havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.5 (3.4.0-preview1) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<constxd> guys
<pounce> what up
<constxd> anyone know of some blog posts or videos or something about how KRI ruby works internally and more specifically how it made ruby like 10x faster than it used to be
<magni> constxd: KRI aka YARV? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YARV
<constxd> yeah sure
<constxd> idk what people call it
<constxd> the reference implementation of ruby
<constxd> :)
<magni> my understanding is that the new 3.3 stuff is even faster, new parsers and JIT compilers https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2023/12/25/ruby-3-3-0-released/
<weaksauce> yjit
<magni> shopify employes a bunch of folks to just be core ruby and rails developers
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<constxd> hmm
<constxd> that's very cool
<constxd> i am mostly interested in pre-JIT stuff
<constxd> i wonder what would have happened if these improvements came 5-10 years ago
<constxd> maybe rails would still be huge
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<newton> stuff matures and people jump on cool new technology, idk if it'd make a difference
<newton> maybe a little less "ruby is slow"? lol
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<magni> i think rails is still pretty popular, some huge sites run on it
<weaksauce> python slurped up the academics and then they moved on to bigger companies
<magni> shopify, github, airbnb, kickstarter, bloomberg
<newton> all pretty established; but people are still building with rails for startups and open source too. people who've used it to build time and time again
<magni> not sure if you've used any of the newer rails features like Turbo and Stimulus but you can make very interactive apps really easily with minimal javascript. a really nice retorte to the traditional single-page app
<magni> intro video on all that tech there ^
<magni> s/retorte/retort
<o0x1eef> Rails provides an interesting alternative, but I think we need more serious alternatives to Rails as well. I know they exist, but in practice they usually don't exist outside hobby projects.
<newton> serious alternatives that are like rails?
<magni> imho Elixir + Pheonix have a cool thing going https://www.phoenixframework.org/
<magni> elixir is a language built on the erlang VM. i believe discord uses it.
<newton> hope to get an opportunity to work on a elixir platform eventually. phoenix has things going on with livewview, too
<magni> ive always been super curious about https://crystal-lang.org/
<magni> i've played with it a bit - really familiar syntax to ruby but static typing and compiles to really fast binaries