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<ggggs> I've run into problem, can i use Open3.capture and if it spawns sth like python3 then use popen? I mean this is my code:
<ggggs> and i want to know when it spawns new process
<Sampersand> probably `Open3.cappture3` ?
<Sampersand> idk ive never used open3
<ggggs> it return empty when i run sth like python
<ggggs> but if I do ls -lha it is fine
<weaksauce> is python printing out to stdout?
<ggggs> it returns empty line to stdout
<ggggs> i mean i dont know what exactly it return, i'll check
<Sampersand> ah
<Sampersand> i see your problem
<Sampersand> when i ran it, i tried `python3 -c 'print("foo")'` and it didnt work
<Sampersand> are you talking about that ggggs?
<ggggs> yes
<ggggs> but I think I figured it out, need test
<ggggs> brb
<Sampersand> it's cause you're passing in the literal string `'print("foo")'` to python
<Sampersand> so python's just executing a string, and does nothing
<Sampersand> try `python3 -c print("foo")`
<ggggs> doesnt work for me
<Sampersand> ```% ruby ~/desktop/tmp.rb
<Sampersand> [me@mycomp.here]$ python3 -c print("hello")
<Sampersand> hello
<Sampersand> ```
<ggggs> ok it works, but what if I want to spawn python instance there
<Sampersand> wdym
<ggggs> because i think it should be popen3
<ggggs> but i dont know what it returns for capture3
<Sampersand> do the docs help?
<Sampersand> ive never used open3 before
<ggggs> yes this should do the trick
<ggggs> ah ok
<ggggs> i found it
<weaksauce> are... you using ruby 2.0?
<ggggs> nah 3.3.5
<ggggs> but it should work the same in this case
<weaksauce> yeah generally most will
<weaksauce> https://rubyapi.org/3.4/o/open3 is nicer most times
<weaksauce> though the docs are getting better on the official site
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<ggggs> ok, nice site, now it obeys
<ggggs> I found the best solution on it
<ggggs> i mean the website
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<ggggs> ok it doesnt but I'm fighting
<ggggs> ok done, gn
<Sampersand> gl
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<o0x1eef> If you only need to read from the command, there's also test-cmd.rb https://github.com/0x1eef/test-cmd.rb#readme
<o0x1eef> cmd("python3", "-c", "print(123)").stdout
<o0x1eef> => "123\n
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