Hey all, trying to figure out a way to focus incoming window when using a sticky tag
the usecase is having a floating terminal that comes and goes, it feels really nice except I need to focus the terminal after bringing it into view
aviva: there's no good solution for that currently. the only hack i can think of is to focus only the scratchpad and immediately add currently focused tags (available via river-status) to it, but that's very ugly
if you only want a terminal though, some terminals can do something similar via layer-shell (i think the keyword is drop-down here)
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Is there any way to make a window stretch across all (3) monitors on river? It's quite handy when gaming.
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hello, I'm having trouble setting the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP to "river". The example I have been able to find for this said to use this: `riverctl spawn "systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river` but it doesn't work on my system. Can anyone help with this?
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hello, I'm having trouble setting the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP to "river". The example I have been able to find for this said to use this: `riverctl spawn "systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river` but it doesn't work on my system. Can anyone help with this?
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tiosgz: thank you, that is an interesting idea--my hope was to use the setup for more than just terminals, so I'm interested in a more general solution. Would a PR be accepted to enable this usecase or is this the kind of thing that would fall under rewrite?
rewrite being the WIP window managment protocol
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