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havenwood: How about a blog post on 'Data' ? :)
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o0x1eef: At the dev meeting today Matz turned down a `class Arrow = Data.define(:aim, :tip)` syntax. Subsequently, Nobu merged my PR to show reopening the class when defining a constant with Data. I think that's the best way until we have `do` blocks that work with constants or a fancy syntax.
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I wonder if there is a way to document the rsped shared_contexts; like I made a bunch of helper methods and lets, and when I'll make some rdoc/yard thing, I would love to have those included
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hey all, how are you? I'm trying to solve a weird problem. I have a Ruby application (Huginn) that I want to run. I want bundler to *use* the system Rubygems, but I want to "install" the new gems into vendor/gems. The reason for it being I have a gem (grpc) which is patched in FreeBSD, so the "raw" gem would not work. How can I configure Bundle to do that?
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antranigv: This is not normally possible.
antranigv: That said, what is the output of `gem env` and `bundle env`. Can you share them in a Github gist?
adam12 I ended up doing `bundle config set path vendor/gems` and then installing the grpc gem from our packages and hoped for the best. somehow it worked :)
antranigv: That's probably the better approach.
but now I'm stuck actually debugging the application :D I'm getting Unknow error. Response code is 404 in one of the views, no idea why.
rather, the string "Unknow error. Response code is 404"