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<henk> hm, I’m a bit confused … I want to define an object `DnsChallenge` in my code. this is supposed to contain, among other things, an object Acme::Client::Resources::Challenges::DNS01. but I also want to have an array of all `dns_challenges`. so AFAIU I need to use references to these objects, not just assign them because that would copy them. I’m trying to find more info about this but fail to
<henk> find a straightforward answer. any advice what to read? or which keywords to search for? or just straight up examples how I need to do this in the code?
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<sam113101> they are not really being copied by default, check that:
<sam113101> >> a = 'test'; b = a; b << 'yo'; a
<ruby[bot]> sam113101: # => (https://carc.in/#/r/gi52)
<sam113101> what
<sam113101> >> a = 'test'; b = a; b << 'yo'; p a
<ruby[bot]> sam113101: # => "testyo" ...check link for more (https://carc.in/#/r/gi53)
<sam113101> does that help henk?
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<henk> hm, that seems like I’m worrying too much about it …
<henk> sam113101: yes, thank you
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<[0x1eef_]> henk: Yeah Ruby is not like C or C++ in that regard. Assignment does not copy. It references the same object.
<johnjaye> apparently in c++ the statement "a = b" can mean anything because of operator overloading
<johnjaye> hence you can never understand the code fully because anything could mean anything
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<[0x1eef_]> xD
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<henk> I see, thanks
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<PaulePanter> Hi. Can you give a suggestion how to avoid having RPATH set in a library?
<PaulePanter> You experts often have a good idea saving ignorants like myself a ton of time.
<PaulePanter> Thank you in advance.
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