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!spam ThaddeusPooh
havenwood: Could not find user with nick "ThaddeusPooh"
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I guess they had the leave message in one too many channels. Hah.
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> The Chef model is the model that I like, but the fact that it’s in Ruby is a big drag since nobody under 35 or so knows Ruby. Ruby is Perl for millenials.
i feel old now >.<
what do the kids use these days?
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propably python or shell scripts
ah, yes - AI has given Python a resurgence
wait, millenials are > 35?
now I feel old
* Vaevictus
quietly closes his vi editor editing perl
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kjetilho: I think various versions of JavaScript like Node and Bun. Or yeah, Python.
Rust or Zig for systems programming stuff. C++ libraries for games.
Golang for folk who burn out on Node but dream small. ;)
Funny Golang was originally meant to lure C++ programmers who've mostly ignored it but vast migration from Node and other scripting languages.
Node, Golang, Python and Rust all seem pretty wildly popular. Feels like Zig has hit critical mass too, but is still early.
Then again, folk talk a lot about it being early for there to be several fairly popular language implementations in it as well as popular tools.
node seems to be declining
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I'm trying to learn a little more Go now, it is quite useful for "low-level" programming. single binary distribution is super useful
also definitely nicer than shoehorning types onto python
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popularity is generally hard to measure... you can measure some of it by "job searching" ... but that's misleading if everyone hates working in java :D