havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.6 (3.4.0-rc1) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<leftylink> in thread-safty.
<leftylink> is safty a term I haven't learned, or is it a mistake
<leftylink> more lines deleted than added, that's always nice to see
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havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.1, 3.3.6 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
<havenwood> leftylink: safety*
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<nakilon> do you guys draw codebase diagrams like this? https://i.imgur.com/0SFw0Z9.png -- for example, to remember and teach newcomers what goes where
<nakilon> also while drawing you get refactoring ideas
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<blacknova> hi :wave: , is there a RoR specific channel? or is this it? If the latter, trying to install Rails gem on MacOS Monterey (yeah, will upgrade soon) via `sudo gem install rails` but got an error (after 10 mins! or so). Checked the log and it says `'ruby/config.h' file not found` Anyone know how to fix this? : https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/CzRnijUq/sudo_gem_install_rails.log
<ruby[bot]> blacknova: we in #ruby do not like irccloud.com, it has no syntax highlighting, distracting formatting and loads slowly for most. Please use https://gist.github.com or https://dpaste.org/
<blacknova> huh? it has syntax highlighting
<havenwood> blacknova: Since Freenode imploded, the Rails channel has been quite quiet and there's plenty or room here for Rails questions.
<havenwood> blacknova: The bot may have historical qualms that have been resolved.
<havenwood> blacknova: Rails is quite particular about the version of Ruby it must be run with. Check your version of Rails and the Rubies it supports.
<havenwood> > Rails 8.0 requires Ruby 3.2.0 or newer.
<havenwood> If you wanted to be on Ruby 2.6 (which is highly discouraged) you'd need to use Rails 6 (which is highly discouraged).
<blacknova> havenwood: uh... I can't install Rails, that's the issue? 🙂
<blacknova> oh, you're saying the version it's attempting to install?
<havenwood> blacknova: Rails is a library that requires a specific version of Ruby or higher. Rails 8, the current stable version of Rails, requires Ruby 3.2 or newer. You're using Ruby 2.6, which is years past end of life.
<blacknova> How would I find out? it's not clear which version it's attempting to install?
<havenwood> blacknova: Type `ruby -v` to see your Ruby version then `gem install rails` will install latest stable, unless you specify otherwise.
<havenwood> A `gem install rails` will install Rails 8.0.1, which requires Ruby 3.2 or better.
<blacknova> right, so I tried to install rbenv + ruby-build but then got https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/CzRnijUq/sudo_gem_install_rails.log :(
<havenwood> Do not attempt to install Rails 8 on a Ruby older than Ruby 3.2.
<blacknova> I was trying to do that so I could install a newer Ruby in it
<havenwood> blacknova: Do not use `sudo` if you want to use `rbenv` as your version switcher.
<blacknova> (my understanding is Ruby is pretty tightly coupled in MacOS so it's discouraged from directly updating that)
<havenwood> It's fine to use system Ruby _other than_ it being far too old to use.
<havenwood> Install a modern Ruby and use that instead.
<blacknova> ah, crap, wrong link
<havenwood> Ruby 3.2.6 with Rails 8.0.1 should serve you well.
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<havenwood> blacknova: Did you follow its instructions for fixing permissions? Maybe run a `brew doctor` too and resolve whatever is wrong.
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<havenwood> blacknova: I suspect you're just typing `sudo gem install rails` when you should be typing `gem install rails` instead.
<havenwood> blacknova: Compare the output of `sudo ruby -v` and `ruby -v`.
<havenwood> Is one system and the other rbenv? (That's what I'd expect, if you've set an rbenv default.)
<havenwood> nakilon: I don't usually draw for refactoring ideas. I just squint.
<havenwood> I like the idea of being better at drawing.
<blacknova> havenwood: well, there are multiple user accounts on this box, so I made the group have write access, does brew REQUIRE the user directly have write access?
<havenwood> Homebrew is made for a single user account. They won't support sudo.
<blacknova> I didn't use `sudo`?
<havenwood> Postmodern and I had some back and forth with them almost a decade ago and they were unwilling to support sudo for multiple users.
<havenwood> blacknova: You said about you wrote `sudo gem install` which is using sudo.
<havenwood> Without sudo it's be `gem install rails` instead.
<havenwood> it'd*
<blacknova> I was talking about `brew`, but I'll try it w/o `sudo` as well
<blacknova> for `rails`
<havenwood> blacknova: Try: rbenv install 3.2.6 && rbenv global 3.2.6 && rbenv rehash && ruby -v
<havenwood> If that works, you should be fine to: gem install rails
<blacknova> that's strange the message suggests the use of `sudo`...
<havenwood> If you really need multiple users using the same Ruby, I'd suggest switching to chruby as your switcher since system installs of RVM and rbenv are sketch in my experience.
<havenwood> What message?
<havenwood> Is it a friend or foe giving the message? ;)
<blacknova> `Rails is not currently installed on this system. To get the latest version, simply type:` `$ sudo gem install rails`
<havenwood> Ignore that message.
<havenwood> Switch to Ruby 3.2.6 _first_ before installing Rails.
<havenwood> Rails 8 only works with Ruby 3.2 or higher. You need to be using Ruby 3.2 or higher _before_ you install Rails.
<havenwood> 1) Install Ruby 3.2.6, 2) switch to Ruby 3.2.6 as your current Ruby, 3) install Rails.
<blacknova> I don't really need multiple users using it but it complicates things as many of the dirs referenced in https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/tcDaEnB1/brew_install_rbenv_ruby-build.log are owned by the other admin account on this box (this account is in `wheel` too)
<havenwood> blacknova: You can leave Homebrew in an odd state if you'd like. If you want to use a user install of rbenv to switch Rubies, install the Ruby you want to use, set it as global, then install Rails.
<havenwood> I'd recommend chruby instead if you really want to share Rubies between macOS users, but that's atypical.
<blacknova> ok, `gem install rails` finally returned with RC=1 `ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError) You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0 directory.` That's probably why I ran it with `sudo`
<havenwood> Stop it!
<havenwood> No more Ruby 2.6.
<havenwood> It's a dead end.
<havenwood> rbenv install 3.2.6
<havenwood> no sudo
<blacknova> It was in the middle so I didn't want to ^C worrying it might break?
<blacknova> there was no `sudo`
<blacknova> but I will try `rbenv install 3.2.6 && rbenv global 3.2.6 && rbenv rehash && ruby -v`
<havenwood> First sanity check you are using Ruby 3.2.3 before proceeding.
<havenwood> Yeah, if that reports Ruby 3.2.3 you're well on your way!
<blacknova> it's not, yet
<havenwood> 3.2.6* I mean.
<havenwood> Latest 3.2.
<havenwood> Or I'd assume 3.3.6 works well, but haven't been using Rails 8 so can't vouch for that.
<havenwood> 3.4.1 is a tad bleeding edge, having come out today. :D
<blacknova> `-bash: rbenv: command not found`
<havenwood> Did you `brew install rbenv`?
<havenwood> If so, your Homebrew seems borked.
<havenwood> Check a: brew doctor
<havenwood> I think above you said you did install rbenv with Homebrew, so I'd try to get Homebrew working.
<havenwood> We can probably help you debug it or a clean install tends to work.
<havenwood> I usually start by saving a list of the explicitly installed packages, so I feel free to nuke it all from orbit at any point.
<havenwood> brew leaves | tr "\n" " "
<havenwood> Then either resolve the `brew doctor` issues or uninstall and reinstall then restore your leaves.
<havenwood> Install `leaves` instead of `list` since the former is explicitly installed packages and the latter includes dependencies that will be properly resolved.
<havenwood> Or if the `brew doctor` steps aren't sprawling and hard, that might do the trick.
<havenwood> I most often see overly messed up Homebrew when someone has carried it forward from Intel to Apple Silicon.
<havenwood> Homebrew's official recommendation in that case is to uninstall and reinstall Homebrew.
<blacknova> `brew doctor` is giving me the same message as https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/tcDaEnB1/brew_install_rbenv_ruby-build.log + (continued)
<blacknova> Hmm, I don't recall if this was migrated from Intel or not... this is an M1 arch though..
<blacknova> I think the issue is `opendirectoryd` is not correctly reflecting that this user is now part of `wheel` (despite it being updated in DirectoryUtility
<blacknova> ie: when I run `id $whoami` I don't see `wheel` in the list of `groups=`
<blacknova> how do I fix that? relaunch `Terminal.app`? already trying a new shell session to no avail :/
<blacknova> s/trying/tried/
<blacknova> already tried relaunching `opendirectoryd` to no avail earlier 😞
<blacknova> grr, even `newgrp` isn't seeing the new membership... bizarre 🤯
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<blacknova> I'm just going to temporarily login with the other user and see if I can work around the permission issues that way for now, brb
<blacknova> havenwood: ok, `rbenv` installed successfully via other user ✅. Q: will running `rbenv global 3.2.6` mess up the system ruby? or is this only setting the rbenv’s ruby?
<havenwood> blacknova: It will not impact system Ruby.
<havenwood> It's quite normal to ignore system Ruby and install various Rubies to use to install gems like Rails.
<havenwood> Setting `rbenv global 3.2.6` puts rbenv shims for Ruby 3.2.6 in front of your PATH.
<havenwood> They're as easily removed from path by setting rbenv back to system.
<havenwood> It won't interrupt direct usage of system Ruby, which isn't a problem.
<havenwood> Don't worry about system Ruby whatsoever.
<havenwood> You can just avoid typing `sudo` in front of the `gem` or `ruby` command and pretend it doesn't exist.
<blacknova> havenwood: fall back to 3.2.2?
<blacknova> Woah, installing `openssl-3.1.0`? I thought MacOS switched to LibreSSL?
<blacknova> I guess not for ruby?
<o0x1eef> nakilon: I don't but I still think those diagrams can be helpful, especially at the model level. In the modern era, I think you can have a chatbot who has indexed a given repository. GitHub offer something like that with copilot.
<blacknova> havenwood: ^^^
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<blacknova> Looking at the log file it’s complaining about a bunch of undeclared identifiers
<blacknova> Havenwood: what gives? 😢 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/tJx1yWMU/cc_error.log
<weaksauce> what is rbeny
<weaksauce> some virus knockoff of rbenv?
<blacknova> probably a misreclgnized OCR detection
<blacknova> misrecognized
<weaksauce> you're running ocr on text on a screen you can just highlight and copy and paste?
<blacknova> Of course not, I couldn’t directly copy & paste
<blacknova> So anyone have any ideas why this is failing?
<weaksauce> blacknova normally that's from not having some dependencies met but i'm not sure
<weaksauce> might help
<o0x1eef> No idea, but probably something to do with a recent toolchain compiling relatively old code - similar to what weaksauce says
<weaksauce> nevermind that guide assumes the build works fine
<weaksauce> seems that ruby-build doesn't check prereqs which seems like it should
<blacknova> o0x1eef: not the other way around?
<weaksauce> blacknova if you are just trying to install ruby for rails 8 i'd install something from 3.3+ or even the 3.4 that was just released but that might be folly
<weaksauce> 3.3.ish is probably best
<blacknova> I mean I see it checking for various tool versions
<blacknova> or the presence of them like any good `makefile` would
<blacknova> Should I switch to GCC?
<weaksauce> that will reinstall the command line tools and might take a while so be warned
<weaksauce> sudo xcode-select -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
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<blacknova> weaksauce: would that automatically install vLatest of CLI Tools? or just the version from my version of MacOS?
<havenwood> blacknova: The 3.2.2 was a typo. I meant 3.2.6 and said it consistently but am dyslexic and once wrote 3.2.2 by accident. I tried to clarify I meant 3.2.6.
<havenwood> blacknova: Your Homebrew is broken if it's installing OpenSSL 1.1.
<havenwood> Modern Homebrew uses OpenSSL 3 by default when you `brew install openssl`. Also, `rbenv`'s `ruby-build` ships its own version of OpenSSL, disregarding your package manager.
<havenwood> Install Ruby 3.2.6 or Ruby 3.3.6. I'd think either would be fine. The point is the latest stable release of 3.2 or 3.3.
<havenwood> blacknova: If your Homebrew is installing OpenSSL 1.1 and seems otherwise borked, you'll probably save a lot of time with an uninstall and reinstall.
<havenwood> A `ruby-build` of Ruby 3.3.6 should _just work_ with a clean `brew doctor` so I suspect your Homebrew and Command Line Tool combo is borked, like weaksauce suggests.
<havenwood> > <blacknova> Should I switch to GCC?
<havenwood> No. Reinstall Homebrew.
<blacknova> havenwood: I don’t have 3.2.6 so I had to fallback to 3.2.2 (even after `brew update` -ing). Brew seem operational otherwise. I noticed a `portable-ruby-3.3.6` got “poured”, can I use that?
<blacknova> Also, that was `rbenv` installing OpenSSL, not `brew`, just threw me off as I knew MacOS switched to LibreSSL 1-2 (?) releases ago
<blacknova> I think I will just upgrade MacOS at this point as it will just update ruby too (it’s been on my ToDo anyway since I haven’t been able to run MySQLWorkbench)
<blacknova> I sure will miss the nice icons in System Preferences :(
<blacknova> Oh wait, there are updates to Xcode CLI Tools in “Software Update”
<havenwood> blacknova: Update to latest macOS and reinstall Homebrew and you should be sailing.
<havenwood> Old macOS with old Homebrew with old Ruby don't work with new Rails.
<blacknova> Heh, probably not brave enough to jump all the way to Sequoia yet
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<blacknova> havenwood / weaksauce: ok, upgrading CLI Tools did the trick!
<weaksauce> sweet
<blacknova> Although oddly, when I run `ruby -v` I still get the old (system) ruby version? ie: 2.6.10p210
<blacknova> This us after running `rbenv global 3.2.2`
<blacknova> us=is
<blacknova> Ah, it’s under `~/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/bin/ruby` That returns the 3.2.2!
<blacknova> version
<weaksauce> what does ~/.ruby-version say?
<weaksauce> you might want to do a rbenv rehash
<blacknova> I don’t have that file…
<weaksauce> either that or rbenv isn't installed correctly
<blacknova> I have a `versions` under `~/rbenv` & that says `3.2.2`
<weaksauce> yeah that's the file that it looks for
<weaksauce> did you add the line rbenv asks you to append into your config?
<weaksauce> type rbenv init
<blacknova> It didn’t say to..?
<weaksauce> and follow those instructions if you want it always active
<weaksauce> zsh will be different than bash will be different than fish etc
<blacknova> Hmm, seems like an undocumented switch, now I get this strange error 😕 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/st8ubmfe/ruby_-version.log
<weaksauce> blacknova ruby -v or ruby --version
<weaksauce> also rbenv init - bash does something different than just rbenv init
<weaksauce> echo "$(rbenv init - bash)"
<aesthetikx> YJIt is getting pretty good by now, I'm impressed... was working on some naive implementation for Advent of Code and --yjit is 75% faster
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