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<adam12> Bundler.require(groups). How do other people feel about this? I normally require everything by hand because I worked on Rails applications where boot time ballooned, but I can see the convenience of not having to require.
<[0x1eef]> I used it once upon a time, but not anymore. These days I add 'require "bundler/setup"' followed by normal calls to Kernel#require.
<adam12> I'm trying to decide if I add it to my "framework" (even tho I am building my framework for _me_). I like the explicitness of manually requiring.
<[0x1eef]> I think it couples you to Bundler even more. I mean, it's coupled anyway but that only extends the coverage further.
<adam12> That's a good point.
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<rapha> adam12: tried to get something going with graphql-ruby and sinatra since i wasn't feeling like rails. this is quite cumbersome though. relegating to the weekend.
<adam12> rapha: Fun.
<adam12> rapha: I've been extracting pieces from some of my apps into my framework. Nice thing about the framework design is I can build a plugin in the app then promote it up. Been a relaxing afternoon.
<rapha> that sounds nice. the beauty of having one's own framework i guess :)
<[0x1eef]> rapha: graphql-ruby is like a framework by itself. You should only need a single route that executes a query, and from there, the graphql stack.
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<adam12> Yeah, except I wanted to be building an app so this is kind of yak shaving :P
<adam12> It's enjoyable knowing every single line tho.
<rapha> [0x1eef]: while that is true, it doesn't really expect you to be using anything other than rails. which comes with a bunch of stuff.
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<[0x1eef]> Yeah. I never tried it w/o ActiveRecord. Twenty might give you some ideas. Same idea but web framework is Rack, and ORM is AR.
<[0x1eef]> Erh. Not rack. WEBrick :)
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