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<zayd> How do I get the value of an @ variable in a class from outside of that class? Would I have to write a small function inside the class to do that or is there a more simple way to do it?
<KOTP> some_instance.get_instance_variable(:@whatever)
<KOTP> No, it is `instance_variable_get(:@whatever)`
<zayd> KOTP, thanks
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<weaksauce> zayd or add attr_reader :whatever
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<rapha> the latter would be better if it's supposed to be public
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<henk> I have an Array of domain names and a function that takes a domain name and return the apex domain for it, e.g. hnjs.ch => hnjs.ch, henk.hnjs.ch => hnjs.ch. I want to transform e.g. `['henk.hnjs.ch', 'hnjs.ch', 'hnjs.de']` to a hash `{'hnjs.ch' => ['henk.hnjs.ch', 'hnjs.ch'], 'hnjs.de' => ['hnjs.de']`. `Enumerable.group_by` works: http://pastie.org/p/1ROoLgNL0Rcx8U9EhYLrMO but I would like to make
<henk> those dns queries in parallel, i.e. with `Thread`s and I don’t know whether this can be done in the `group_by` block but my intuition says "no". AFAICT I would need some step in between which transforms the array of domains into a hash of "domain => apex_domain", where I can use threads. but I don’t find a function which could do this transformation. any ideas how to approach this?
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<henk> trying with merge: merge(*other_hashes) how can I pass array_of_hashes[1..] to it? this syntax complains about »no implicit conversion of Array into Hash«
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<rapha> can't help with the Thread part of the question, henk, but an Array will only let itself be turned into a hash if it's 2-dimensional, with exactly 2 elements on the inner dimension.
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<henk> yep, I know
<henk> rapha: thanks
<henk> and I found the answer to my other question: splat operator
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<henk> and I found a solution for my problem: http://pastie.org/p/6Wm9cjsbNEPZ0pGwbJNKOl will probably need some refinement but it’s not so bad …
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<rapha> that looks very fancy. i think i'll save that for whenever i want to get into threads :)
<rapha> thanks for sharing :)
<henk> rapha: found it to be slow, though. I did in line 5 s/Recursor/Resolver/ which is a lot faster and usually accurate enough
<henk> no idea whether it really is fancy, I only just got started with threads. and more or less with ruby, too.
<rapha> see, and i don't even know what a recursor is :)
<rapha> and i've been doing ruby since 2001 and don't think i could have written this, so more power to you!
<weaksauce> looks pretty good
<rapha> also the name apex domain is sort of badass :P
<henk> this Recursor instance acts like a recursing resolver for DNS in that it actually does all the dns resolving itself, i.e. starts with questioning the root servers, then goes down the labels until it gets an authoritative answer for the requested name. this Resolver instance does not do that but just ask another recursing resolver, if none explicitly given the one the system it’s running on uses.
<henk> which possibly already has stuff cached. creating a global Recursor instance in the program and using that instead of creating a new one everytime would also enable caching in that instance, so it would also be faster.
<henk> yes, it is (:
<henk> thanks for your feedback! I’m happy I’m not producing good that makes experienced people want to scratch their eyes out :D
<weaksauce> the only thing you might want to do if it gets more complex is throw it into a class
<henk> weaksauce: yeah, that’s definitely something I have to keep an eye on: complexity … I _want_ to write small methods. but some are not that easy to pick apart. and I should do that before I lose track of things …
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<henk> but there are better things to do! I have found a better approach that will surely be faster and I want to implement that! there is no time for tidying!
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<weaksauce> ever get your answer rapha
<weaksauce> or figure it out yourself?
<rapha> weaksauce: no, the channel was completely quiet. i've been checking every few hours, but was afk most of the time...
<rapha> i'm meaning to try out one of their streams. just a hunch.
<weaksauce> maybe the ruby discord might have someone that knows?
<rapha> worth a shot for sure!
<rapha> re-posted.
<weaksauce> nice
<weaksauce> rails might be a better place but i'm sure the weekend is slow
<weaksauce> for either of those two rooms
<rapha> actually, you're right, i'll move it there.
<rapha> oh, wow, everyone's there, too? seeing havenwood ...
<[0x1eef_]> I'm not :)
<rapha> well ok just the less important people then :)
<[0x1eef_]> Lol
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