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<madprops> what is the appropiate way to count line numbers of a file using ruby?
<madprops> im using file.readlines.size
<madprops> but i see the results are different to something like find . -type f -exec cat {} + | wc -l
<madprops> it counts the last line extra i guess
<madprops> maybe ruby's is more correct
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<isene> I have a string, "test this string" and want to extract parts of the text and capture that text in a variable - removing /s ../ should capture "s st" and leave the string like this "test thiring". What's the best/cleanest way?
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<gr33n7007h> isene: you can use String#gsub! and Regexp.last_match
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<isene> Regexp.last_match = nice
<isene> thanks for that
<gr33n7007h> isene: no probs :)
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<adam12> madprops: Beware file.readlines.size on large files.
<adam12> Since it will read entire string into memory and then create N strings in large Array.
<adam12> I'd open the file handle and then read smallish chunks, counting newlines within each chunk and incrementing some counter... atleast that's how I would do it naievely without benchmarking. But if you're always expecting small files it might not be worth it.
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<havenwood> madprops: I agree with adam12 that I'd avoid reading lines into an Array when unnecessary. Try just a: File.foreach(filename).count
<havenwood> That ^ will still iterate through the lines but it'll discard them as it goes by rather than storing them in an Array.
<adam12> That's a nice clean approach.
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<madprops> adam12, havenwood this is what I'm doing https://bpa.st/3CF5G
<madprops> i don't think im storing files to arrays