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<rrix> could anyone provide guidance on running an onscreen keyboard like squeekboard within river?
<rrix> what other scaffold services are necessary? "nix run nixpkgs#squeekboard" reports some warnings that make me think I need to enable some more GNOME crap to get it to work, but i'd like to avoid pulling more of that stuff in if possible, perhaps someone could recommend another OSK, especially if it can be taught how to control river itself…
<rrix> > Failed to read portal settings: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.Settings” on object at path /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop
<rrix> > Could not register to session manager: Cannot invoke method; proxy is for the well-known name org.gnome.SessionManager without an owner, and proxy was constructed with the G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START flag
<rrix> i have no idea how much of a "warning" those are rather than blocking errors…
<rrix> and ofc if anyone has any helper scripts for "riverctl map-switch tablet" that would be neat :)
<rrix> oh it was gsettings crap… rubber ducked myself!
<rrix> "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-keyboard-enabled true" from a 2 year old reddit thread
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<rrix> i think i was confused/baffled before because squeekboard works when i run it in from within a gtk app like an emacs shell-mode but not a qt app or from river/systemd directly because of how nixos packages gnome/gtk apps to work with XDG_DATA_DIRS, nothing at all related to river or wayland … cheers
<leon-p> __toor__: I am reasonably sure most river users do make use of tags, I certainly do (although the ability to assign multiple tags to windows or activate multiple tags at once I basically never use)
<leon-p> __toor__: you could try a river layout that assigns the full size of the output to all windows. then you could use the next/prev focus commands to cycle through windows without having to remember the exact tag for each window
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<NickH> __toor__: Yes, it sounds like what some people call a "monocle" layout. See
<Nickli> an option would be to use something like rofi/dmenu to send a window somewhere
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<leon-p> that's not possible on river right now unfortunately
<Nickli> what prevents a script from using riverctl... ?
<ifreund> riverctl commands pretty much all act on the currently focused window
<ifreund> which makes non-interactive usage quite racy
<Nickli> i wasnt even thinking about having it point itself to $somewindow and move it to a tag
<Nickli> were still on premise i have this window focused, open up the launcher and have it move
<ifreund> sure, I don't think I understand why one wouldn't use a keybind to do that though
<Nickli> yeah it would be rare occasion usage
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<Guest36> hi guys
<Guest36> i couldnt find much of anything about this online or in the manual so here is my issue
<Guest36> floating windows always get focused if the mouse has hovered over them, even if there is a floating window which should have focus instead
<Guest36> its hard to explain so heres an example:
<Guest36> i open an app floating and then go to the about page, which is usually also a floating window. as long as my mouse stays inside of the about window things are fine, but as soon as my mouse leaves the about window and goes into the window of the app, the about window is behind the main window and i cant access it anymore, i then have to move the
<Guest36> main window away
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<Guest36> which is also sometimes difficult/almost impossible because i cant seem to be able to move windows past the bounds of the "compositor window"
<Guest36> are there settings for these two things"
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<ifreund> Guest36: riverctl focus-follows-cursor disabled
<Guest36> thank you
<Guest36> although that disables cursor following completely sadly
<Guest36> and "normal" still has the issue
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<mekeor> hello. i just plugged in another display output (beamer). how do make both my outputs show the same picture?
<vyivel> mekeor: maybe with
<szgy> I wonder if setting the same screen 'coordinates' on kanshi for two outputs would mirror them? (I would say no...)
<mekeor> vyivel: huh, interesting. i was expecting something simple :D especially, i wasn't expecting a "view" on one output to show the content of the second output :D
<mekeor> well, kanshi at least makes two monitors work :D
<mekeor> let's see how to mirror them :)
<mekeor> for the record: emersion pointed me to this issue:
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