I grew up with BASIC, which stored programs as tokens rather than text. so PRINT was a specific code, which could be translated to "SKRIV" or whatever. it would be compatible across languages, you saved it to tape (or floppy) and could read it in a computer where you had selected a different main language
Excel does a similar thing, they translate functions like AGGREGATE() to MENGDE() and AND() to OG() (this is Norwegian). unfortunately it was only half-way implemented, so English spreadsheets are translated to Norwegian (or other languages) - but spreadsheets stored in Norwegian are only readable in Norwegian Excel!!!
so... it *would* be possible to implement this sensibly, but I have not seen a successful attempt - yet.
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I'm not really convinced it would be possible to implement this sensibly, particularly because of what o0x1eef said: as soon as you move outside of "Ruby" into the Gem ecosystem (which is needed for most real-world software development) you run into problems. Translating things gets a lot harder once there are user-defined names involved.
Where by "user" I mean "people outside of core Ruby".
I think it could be fine if you were teaching French students, or in other specialized contexts but as a general solution I think it would cause more problems than it solves. It also helps to speak one language. Imagine if we start to have libraries in French, English, Arabic, etc. This quickly becomes a mess. I think it's actually good that there is a common language (English in this case)
but anyway I see that the gem uses yml file where is stored login in plain text
i mean u can just copy out the parts u need
like u wanna use ODBC to connect to the db
then it's fine
you can make the config file non-readable by unprivileged users
the issue with passing it on the command line is that anybody can read procfs (using something like top(1) or ps(1) as mentioned by rindolf) and see the password there
constxd++ # explaining
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