havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.5 (3.4.0-preview1) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<ih8u> magni: i've been playing with crystal lately
<ih8u> i love the idea
<ih8u> but it's quite different from ruby in a few non-obvious ways
<ih8u> and compile times are bonkers slow
<ih8u> but the resulting binary is quite fast, and the optional type annotations work well
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<constxd> wtf is this supposed to mean
<constxd> The use of unicorn in new deployments is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED due to the
<constxd> damage done to the entire Ruby ecosystem. Its unintentional popularity
<constxd> set Ruby back decades in parallelism, concurrency and robustness since
<constxd> it prolongs and proliferates the existence of poorly-written code.
<llua> it prolongs and proliferates the existence of poorly-written code
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<constxd> llua: ok
<constxd> but "set Ruby back **decades** in parallelism, concurrency and robustness" ?
<constxd> that's absurd lol
<llua> in case it isn't obivous, its an opinion
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<magni> constxd: where you seeing that?
<constxd> magni: unicorn website
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<gr33n7007h> 🦄
<konsolebox> constxd: The replaced text would give it more sense. https://github.com/defunkt/unicorn/commit/78c9aa8813ca4eda94bfc1cddb2d62f09891308a
<konsolebox> The author hints frustration.
<constxd> i mean fair enough
<constxd> but i think the author is overestimating the impact of this project lol
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<weaksauce> constxd zed shaw has been known to be pretty over dramatic and apoplectic in his writings
<weaksauce> haven't heard much from him lately though
<adam12> Eric's always had very, very strongly held opinions. It's a shame somewhat because he seems to be very brilliant.
<adam12> I didn't realize he added that to the Unicorn project, but I did notice he'd been upset about some things a while ago.
<weaksauce> i'm just going off the copyright in there saying it is mostly him and others can be found in the git commit history
<adam12> Eric's been fairly allergic to anything commercial, so the fact that GitHub uses/used Unicorn and he's vehemently against Github probably ruffled him.
<weaksauce> that would make sense
<adam12> If you follow the bug tracker you'll see that he won't use Github, won't use GMail, won't use a paid CI service, etc.
<weaksauce> > The project does not and will never endorse nor promote commercial
<weaksauce> services (including support). The author of unicorn must never be
<weaksauce> allowed to profit off the damage it's done to the entire Ruby world.
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