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<llua> you aren't storing a reference to the array, but #readlines creates one
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<klf> Hello
<klf> inreplace "Makefile" do |s|
<klf> s.gsub! "/usr/local", HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s
<klf> q1) what does the |s| notation mean?
<klf> q2) what does the '!' in 's.gsub!' mean?
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<klf> s apppears to be an instance of https://rubydoc.brew.sh/StringInreplaceExtension.html
<klf> but what is the `|...|` notation?
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<llua> a block argument
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<constxd> klf: [02:12:51] <llua> a block argument
<klf> thank you; brb again
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<klf> what does the '!' in 's.gsub!' mean?
<klf> nvm, it appears that it's simply part of the method name
<llua> indeed
<llua> its a convention where the method modifies the object itself instead of returning a new object
<klf> A small follow-up to q1): In our example above, the block is a do-block, and the block argument is 's', denoted using the |s| notation.
<klf> so if the block accepts mulitple arguments, then are they specified as a comma separated list?
<klf> e.g. |a|,|b|,|c|
<llua> |a, b, c|
<klf> llua, great. It might be time to pick up the Ruby langauge as I find myself needing to tinker with homebrew. (TLDR; since I am still on a 2011 MBP runnning 10.15.7 and that the homebrew maintainers peeve at those running unsupported versions; Okay, I'll stop ranting now)
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<constxd> bros i got a little codegolf question how would u fill in nil values in one array with values from another array, and then put any leftover elements from the second array at the end
<constxd> for example: xs=[1, 2, None, 4, None, None, 7] and ys=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']. then you want the result: [1, 2, 'a', 4, 'b', 'c', 7, 'd', 'e', 'f']
<leftylink> Array#map, Array#shift, and Array#+
<mange> More specifically: xs.map { _1.nil ? ys.shift : _1 } + ys
<leftylink> use ||
<mange> Whoops, forgot the ? for the nil? method.
<mange> The spec was only to replace nil, not false. :)
<leftylink> touche
<leftylink> how do I make the correct e for touche
<leftylink> touché
<mange> Search the internet for the word and copy+paste?
<constxd> ok that's very slick
<leftylink> I feel so sad when doing so, like I'm not doing things on my own power, but I guess I also failed to specify I don't want to feel sad
<constxd> can you think of a way without mutating ys?
<mange> myys = ys.dup; xs.map { _1.nil? ? myys.shift : _1 } + myys
<mange> I mean, yeah, you could keep track of the index instead and walk through the array yourself, but it will be more involved.
<mange> It's not *that* much worse, but I don't like it as much: i = 0; xs.map { _1.nil? ? ys[i += 1] : _1 } + ys[i..]
<constxd> hmm
<mange> Oh, wait, sorry, that's off by one. You'd have to start with i = -1
<mange> And use ys[(i + 1)..] at the end. I feel like the fact that I've made two off-by-one errors should point you towards the solution that doesn't involve numbers.
<constxd> this is driving me crazy
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<mange> What is driving you crazy?
<constxd> i feel like there should be a very simple solution that doesn't involve any mutation
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<constxd> consider this related problem too: you want to *add* the nil values to ys at the same indices. so you end up with: ['a', 'b', nil, 'c', nil, nil, 'd', 'e', 'f']
<constxd> then i think you can just interleave them and remove the nils
<mange> Why does it need to not involve mutation?
<constxd> no reason really just an exercise at this point
<mange> Here you go: yiter = ys.each; result = xs.map { _1.nil? ? yiter.next : _1 }; loop { result << yiter.next } rescue StopIteration; result
<constxd> the mutating solution will work fine for what i am actually doing
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<constxd> what is the type of yiter there
<mange> Like, you need to track the state of your iteration somehow. Using mutation does it implicitly, by removing values as you consume them. Using an index does it explicitly using random access. Using an enumerator does it implicitly using that protocol (which will work for non-array values like sets).
<constxd> then surely you don't need to do that stuff at the end?
<mange> Then how do you get the remaining values out of the enumerator?
<constxd> result = xs.map { _1.nil? ? yiter.next : _1 } + yiter.to_a
<constxd> idk i dont know ruby
<constxd> does that work?
<mange> You could just run that and find out yourself.
<mange> The short answer is: no.
<constxd> wait what it seems to work when i run it
<constxd> well let me try the entire expression
<mange> Really? For me yiter.to_a on the end returns the entirety of ys again.
<constxd> hmm that seems like odd behaviour doesn't it
<constxd> is there a way to make it forget that it's backed by an array and just get like a pure generator so it can't reset itself on the .to_a call
<mange> I don't know.
<mange> But you now have three solutions to your problem, so I'm going to bed. :)
<constxd> haha good night
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