havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.1, 3.3.6 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<nakilon> > I might choose another language - like Python.
<nakilon> ban
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<nakilon> when people say that they "should chose piton because there are libraries" they should blame themselves
<nakilon> because libraries didn't grow like a moshroom in a forest -- they are made by someone
<nakilon> why didn't you make the same in ruby?
<nakilon> (the "ban" was of course said in a joke tone, unlike further messages)
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<nakilon> these docs lie https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/3.2/String.html#class-String-label-Methods+for+Modifying+a+String they say that .concat creates new string, but no, it does mutate (and so fails when you apply to a frozen string) and it's confirmed by the example on the same page
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<pounce> nakilon: so true bestie
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<nakilon> why is "_spec" a suffix, not prefix? I want to explain my coworkers that there is no need to name files like ./spec/invoice/invoice_edit_spec.rb, because the "invoice" part is already in the path, and that conceptually any file has only a full path, and the "/" is just a "_" that was changed to hide things for a nice tree view; if they were using
<nakilon> cloud storage they would know that "/" is just a character in a full filename, but they didn't; so I would tell them that "look, / is just _, i.e. for example, we had multiple spec_*.rb files, and so then decided to make a directory called 'spec' by replacing _ with /..." -- but spec isn't a prefix, it's a suffix, and I now wonder why
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<Caius> nakilon: I would guess it's so you can mix the spec and ruby files in the same folder, eg if you don't have many. Also lets you put helper files in the spec folder without them being run
<nakilon> indeed the spe_helper.rb name would conflict
<nakilon> but then just rename to helper.rb
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<nakilon> OOP question: https://dpaste.com/6Y6LGAXZZ#wrap is it possible to define the "get_x" method in such way that I won't use the "M" identifier explicitly? because if I do self.class, I get C, not M ..(
<nakilon> the goal is to have a single owner of a "set" method and multiple classes that inherit a method that would access the attribute that was set there
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<nakilon> or rather this https://dpaste.com/FNZCXTEPY -- I need the access from both instance and class methods
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<havenwood> nakilon: To clarify, the docs do *not* say String#concat returns a new String. It concatenates to `self` just like String#<< does.
<havenwood> It returns `self` as documented.
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<o0x1eef> nakilon: :-)
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<weaksauce> nakilon because spec/**/*_spec.rb is an easy way to gather all the correct files to be run as tests? also invoice_edit_spec.rb can be nice because you know inside your editor that it's related to the invoice by the filename directly. having edit_spec open in a few different tabs can be confusing. kinda like having many edit.html.erb files open is.
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