havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.4 (3.4.0-preview1) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
<pounce> is using NilClass#=~ reasonable?
<pounce> I thought it was deprecated at one point (but idk if that was just Object#=~)
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<havenwood> pounce: It's unreasonable to use. It comes from a previous era. Just still around for backwards compatibility but I'd personally get rid of it.
<havenwood> Most #=~ usage has been supplanted by #match? to avoid the magic global overhead.
<havenwood> nil =~ /😬/
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<pounce> havenwood: grumpy
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<gastus> havenwood: GOt it, but .beginning_of_week I have hard time finding.
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<havenwood> pounce: snarky
<pounce> im not grumpy at you!;
<pounce> im grumpy at the person who closed my pr fixing a nill check with .match? -> &.match? to =~
<havenwood> Ah, okay! I was confused what I'd said wrong. Haha.
<pounce> they fixed themselves with =~ *
<havenwood> pounce: You're 100% right on that one. `&.match?` is better on multiple fronts.
<havenwood> Setting all the globals is fairly expensive and a shame when you're not using them.
<havenwood> An `&.match?` also makes it explicit that a `nil` is anticipated.
<pounce> yeah
<pounce> oh well 🤷 not my project
<havenwood> Better for the reader. Better for the machine.
<havenwood> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<havenwood> It's nice when we can get these thing "soft deprecated" so the docs discourage ill advised usage.
<pounce> i was reading that it was originally Object#=~ which was deprecated
<pounce> but the nil one is a special case
<havenwood> It should have been dropped at the same time. Now it's just around to not be a breaking change.
<havenwood> I cringe at it being used!
<havenwood> It'd be nice for us to adopt a more consistent "soft deprecation" notice. We can keep it around for stability while acknowledging we know it's not good.
<havenwood> Standard language would be nice too. Some docs mention things are "considered deprecated" but others the docs are silent even though it's established as soft deprecated on the bug tracker.
<havenwood> Language like this is awkward too: "DateTime class is considered deprecated. Use Time class."
<havenwood> I think it's fine to say it's just plain deprecated even if there's no concrete date for removal. Also a good thing to start with.
<havenwood> Now I'm seeming grumpy. 😆
<havenwood> DateTime is deprecated. Use Time instead.
<havenwood> `nil =~` is deprecated. Use `nil&.match?` instead.
<havenwood> Class variables need one too.
<havenwood> Then there're "toy" libraries like Prime that we should document as example code not appropriate for use in production.
<havenwood> I'd really rather not ship toy code, since it most often is mistaken for a best practice standard library.
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<havenwood> Docs should at the very least mention faster_prime.
<havenwood> The "look, some Ruby" libs could move to an examples/ or something if we want to keep them around.
<pounce> well, best practice is probably through the door with what im doing anyway
<pounce> i think the best solution to my current issue is shelling out to javascript from rails
<pounce> as horrible as that is
<havenwood> The humanity... 🙂
<pounce> ive been putting in a lot of work to use a pure ruby/C solution, but it isn't really working out
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<adam12> pounce: minitest?
<pounce> yea
<adam12> ENV["TERM"]
<adam12> Thought it was familiar.
<adam12> I'm not sure why =~ was used.... I would have expected it for Ruby backwards compatibility but match? is 2.4 and &. is 2.3!
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<pounce> does anybody know of a good (LL(1)) parser library in ruby?
<pounce> i don't know if i want to use racc to generate parsers, since my grammar might change based on the situation
<pounce> so i was hoping for something where i could supply a grammar at runtime
<pounce> doing racc -> eval seems evil
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<weaksauce> pounce you see this? https://github.com/YorickPeterse/ruby-ll
<pounce> weaksauce: this is also a parser generator, no?
<weaksauce> yeah alternative to racc
<weaksauce> but faster
<pounce> well, the eval issue still stands
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