. well. One of those things where almost good enough would be simple and doing it right is a pain? I understand.
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I reckon there is a bug on dunfell with pseudo and coreutils 9.0 on host. I can't yet point exactly how it happens, but it looks like when under fakeroot, sometimes, install (hosttool) strips the binary even if the respective flag was not passed.
What is even more awkward is that on a subsequent install (with force bitbake flag), it behaves as expected - both binaries are not stripped.