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<leftylink> sigh, bitten again by the fact that you can't omit parentheses on p the result of method call with block
<leftylink> pandabot: rb p {}.merge({})
<pandabot> stderr: -e:2:in `<main>': undefined method `merge' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) - exit 1 - https://carc.in/#/r/hb7k
<leftylink> you have to put parents
<leftylink> pandabot: rb p({}.merge({}))
<pandabot> {} - 1 more lines - https://carc.in/#/r/hb7l
<leftylink> it's so Fing sad
<leftylink> "oh then just don't omit parentheses Ray"
<leftylink> I mean come on it's a quick script that I want to bang out in a few seconds, I don't want to have to do parentheses
<o0x1eef> IIRC in the internals of Pry somewhere that's mentioned.
<leftylink> "just get a better editor that does the parentheses for you"
<leftylink> do you think I don't take pride in my work to be able to find good tools? of course my editor does that, but I still have to type the opening parentheses for the editor to know it should put them there
<leftylink> oh well, it's not an actual problem. you run it to once every few weeks, find out you need to add parentheses, and you add the parentheses and move on with your life
<o0x1eef> This one bothers me. It has to be: Ryo({foo: 123}, proto) rather than Ryo(foo: 123, proto)
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<CalimeroTeknik> hello! bundler no longer finds gems that are installed system-side; how do I make it see them again?
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<CalimeroTeknik> GEM_PATH doesn't work as far as I tried (with all parent directories up the hierarchy just to be sure)
<CalimeroTeknik> has BUNDLE_DISABLE_SHARED_GEMS=true become the default?
<CalimeroTeknik> setting it to false certainly doesn't help bundler see system gems
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<adam12> CalimeroTeknik: I don't remember hearing that DISABLE_SHARED_GEMS became default. What version of bundler? does `bundle doctor` show any warnings? anything interesting in `bundle env`?
<CalimeroTeknik> bundler 2.4.22 and 2.3.26 tested so far. `bundle doctor` says "The following gems are missing" followed by a list, and `bundle env` outputs https://0x0.st/XIju.txt
<CalimeroTeknik> the thing is, previously bundler didn't feel like needing to install gems that were installed on the system side, it's only now that it wants to install everything itself
<adam12> What tool are you using to manage ruby?
<adam12> Gem Home and Gem Path being the same is suspect.
<CalimeroTeknik> manage ruby? you mean the package manager to install software? portage
<adam12> So when you type `which ruby`, that is a path to a binary that portage installed?
<adam12> Oh you set `path`. I wonder if that does it.
<CalimeroTeknik> which ruby → /usr/bin/ruby
<adam12> Once you set --path, I don't think Bundler will use anything from the system.
<CalimeroTeknik> wait, I did that? I mean, I did attempt it
<adam12> If you leave --path off, it uses GEM_HOME or GEM_PATH (I don't remember which), which can contain other gems from other installs.
<adam12> This is probably because you get an error if you do `gem install ???` or `bundle install`
<adam12> ?
<adam12> (no permission to write to some-path)
<CalimeroTeknik> I did get that when attempting to set the GEM_PATH and GEM_HOME, but are these changes permanent?? I did it by simply using my shell, the usual `GEM_HOME=foo ./project.rb`
<adam12> They aren't permanent, but the bundle option is.
<CalimeroTeknik> where is it set?
<CalimeroTeknik> so I can unset it
<adam12> So what I suspect happened: Portage owns the Ruby install. You couldn't use just `bundle install` or `gem install` since default path is owned by root. You set `bundle --path` somehow, to work around that.
<adam12> It's in .bundle/config for that current app.
<CalimeroTeknik> by the way, I did get the permission error only just attempting to run the project with GEM_PATH set to somewhere in /usr
<adam12> in /home/derpson/k5bot/.bundle/config
<adam12> IMHO, I would not use Ruby from portage but instead use it from another tool - I use mise, but rbenv, chruby/ruby-install, and others are good too (but I don't recommend rvm)
<CalimeroTeknik> here are the entire contents of that file https://0x0.st/XIj1.txt
<CalimeroTeknik> and it was last modified in 2015, which is long before my present confusion as to why bundler doesn't see system gems now
<adam12> Hmm.
<adam12> Well, I'm not sure then.
<adam12> But I am pretty sure that BUNDLE_PATH is a bulldozer and prevents any other path being used for gems.
<CalimeroTeknik> I'll try going back to bundler 2.1.4
<CalimeroTeknik> ah, well, I know it started fine 5 weeks and 3 days ago, at which time I already used bundler-2.4.22
<CalimeroTeknik> then, I tried switching ruby to ruby 3.2, ran bundle install, which ignored all system gems too, and try going back to 3.1 because of errors, but now I notice the problem that system gems are ignored, because everything is installed all right to run with 3.1
<adam12> CalimeroTeknik: Ruby gems are versioned to the version of Ruby that installed them, since some of them are C extensions. So if you switched to Ruby 3.2, you'll have a different folder for gems which might be empty. Not sure if that's what you saw or not.
<CalimeroTeknik> er yes, what's missing is really system gems, bundle doctor isn't complaining about the ones that were installed - I downgraded with a binpkg anyway
<adam12> Oh, system gems.
<adam12> Which ones specifically? do you remember?
<adam12> Ruby has been extracting more and more gems out from default gems, so there are new warnings every Ruby version.
<CalimeroTeknik> sqlite3-1.7.3 for example
<CalimeroTeknik> there's also json-2.7.2
<CalimeroTeknik> portage shows them installed all right, irb can import them
<adam12> Ahh, I got it.
<CalimeroTeknik> and it used to be that bundler wouldn't need to install those on its end
<adam12> Yes, that makes sense.
<adam12> I'm surprised it worked, to be honest.
<adam12> I'd personally punt on all of this. Forget about portage for anything in Ruby that you use a `Gemfile` with, since they are always going to be at odds.
<leah2> one needs to write ur :D
<adam12> And forget about Ruby from portage. Think of the Ruby from portage as the version of Ruby that portage wants to run Vagrant, or some other tool that it includes in it's packages that's written in Ruby.
<adam12> leah2: lol. ur?
<leah2> like uv for python
<adam12> Ohh.
<leah2> ir - infra red
<leah2> now it's even ruby topical :D
<adam12> Hilariously, there are so many for Python that I can't keep track of them.
<leah2> i hope uv is the last
<adam12> We were almost getting there in Ruby, with isolate (still maintained) and gel (not maintained).
<adam12> and I am sure more.
<CalimeroTeknik> well, bundler has been very nice for gems, as long as they didn't contain native binaries
<CalimeroTeknik> I know my solution is like sitting between two chairs, but at least it gets no "cannot load shared libraries"
<adam12> Hehe.
<adam12> I'm surprised by that error, but I wonder if it would be easier to solve.
<adam12> bbiaf.
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<johnjaye> i know one generally should install things via gem
<johnjaye> but what if it's something that's more ambiguous like irb? on freebsd there is a irb you install separately from ruby along with a huge pile of other gems
<johnjaye> here is a listing of such packages: https://www.freshports.org/rubygems/
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<o0x1eef> FreeBSD is not the norm when it comes to that. It splits up the standard installation of Ruby, and provides RubyGems as packages. Their way is fine if you prefer it.
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