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<Guest28> Just joined here.  I updated my system (Artix) after many months (been on the road) and now i've got all sorts of problems that are a bit overwhelming.  I'm getting an error: ... uninitialized constant DataObjects::Pooling::Pool::Fixnum (NameError)
<Guest28>         raise ArgumentError.new("+max_size+ should be a Fixnum but was #{max_size.inspect}") unless Fixnum === max_size
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<Guest28> My first thought was that Fixnum has gone away in ruby version 3, but searches show no indication of this... and i think i'm reading this message wrong.
<Guest28> max_size.inspect was, i assume, supposed to show me what this thing that was supposed to be a Fixnum really is, but it doesn't print out the type anywhere that i can see.
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<Guest28> If i'm asking all wrong, please let me know.
<Guest28> I've been using data_mapper to access postgresql with code i've written and now this doesn't work.  I can't build taglib_ruby, either (all sorts of errors).
<Guest28> The above error is from the 'data_objects' gem (version 0.10.17)
<Guest28> I don't think i've ever used this chat before.  Should i be expecting any response?
<Guest28> I just put a 'puts' to show me the value/class of 'max_size' and it's a String, value of "8".  That explains the error, but not why it's a string.
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<Guest28> Well, this is a complete bust.  Is it because i'm so clueless that no one responds at all?
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<konsolebox> Guest28: You might want to join the discord channel instead. There are more active people there.
<konsolebox> Guest28: That code you share also needs to be more readable. Maybe share the complete code or provide a link if it's open-source?
<Guest28> konsolebox: thanks.  I've heard of discord but not familiar with it.  Is it used just like this chat or quite different?
<adam12> Guest28: Can you share the full stacktrace of the error?
<Guest28> I'm really looking for an overview.  So much stuff seems broken i'm thinking there's something important that i've just missed, being out of the loop for so long.
<adam12> Fixnum is deprecated
<adam12> rather, it's gone
<adam12> >> Fixnum
<ruby[bot]> adam12: # => Integer (https://carc.in/#/r/h7a7)
<Guest28> I can insert it here.
<adam12> >> RUBY_VERSION
<ruby[bot]> adam12: # => "3.0.1" (https://carc.in/#/r/h7a8)
<adam12> In 3.3.4, Fixnum is gone.
<Guest28> Fixnum is gone?  That's what i was thinking, but i was searching for some commentary on this and found *nothing*.
<adam12> 3.2.0 I think
<konsolebox> Wow they'd never remove it.
<Guest28> And the bigger picture issue i have then is... all these gems have not been updated at all?  I just installed the *latest* version!
<konsolebox> I thought.
<Guest28> (versions)
<adam12> 3.2 removed a ton of stuff that had been deprecated for ages
<Guest28> I'm on 3.2.5 after updating my system.
<adam12> but unfortunately a lot of people never ran with warnings on, so these deprecations were essentially screaming into the void. They tried to improve that with later versions but a lot of people were bit by the `File.exists?` removal too.
<Guest28> So, all these gems are, basically, dead???
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<adam12> Well `data_objects` hasn't seen an update since 2016.
<konsolebox> Well everyone had 8 years to upgrade.
<adam12> and is archived on Github. So I'd say that one is dead.
<Guest28> Wow!  I guess the smart thing might just be to abandon my code, then, and move on to some other approach.
<adam12> Did you build this project using datamapper?
<Guest28> Yes.
<adam12> Recently?
<Guest28> I last updated my system two months ago, and everything was fine.
<adam12> Can you share some of your code/all of it? how many LOC do you think it is?
<Guest28> (This is Artix)
<adam12> I'm not familiar with Artix.
<Guest28> I have an app 'updateAlbumList' that contains 173 lines in the file.  It requires a database schema, though, so there's more than that.
<Guest28> Artix is basically Arch linux, but eliminating systemd
<adam12> Ah. Well, you can install an older version of Ruby outside of your package manager and continue using that for now.
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<adam12> Depending on your code, the Sequel library is well maintained and an OK replacement for DataMapper.
<Guest28> Yeah... i suppose i can try that now and see if most breakage goes away.
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<Guest28> I just did 'gem list sequel -r' and it shows a whole bunch of 'sequel-*' modules.  That's what you're talking about?
<adam12> Yes, but you could mostly just get away with the `sequel` library (no -*) and one database adapter (sqlite3, etc).
<adam12> I use sequel_pg and I am the other of sequel-hash_id but they are optional unless you're using Postgres (which in that case, sequel_pg can make Sequel slightly faster)
<Guest28> I'm using postgres
<adam12> So in that case, you need sequel, pg, and _optionally_ sequel_pg.
<Guest28> That sounds like a good tip... way out of all these gems that haven't been updated for years.
<Guest28> Thanks much for that.
<adam12> Sequel is awesome. Maybe the best library in Ruby. Just take a look at it's release cadence and bug tracker. https://rubygems.org/gems/sequel
<konsolebox> Datamapper also seem to have a successor: https://github.com/rom-rb/rom
<adam12> At this point I am not sure of the future of ROM.
<konsolebox> It's dead too?
<adam12> I wouldn't say dead, but the bulk of it was maintained by Peter and he's been incredibly busy lately (working at Sentry now).
<Guest28> Tried to roll back to ruby 3.0.6-1 and i get these errors:
<Guest28> pacman -U /pkg/ruby-3.0.6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
<Guest28> loading packages...
<Guest28> warning: downgrading package ruby (3.2.5-2 => 3.0.6-1)
<Guest28> resolving dependencies...
<Guest28> looking for conflicting packages...
<Guest28> :: ruby-bundledgems-3.0.6-1 and ruby-bundled-gems-3.2.5-2 are in conflict. Remove ruby-bundled-gems? [y/N] y
<Guest28> error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
<Guest28> :: installing ruby (3.0.6-1) breaks dependency 'ruby-json' required by ruby-braid
<Guest28> :: installing ruby (3.0.6-1) breaks dependency 'ruby-reline' required by ruby-debug
<Guest28> :: installing ruby (3.0.6-1) breaks dependency 'ruby-cgi' required by ruby-erb
<Guest28> :: installing ruby (3.0.6-1) breaks dependency 'ruby-reline' required by ruby-irb
<Guest28> :: installing ruby (3.0.6-1) breaks dependency 'ruby-psych' required by ruby-rdoc
<Guest28> :: removing ruby-bundled-gems breaks dependency 'ruby-bundled-gems' required by ruby-stdlib
<Guest28> I'm not understanding this.
<adam12> Guest28: Suggest using a paste service (paste.sr.ht, gist.github.com, others) for anything more than 4-5 lines.
<adam12> In this case, I am not sure downgrading with pacman is best bet.
<adam12> My suggestion would be to use a Ruby version manager, and install Ruby into a folder that's not part of your distro. (~/.rubies, /opt/rubies, etc). Then update your PATH to use the ruby from there.
<konsolebox> I highly recommend rbenv.
<adam12> I try to consider the Ruby/Python/etc from pacman/apt/etc as for _their_ use only. The libraries and apps that they install. The one exception to that would be Perl since it moves at a glacial pace :)
<Guest28> I registered with sourcehut and glanced at a tutorial but see nothing that allow me to paste something and get a link for it.
<adam12> s/free/open
<Guest28> As far as the suggestion to use rbenv, say, then install into a different folder... i'm not sure how i proceed with that right now.  Do i delete all the ruby stuff my distribution installs?
<adam12> You can keep the distro Ruby
<Guest28> Yes...
<adam12> but you'd force the path to be to the different ruby, when you wanted to work on/run your other app.
<adam12> Forcing the path is done by rbenv.
<Guest28> I'm overwhelmed.  I've never liked gems and never understood all the convolutions very well.
<Guest28> There's ruby stuff from the distro, then there's gems.  Which are you talking about?  Both?
<adam12> Ruby is the runtime.
<Guest28> I've got a mix, since the distro installs some stuff (that i think there are gems for as well).
<adam12> Gems are what make the runtime do things that you dont' have to build.
<adam12> Ruby comes with gems by default, and you can install others.
<Guest28> (which seems like a mess to me)
<Guest28> I confess i don't have any kind of handle at all on the big picture.  Ruby is the runtime... means what, exactly, in terms of having a separate... what?
<Guest28> Sorry for my ignorance.  I haven't followed the evolution of things very closely.
<adam12> Well, you need something to run your code. Ruby is just that. You type in `puts`, it knows to output something to the screen.
<adam12> Many other pieces are gems, which are a method of packaging up functionality and sharing it.
<Guest28> I understand the basics (like that) but i'm missing something, because i don't understand your suggestion, in terms of what needs to be done.
<adam12> Ok.
<adam12> When you `pacman install ruby`, you get the Ruby version that the distribution maintainers control. But you have no say over the version. They ship the version compatible with Ruby applications they make available with `pacman install`. You need to control the Ruby version.
<Guest28> I never understood very well how the various parts hang together (because it was "designed" ad hoc and seems quite confusing)..
<adam12> rbenv is a tool that allows you to install and control the version of Ruby, independently from pacman.
<adam12> So the suggestion is: install rbenv. install ruby 3.0.??. and when you run your command, you have it use that version of Ruby, not the one from pacman.
<Guest28> That i understand.  But what is implied for, say, all the gems i have currently installed?
<adam12> They will be independent.
<adam12> They live in different locations in the filesystem.
<adam12> So once you switch to rbenv's 3.0.6, and `gem list`, you'll only see the default ones that came with Ruby.
<Guest28> I guess rbenv is, itself, a gem.  If i install it, it goes where it goes.  I don't see i have any say where that is.
<Guest28> And it will be "relative to" the ruby version i have currently installed, no?
<adam12> No. rbenv is written in shell script and not a gem
<Guest28> My distribution doesn't have it.
<Guest28> Not a gem, not in my distribution... ???
<Guest28> I'm missing something.
<konsolebox> You can install it for your own user only.
<konsolebox> From git.
<Guest28> That's the way you're "supposed" to install it?  I remember rbenv from years ago... never used it... but i certainly thought it was in the debian distribution (i used at the time).
<Guest28> But git is no problem...
<konsolebox> The instructions are all in the README.
<konsolebox> Some distros do provide rbenv like debian.
<Guest28> More complications... "On Linux, we recommend installing rbenv with [Homebrew](https://brew.sh)."
<Guest28> (*no* idea what that is)
<Guest28> Just discovered it's better to install the AUR version (over git).
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<weaksauc_> Guest52 i don't think homebrew is a linux thing unless they expanded their scope recently
<weaksauc_> er guest28*
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